"Haha, what were we talking about before!? It's impossible to rely on luck to compete with our experienced eyes! Want to gamble on luck? In the stock market, the only way is to lose all your money!"

"That's right! This Mr. Ye, after all, is a super boss with a net worth of hundreds of billions and owns a major game company and a major entertainment company. How can he not even understand this truth? I think you should quickly invite some of us to do it for you. investment advisor!”

"It was just luck last time! Pity our expert Zhang Yi, but he stumbled a little and was humiliated by the layman Ye Yang. It really makes me very regretful!"

"Mr. Ye has no foundation in the stock market! I feel like he is just a speculator. If you really want to make money in the stock market, you still have to take courses from me, an expert! 3999, from novice to vertical and horizontal stock market! You can't suffer losses or be fooled! !”


This is the time for financial fake experts to revel.

Although everyone dislikes them, there are always idiots who can't help but give them money and support them, so their arrogance suddenly becomes arrogant.

Ye Yang is sitting firmly on Diaoyutai.

To him, more than 10 billion is really just a small amount of money.

If it doesn't work, think of a way to spend a few billion, and this 10 billion system can reward you.

He is already very rich now. Unless a special reward is triggered, otherwise, if he just spends money, the rebate ratio is no longer so exaggerated.

He usually doesn't care too much about small assets and small deposits worth billions or tens of billions in rebates.

On this day, he had just finished writing the novel for this day.

Ye Xiaozi jumped over in surprise and hugged him: "Brother! We are so happy!"


Ye Yang was startled and his expression turned strange: "What a joy!"


Only then did Ye Xiaozi realize that she had been too excited and her words were ambiguous.

So he scratched his head and smiled: "I mean the stock has gone up..."

Ye Yang couldn't laugh or cry, it turned out to be like this.

But how much can it rise?

Billions, tens of billions, etc., couldn't really move him at all, but after all, there was more money, and he felt quite happy.

"Tell me slowly, what's going on?"

Ye Yang smiled.

"One of them is a technological breakthrough made by his own company, and the other suddenly announced a cooperation with a foreign company and introduced the world's most advanced technology!"

"Well, science and technology are indeed the primary productive forces."

Ye Yang felt a little emotional.

Breakthroughs in core technologies are what can truly make finance explode.

Looking at history, every industrial revolution will bring about an unprecedented explosion of the world economy and market, creating countless business legends.

Recently, the competition between China and the United States has reached its peak.

Various sanctions and counter-sanctions come and go.

In China's science and technology, there are indeed many areas where people are stuck, and they are far more than just the wafers that were promoted some time ago.

Therefore, under the call of the country, technology companies similar to the two companies I invested in began their own struggles.

This kind of real major heavy industry company, a company that is sincere and devoted to the development of science and technology, is often the most expensive but fails to achieve tangible results.

Therefore, this kind of technology companies are often disliked by capital and will not invest at all.

Spending so much money may not yield results. Those profit-seeking people with a trillion in hand will not give 100 million to such a technology company.

This leads to the fact that in the market, such companies generally cannot survive...

But now that the situation has changed, these companies have all kinds of support, and various technological advancements and technological innovations are emerging one after another.

Just like the two companies he invested in, they both achieved technological progress, so their stock prices soared!

This is not only the magic of the stock market prediction card, but also the achievement of the times.

He came back to his senses, looked at Ye Xiaozi's excited expression, and couldn't help but smile curiously: "How can you be considered a little rich woman? How much money can make you so happy? Is it possible that you have earned several times?"

"No no no!"

Ye Xiaozi waved her hand: "It's ten times more!!! And it's still rising!"

Ye Yang was a little shocked.

There is still some time before the opportunity to leave provided by the prediction card, but it has not been blocked ten times! ?

Doesn't this mean that he has done nothing for a month?

Just made more than 100 billion! ? !

Ye Yang thought about it in his mind and had to sigh, finance is indeed like a casino, with ups and downs, which is exciting!

But he also knows that the stock market is similar to a casino, and there is always a chance of winning or losing.

Without prediction cards and without knowing how to play, he would not easily get involved in the stock market.

"I'm somewhat looking forward to seeing how high these over 10 billion will eventually rise..."

He also paid attention.

In the end, before the state intervened, one of the two companies' prices increased to 18 times, and the other to 21 times!

After Ye Yang withdrew his capital.

I found out that I actually made two to three hundred billion! ! !

"Winning the lottery only costs 5 million. It is drawn once a month and you win every time. 50 million a year, 500 million in ten years, 50 billion in 100 years, 50 billion in 1,000 years... Even if you win the lottery every time, It took me from the Qin and Han Dynasties until now to earn so much money..."

Ye Yang couldn't laugh or cry.

This is too outrageous!

Such companies that have mastered major scientific and technological breakthroughs will be regulated accordingly by the state.

Naturally, he won't mix it up.

After making money, he withdrew the cash flow.

Two or three hundred billion in cash, even for him now, is not a small amount of money that can be ignored!

The Internet is crazy!

Thousands of stockholders rose up and besieged the top of the financial system.

They vowed to kill those financial experts who were misleading the public!

"Damn it! I must kill you old bitches who talk nonsense! You are the culprits on my road to wealth! I will fight you!"

"If you hadn't been sarcastic and even obviously mocked Mr. Ye Yang before, we would have invested and turned over!"

"My brother is the boss of the Red Hacker Alliance. I must find out your address. Just wait! I've gone to buy a knife!"


The crowd was furious! ! !

Several financial experts were huddled in their homes at the moment, trembling.

They couldn't understand at all how Ye Yang could be so awesome! ?

Every time he invested, they thought it was impossible for them to succeed, but technology companies always got lucky! ! !

"I'm really impressed!"

"Alas... I can only admit defeat!"

"Let's keep a low profile. Looking at the jealousy of those stockholders online, if we show up, we will definitely be hacked to death on the streets!"

"That's right..."

The old men were all scared.

The stock market lost a few experts, but Ye Yang's reputation soared at this time.

Some people have begun to call him the Chinese Buffett!

(Second update)

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