Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 818: Hot summer day, water volleyball

"Who is Buffett!? Buffett can make hundreds of billions with more than 10 billion!?"

"It really is!"

"I think he could be Buffett's teacher!"

"Ha ha……"


The investors were all joking.

"I heard that Buffett sells his lunch. If you want to have a meal with him, you have to make a reservation and spend money. I think Ye Shenhao can do the same! Make a Ye Shenhao lunch, haha!"

"If this really happened, I would eat ten million meals."

"Tch! Stop bragging. Do you have 10 million? Haha..."


Ye Yang checked the long-term investment option in the stock market forecast card.

It will take some time for the best investment stocks to appear. The first few are all short-term small tests. After this long-term investment option comes out, it is the real time to show the awesomeness of the stock market prediction card!

He stretched and looked at the calendar. It was almost August.

The cicadas are buzzing outside, and the vegetation inside the manor is lush.

It's late summer.

In the heated swimming pool in the villa, the maids were playing water volleyball.

The water splashes in bursts, and the crystal water droplets hang on the girls’ beautiful skin, which is a feast for the eyes.

"Hey? Boss! Come down and play together!"

"Yes, the weather is so hot, and the water is very cool!"

When the girls saw Ye Yang coming, they all laughed and tried to pull Ye Yang into the water.

The sun was just right, and looking at the girls' flawless smiles, Ye Yang was in a good mood: "Okay!"

He prepared himself and then went into the water.

He is versatile in sports, and water volleyball is no problem for him.

"Wow! The boss is so awesome!"

"nice shot!"

Traveling between girls, there is close contact from time to time. The softness and coolness are even more precious in the hot summer, making people feel extremely happy.

It's hard to control your body in the water.

Therefore, accidents involving hitting people with the ball also occur frequently.

However, some are accidental and some are intentional.

Ye Yang was surrounded by balls and was at a loss.

The happy time of playing ball always passes quickly, and soon it’s time to drive the water tanker.

The waterwheel squeaked and swayed, and laughter and laughter came from time to time. The girl's body was as soft as a bone. Sometimes she really didn't know whether it was the water or the waterwheel.

It wasn't until the engine ran out of gas that Ye Yang happily went ashore.

"Let's go have lunch!"

Ye Yanggang brought the maids with flushed faces to the restaurant after enjoying themselves, and saw a familiar girl waiting here.

The girl looked dashing and was none other than the beautiful school officer Tang Xinru.

It was an eye-opener for her to see these girls with beautiful figures wearing only bikinis and being slightly wet walking in groups.

Is this the wonderful life of Shenhao! ?

Ye Yang looked at Tang Xinru's stunned look and said with a smile, "Why are you here?"

Tang Xinru has been working in the Science and Technology Department of Shentu Company recently. It is said that Shentu Company has made some breakthroughs in core technology, and she was invited to visit and study.

"You are having a great time!"

Tang Xinru joked.

"If I wasn't happy, wouldn't this world be terrible?"

Ye Yang laughed.


Tang Xinru nodded thoughtfully.

"There happens to be a big dinner at noon today, so you're in time."

Ye Yang signaled the three beautiful chef sisters to serve the food.

"As long as you are here, what meal is not a feast?"

Tang Xinru complained.

"Ha ha……"

Ye Yang spread his hands: "Don't say that, sometimes I remember the bitter and sweet things!"

"You mean eating a big meal costing several thousand yuan to remember the bitterness and sweetness?"

Tang Xinru said with a evil smile.

Ye Yang nodded in disbelief.

A feast is served, with fine wine and delicious food. This meal is prepared by eight top Shandong cuisine masters. It is the top Shandong cuisine in the country.

Since the ingredients are not limited, several masters also want to challenge their peak craftsmanship and taste, so they are not polite and use only the highest quality ingredients.

The ingredients alone make this meal worth nearly two million!

These top chefs are completely knowledgeable.


Is this the top tycoon?

If you want to have a good meal, why don't you spend millions on it? ?

If they knew that every meal in Yundingshan Manor was a feast of this level, their eyes would be so frightened that they would faint on the spot...


These chefs feel that they have achieved the highest level in their lives, and their lives have reached their peak~

Therefore, I introduced it very excitedly and solemnly.

However, the maids were completely used to such expensive meals. However, out of literacy and politeness, they all patiently listened to the chefs' bragging and applauded enthusiastically...

"Okay, let's eat."

Ye Yang laughed.

Several chefs also sat down under his persuasion.

Yu Momo, Xiao Qingxuan, Xiao Xiaozhu, and Tang Xinru sat next to Ye Yang.

"It tastes really good. You are also masters of seafood. Can you comment?"

Ye Yang looked at the three sisters with a smile.

Many dishes in Shandong cuisine are seafood.

Zhou Zhiqian smiled sweetly: "The heat is very good, and it fully produces the umami flavor that seafood should have. The green onion and ginger remove the fishy smell, and paired with this delicious soup, it is enough to be called a masterpiece."

Several top Shandong cuisine masters were very pleased and nodded happily, but they also did not forget to flatter Ye Yang: "Mr. Ye, you are willing to spend a lot of money to buy these top-quality ingredients! If it weren't for you, we would not be willing to make such a real feast."

Ye Yang smiled slightly. If a person succeeds, even a fart will smell good.

It's obviously their good skills, but they have to brag about their wealth.

Food makes people happy.

Ye Yang looked at Tang Xinru: "What have you learned from Shentu Company recently?"

Tang Xinru blushed when she talked about this: "Alas...Shentu Company's technology is too advanced. I have completely understood it since I started to use VR. I can only experience the new products and submit the product reports to the upper level for reference..."

"Oh~ It turns out that I have been playing for so long."

Ye Yang laughed.

What new products Shentu Company launches are basically related to games.

To evaluate products, to put it bluntly, is to play games.

"Since you've been gone for so long this time, there must be new equipment coming out, right?"

Ye Yang knew it in his heart. Watson had told him a few days ago that a new innovation of gaming equipment would be perfected soon.

Tang Xinru's return this time obviously means that this new equipment has come out.

"That's right!"

Tang Xinru took a sip of the soup, her eyes brightened: "I really can't believe that a company can innovate technology three times in more than a year, and each time, it is an innovation that transcends the times! My imagination has really been exhausted this time. This generation of products is too perfect! I can't imagine what else can be improved."


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "Tell me more about it?"

(First update)

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