Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 820 A specially designed virtual reality gaming cabin?

"It seems that the virtual reality game cabin cannot be sold in batches for the time being. It can only be sold at a civilian price after the relevant problems are solved." Ye Yang pondered for a moment.

The first thing to do is to solve the network problem. If the network can be upgraded to 8G or 10G, and the game cabin can be used to build a virtual world, even if it loses money to sell the game cabin, it is completely worth it.

In the future, as described in science fiction novels, a virtual world will be built outside the real world.

People can live in the virtual world, complete work or be provided with convenience.

For example, two people who are far apart can instantly complete the same "meeting" in the virtual world as in the real world.

Many significant experiments can also be completed in the virtual world.

Some experiments cost hundreds of millions or billions of dollars at a time, but in the virtual world, these things are just a pile of data, which is equivalent to conducting high-end experiments at no cost.

Wars can also be resolved in the virtual world.

Everything you want to do but can't do in the real world can be easily achieved in the virtual world.

And the terminal of such a world must be in your own hands.

Now all countries in the world are secretly preparing for the construction of such a global human virtual world. Many foreign Internet companies have begun to develop such a virtual world and call it the metaverse.

However, with the current technology of foreign Internet companies, even if they make it, it is estimated that they can't even achieve the level of full substitution into VR, and they are not in the same era as the virtual reality game cabin.

The new Internet era - the era of virtual world.

The technical terminal must be in the hands of China!

Otherwise, it will inevitably be like the electronic information era, where the wafers and systems are strangled by others, and they use other people's things and are restricted everywhere.

If others get angry and don't let you use it, you will face collapse.

"What is the best communication company in China now?"

Ye Yang asked.

"It's Xiayou Company."

Someone said.

"Well, cooperate with them and come up with 8G technology as soon as possible."

Ye Yang nodded.

The R\u0026D funds he invested in the black technology company are 10 billion per month, which is not directional. Even if 100 billion is invested in communication directional technology every month, it may not be the precise branch technology of 8G.

After all, there are many technologies in the field of communications, and even targeted research cannot accurately identify a specific sub-technology.

If you are unlucky, it is possible that you will not be able to touch 8G for several years.

It is better to directly connect with existing companies for technology and guide them faster.


The scientists present were full of energy.

Shentu is a company that constantly creates miracles. Working here for a year has broadened their horizons.

As an open external company, Shentu Company has gradually replaced the staff of the Ministry of Science and Technology with real human scientists to prevent AI robots from revealing their true colors.

The real AI research and development robots are all in Ye Shenhei Technology Company, hidden very deeply.

Except for Ye Yang, there is no other "person" in the world who knows its existence.

Ye Yang decided to keep this matter absolutely confidential.

It is unfortunate that something that transcends the times appears in a certain era too early.

He cannot even be sure of the storm caused by the real launch of this virtual reality game cabin, let alone something like Ye Shenhei Technology Company, which can be called a BUG level in this era.

If it really gets out, it will definitely cause real turmoil in the world!

Although he is not afraid of the world's turmoil now, he doesn't need to be so.


Tour Shentu Company.

Shentu Company now has the charm of the world's top companies.

The towering office building is magnificent.

In terms of market value alone, Shentu is now the number one company in China without any rivals.

Even Tengxun has to bow down.

Looking at the world, it is already an absolute top company.

Apple, the world's number one company, has a market value of about 4 trillion US dollars.

A few days ago, Shentu's market value surpassed Tesla and became the world's seventh largest super company with a market value of 1.5 trillion US dollars.

Yesterday, Shentu's market value officially reached 10 trillion Chinese yuan! ! !

It is the company with the highest market value in Ye Yang's hands.

"Since this price is destined to be unaffordable for most people, position it as a complete luxury."

Ye Yang made a decision.

"Only sell it to the top rich, one hundred million per warehouse."

Now that the materials are limited, it can't be made too much.

First, cut the rich people's leeks, and after the 8G technology and material problems are solved, use the rich people's money to subsidize ordinary people so that ordinary people can also afford it.

Finally realize the concept of the virtual world.

"Everything is in accordance with your instructions, boss..."

Shentu is not short of money now, and its technology is absolutely leading. It can sell whatever it wants.

Nowadays, more than one billion copies of cheap full-generation VR have been sold worldwide. With the sales of games, the cash flow is so terrifying that the world's super companies are jealous.

As for the somatosensory suits that are ten times more expensive, hundreds of millions of copies have been sold now. With the games above, the cash flow provided is even more terrifying.

Even if all costs are cut, the profits are enough to make Apple jealous.

Which European and American country doesn't want to bite Shentu to death and eat its flesh?

It's a pity that Shentu's technology is all independent and there is no way to deal with it...

You want sanctions?

Okay, your country has been kicked out of our supply list, get out!

With a cash flow of trillions, we don't need your little money.

After determining the next strategy.

Ye Yang prepared to leave.

However, Tang Xinru wanted to experience the new equipment more to write a report, so she asked Ye Yang to stay and experience the latest equipment that came out tonight and "research" with her.

Ye Yang didn't think much about it and agreed.

Obviously, he was also very interested in this new equipment.

After dinner.

They saw the so-called "latest equipment".

The latest equipment is very large.

It looks like a double cabin.

"What is this?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and asked.

"This is a special model. Before 8G technology comes out, it cannot be used for online games. However, this integrated two-person device allows two people to enter the same game and play together. It can be regarded as a supplementary means for multiplayer sports... no, multiplayer games before 8G technology comes out!"

Several scientists looked at Ye Yang and Tang Xinru with serious faces, and laughed in their hearts.

"Because this model itself is prepared for two people with a close relationship, the games built in it are also more "two-person."


After saying that, all the scientists withdrew.

You can only wear underwear when entering the game cabin. Ye Yang didn't care just now, but now there is another beauty here, and it's not easy for them to watch...

(First update)

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