Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 821: Stamp your feet and the world will shake


“Are you sure you want to…”

Ye Yang asked Tang Xinru for her opinion.

The old scientists had made it clear that there were no normal stand-alone games loaded in here.

Since it was a two-player game for close friends.

It was estimated that everyone in it was 18+, although it was just a game.

But the feeling in it was no different from the real thing… Of course, he didn’t care, but Tang Xinru…

“Oh! I knew it a long time ago!”

Tang Xinru blushed: “You are a straight man, you have to say it so clearly!”


Ye Yang said nothing and began to remove his clothes.

The beauty herself didn’t care, so he didn’t need to be shy.

“You will know how straight I am in a while!”


Looking at Ye Yang’s perfect and strong body, Tang Xinru was a little speechless. Although it was not the first time she saw it, it was still fascinating.

After the two entered the game cabin.

When they came back to their senses, they were already inside the game world.

After starting the game, Ye Yang finally understood why those old men were laughing so obscenely.

This game is so exciting!

It is also a level-passing game, but the conditions for passing each level are extremely exciting.

From the beginning, they are honest with each other!

Ye Yang has a gun in his hand.

Tang Xinru is the target, sometimes testing the speed of shooting, sometimes testing the shooting skills, and sometimes testing the shooting posture.

However, Ye Yang has practiced his shooting skills with countless girls, how amazing is that? !

In this kind of game, it seems that there is no fatigue forever, and the physical strength is full.

If it were in reality, even if Tang Xinru was a well-trained soldier, she would not be able to survive so many rounds of shooting.

But now it is so exciting without feeling tired.

Various simulation scenes, the later they are, the higher the difficulty and the higher the technical requirements.

Of course, it is also more exciting.

With the appropriate BGM, the two of them have a wonderful gaming experience that they can't experience in reality.

I don't know how long it will last.

I actually finished the game without realizing it...

There are unlimited bullets in the game.

Otherwise, even if Ye Yang is full of energy, he might feel a little tired.

When he came out again, it was still night.

However, it was already two nights later...

Ye Yang was extremely embarrassed, damn...

This thing seems to be harmful! It's addictive!

Tang Xinru, who was standing next to him, blushed with shame when she thought of everything in the game.

"...Why are you shy? In the game, we are so honest that we can't be more honest. We don't know anything."

Ye Yang asked with a smirk.

"You! You are so straight!"

Tang Xinru muttered weakly.


Ye Yang shrugged proudly: "How is the research going? Is it enough to write a report? If not, let's play again?"

"No, no! It's enough..."

Tang Xinru's face was hot, and she put on her coat and ran out of the experience room like she was escaping.

Ye Yang shook his head. The girl was really strange...

Looked at the messages that he hadn't received in the past two days.

He replied one by one, and one of them surprised him.

Liu Qianqian is going to return to China in two days.

She is the daughter of the landlord he rented before he became successful. She is a rich and beautiful woman who studied abroad. She had asked for leave to come back and see him once before.

This time, she came to China with her mentor to investigate and study, and planned to visit him after arriving in Shanghai.

Ye Yang readily agreed and arranged the itinerary for his mentor and his group to come to China.

It has been almost a year since they last met, and he also missed Liu Qianqian a little.

After walking out of the experience warehouse, he was invited to the conference room.

"Because this game warehouse conference is for top rich people, we need your connections, boss."

The senior executives at the meeting said repeatedly.

They knew that Ye Yang was a big shot even in the top international circles.

"Well, after the game warehouse becomes famous, there will be no shortage of buyers, but the conference still needs some rich people to calm the scene."

Ye Yang nodded.

The price of one hundred million per warehouse, if you ask ordinary people to come, they will be scared to death.

At this press conference, everyone sitting down must be rich people who can afford it.

"Don't worry, just leave it to me."

Ye Yang assured the senior executives.

After returning to Yundingshan Manor.

He first began to contact the rich people in China.

Wang Silin, Mark King, Zhang Ming, Mo Dongshan, Zhuge Yuanmou, Xu Yuanhong... in the business world

People from all walks of life, presidents of various Chinese associations, etc.

Then through their relationships, they contacted other celebrities...

Within a day, the news of the press conference gradually spread in the top circles of China.

Shentu Company's cross-century product was born! Celebrities from all walks of life are invited to attend the press conference!

Top people from all over the world will attend!

This is also a rare opportunity for people in the top circles to expand their circle of friends, so almost no one refuses. After the news spreads, they all want to join this press conference.

If we talk about the proportion, the rich in China may be less than one thousandth of the total population.

A monthly income of over 10,000 yuan can pull down 95% of the people.

However, the population base is there.

Even if only one in ten thousand people can afford this money, there are more than 100,000 people in China alone.

Moreover, the number of people who can afford this money in China is more than one in ten thousand.

"Ahem, isn't this too awesome, boss? With one sentence, the originally worried that there would not be enough seats, suddenly it became hard to get a ticket, and the people who bought tickets were all the top super-rich and super-celebrity from all walks of life!"

The top executives of Shentu Company were all shocked.

This is just China...

Afterwards, Ye Yang sent the news to the International Car Club, the Centurion Club, the Huaye Investment Alliance, and some international friends, such as the Saudi prince.

The next day, the international celebrity circle was also affected by this news!

The top rich circles in the world, Asia, Africa, Europe, America, Australia, and all over the world, all expressed their desire to attend.

In just three days.

An ordinary press conference qualification battle.

It turned into a top rich identity qualification battle!


Looking at the applications sent by the world-famous giants, the people in power behind the major super companies, and the international financial giants.

The top executives of Shentu Company were all stunned.

"I should have known not to ask the boss to do this..."

"Whoever we choose to come in, we will offend those rich people who can't get the admission ticket!"

They were all at a loss whether to laugh or cry.

After this incident, they understood a truth: unless it is the absolute moment, they must not ask the boss to help...

This power is simply too terrifying!

This is the legendary, stomping one foot, the world shakes three times!

(Second update)

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