Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 822: Forcing Wang Bill to enter China


Although Shentu Company is now one of the top super companies in the world, it is too embarrassed to offend so many big shots.

It was announced that tickets would be given away by drawing lots.

This is to stop everyone from being entangled.

Drawing lots is all about luck.

The only thing I can say about entering the venue is good luck.

And if it is based on strength, there are too many ways to sort. Is it based on influence or wealth? By market value or cash flow?

Those who don't happen to be in line will always feel like they're being shortchanged.

Moreover, it is indeed unfair.

Soon, the tickets drawn out by lot flew to all over the world...

For a time, the wealthy circle of friends stopped showing off their luxury cars and mansions, and started showing off their tickets to Shentu’s final technology conference.

"The ticket that represents the ultimate in human gaming technology! Only humans of the highest quality are eligible to enter!"

"It seems that I am lucky! It seems that God has recognized me as a person qualified to witness the existence of the highest technology currently available to mankind."

"I didn't get it! Old John Khan! Do you sell your ticket? If so, I'm willing to pay 10 million US dollars to buy it."

"It's just a ticket, it means nothing at all. Old John Khan, we have such a strong relationship... I will give you the antique worth 30 million US dollars that you have been eyeing for a long time. Please give me this ticket! "


These people have basically transcended worldly desires.

There is no shortage of houses, cars, and money.

The things that ordinary people pursue no longer interest them, and they like the rarest and most rare things in the world.

Nowadays, tickets for the Shentu press conference have been speculated among the top wealthy circles.

With the value of showing off, in the eyes of the rich, it has the value of money.

Until the day before the press conference officially started, the ticket price was once sold to hundreds of millions of dollars!

A single ticket sold for a value that is almost more than most top luxury cars.

Let those ordinary rich people who are still in the luxury car class cry bitterly, feeling that their level is too low, and vow to make their employees work harder and make more money for themselves.

"I really don't understand the things these big guys are comparing themselves to every day..."

"Sigh... My car only costs over 30 million, and no one else's ticket is worth even one-third of it!"

"Stop talking, my house only costs over 80 million yuan, no one's ticket is worth that much!"

"It's so irritating to compare people to each other!"

"Really are……"

All the rich people were crying.

They are not even qualified to grab tickets, so they can only watch helplessly.

Tomorrow is the day of the press conference of Shentu Virtual Reality Game Warehouse.

International bosses and wealthy Chinese businessmen.

They all took special planes, chartered flights, etc. from all over the world and sailed towards the magic city...

The Magic City, which itself is home to wealthy people, is becoming even more prosperous...

However, among the planes heading towards the Magic City, there was one that was different.

This plane is the Wharton School’s special plane.

On it sat the Wharton business group who came to China for study tours.

Among them, the most distinguished vice-president was a white-haired old man. Most of the people on the special plane were in suits and leather shoes, looking like elites.

There was only the old man in a plaid shirt and overalls, looking very casual, and he was reading the newspaper with a magnifying glass.

Beside him, there sat a Chinese girl and a blue-eyed American male elite.

The Chinese girl took a sip of water, and the light shone on her bright eyes. It was Liu Qianqian who was studying in the United States.

This time I came to China for exchange and study, and it was indispensable to have the help of Liu Qianqian, a native of China.

Therefore, Vice Dean Kavor also attaches great importance to Liu Qianqian.

"Bill, you are the most elite in terms of comprehensive strength in the business school today, and Qianqian has the best academic performance in our school. This time you are placed in the same group, so you have to be more modest in your studies!"

Caval ordered.

Bill's family background is the best among the students who visited China. His family assets far exceed 100 billion U.S. dollars and it is a super-large financial group.

While Bill was still in school, he had already been assigned important responsibilities by the family business.

Considered the elite of the elite.

"Of course!"

Bill has always liked Liu Qianqian, but she always said that she already had a boyfriend, and he was very capable, and she hoped he would stop harassing her.

He has always been dismissive of this.

He, an old American aristocrat, always looks down on anyone.

Especially China’s new money people.

Their family has been rich for a hundred or two hundred years, but how many years has it taken for China to revive?

There are not a few companies in the entire country with assets exceeding one trillion Chinese coins. He doesn't believe that there is anyone in China's younger generation who is qualified to compete with him!

In his view, China is all nouveau riche and country bumpkins.

Not worth mentioning.

Liu Qianqian frowned. Even if the courtyard assigned it this way, she would do her own research when the time came and made up her mind not to pay much attention to Bill.


Bill looked at his phone and coughed a few times to attract attention.

"This family thing is really troublesome! I finally came to China for inspection and took a break, but they all assigned me tasks! It's such a headache!"

The other ordinary students next to him looked over with envy.

Although those who can attend Wharton Business School, their families cannot be without money.

But the vast majority of them are like Liu Qianqian's family, ordinary wealthy families with assets of about 100 million.

Compared to Bill, they are families below the poverty line.

"Master Bill, what awesome mission has your family assigned you again!?"

"It's probably a business involving tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of dollars, right?!"

"Nonsense! What's the status of our Master Bill!? He personally came out, how could he handle such a small matter?! I think it's at least a billion dollars of super business!!!"

A bunch of flatterers immediately started to flatter him.

Bill likes to show off, but his advantage is that he is generous.

As long as you flatter him, luxury cars worth hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars will be given to you as toys and gifts.

So, he is surrounded by a bunch of flatterers.

Bill raised his chin with great pleasure, but the flattery of his little brother could not satisfy him at all. He turned his head and looked at Liu Qianqian.

They had no intention of paying attention to him at all...

He twitched his lips and waved the super watch worth tens of millions of Chinese currency in his hand: "Oh! My family asked me to go to China this time to build a forward station for our family's port business in China and get an office space. It must be grand! Show the strong muscles of our family! The budget is not much, within 10 billion US dollars, I can decide it myself~"

In fact, the family only gave him 2 billion US dollars, but of course he had to exaggerate it for the sake of showing off.

Anyway, these little brothers can't verify it.

"Oh my God! He is worthy of being an international top young master!"

"Once he makes a move, it will be at the level of 10 billion US dollars!"

(First update)

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