Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 823: Cash Power Batmobile

Bill's words obviously shocked other Wharton elites present.

"Isn't this too strong!?"

"We don't know if we can get tens of billions of dollars in this life. Master Bill is still in school like us, so he can handle tens of billions of dollars in business at will!"

"Alas! I have to say, the Bill Family Consortium is so awesome! There is no comparison at all!"


All kinds of kind words made Bill very happy.

Take a deep breath and feel a lot more comfortable.

This time, I directly raised the banner of tens of billions of dollars, which will make everyone shocked! ?

He turned his head and even the vice dean looked over.

However, Liu Qianqian still looked at the tablet with a smile on her face, completely ignoring him.

He frowned, tilted his head, leaned over and saw a picture of an extremely handsome man.

He was secretly surprised and shouted: There are such handsome people in the world! ?

He frowned: "Is this your boyfriend!?"


Liu Qianqian finally paid attention to him.


Bill was so angry that he gritted his teeth and took out his little mirror to look at those deep blue eyes! Such noble golden hair!

Although he is not as handsome as Ye Yang, he is a great nobleman in the United States!


And he’s handsome!

Why can't you compare to this guy? ?

He was resentful.


He frowned and muttered in his heart: "I really don't know what to see..."

"Does your boyfriend have any strength?"

he asked directly.

"I'll knock you two down with one punch!"

Liu Qianqian had long been dissatisfied with this unscrupulous Bill who wanted to take advantage of him, so she directly spoke out.


Bill didn't believe it: "I am a veteran in boxing after all! Don't you Chinese men all focus on femininity and beauty? I see that all your Chinese stars have thin skin and tender flesh, and I can beat him with one punch!"

He knew Ye Yang was a star.


Liu Qianqian said calmly: "Since you are from the boxing world, have you heard of Kangtai Nathan?"

"Of course! The world's best boxing champion! Superhuman! The best boxing power! A legend in the boxing world! He defeated all the invincible fighters in the world a few years ago! There is no one in this lonely world."

Bill is actually a dabbler, he just goes to the boxing club to exercise and exercise.

But just to show off, I always say that I am a master.

He once shocked the entire business school by beating up ten of them, but those ten people were just actors hired by him with his money...

"Then do you know the news that he was defeated some time ago!?"

Liu Qianqian curled her lips and said.

"...You don't want to say that the person who defeated him is your boyfriend, right!?"

Bill said in disbelief.

"How about I send you the video directly."

Liu Qianqian walked from the passage.


Bill was confused.

This guy is a bit strong! ?

We haven’t met yet, so I’ll be defeated for a while!

He is not willing to give in!

" doesn't matter if you have muscles! Can you be considered a noble? A true noble has never been more muscular."

He said calmly.

He also secretly swore in his heart that when he waited for China, he would definitely regain his position!

Defeat Liu Qianqian as her boyfriend and win the beauty back home!

He is extremely confident in his status as an old American aristocrat, and there are few people of his generation who can match him.

Not to mention the younger generation of China...

He had met Qin Feng in a Las Vegas casino, who was known as one of the richest second generation in China. His assets were calculated to be only 20 to 30 billion Chinese coins.

He has billions of dollars at his disposal at any time!

There's no comparison at all!

"Haha, I really don't know what to do in China. Our American business community has developed for three hundred years and dominated the world! There are no wealthy businessmen in China that I can take seriously. What is there for us to learn from!?"

He saw that attacking Ye Yang directly would make Liu Qianqian angry, so he prepared to mock her in a roundabout way.

"You're wrong about that."

Vice President Cavour shook his head: "In the past few decades, China has created an unprecedented economic miracle, which the whole world cannot deny. They are too terrible. If we give them another twenty years, I don't know what they will become." What a look!"


Bill was dissatisfied, but he didn't dare to directly confront the deputy dean.

The deputy dean is a big shot!

Cavor lamented: "If we don't learn as soon as possible and face up to this opponent, we will soon be in big trouble. This exchange and learning is very necessary, you must be humble!"


Bill didn't take this to heart at all.

I just feel that I have failed in two waves of pretense, and I am very unhappy.

"You have only returned to China for such a long time. Is your boyfriend coming to pick you up?!"

he asked.


Liu Qianqian answered briefly and didn't want to say anything more.

This Bill did have a deep family background, and she was a little worried that Bill would trouble Ye Yang.

Although I had seen Ye Yang's tyranny last time I came back.

However, he is only a billionaire businessman.

In China, it may be able to look down on all directions, but compared with the international conglomerate behind Bill, I'm afraid it won't be enough.

She was afraid that Ye Yang would suffer.

However, on second thought, this is China's home court. Even if Ye Yang's assets are worse, he will not be suppressed by Bill...

It just feels a little disgusting after all...

The plane landed at Hongqiao Airport in Shanghai very quickly.

Because of the Shentu press conference, many great people came these days!

The airport took off and landed frequently.

After the group walked down.

They were all a little surprised.

"I didn't expect that China also had such an international super airport."

"Before coming, I thought there were not many airports in China."


Deputy Dean Kaval shook his head. These rich young men in the United States were seriously harmed by the brainwashing tactics of the Western media.

Many Europeans and Americans still have the impression of China from decades ago.

Little did they know that in just a few decades, China has almost leaped over the dragon gate, and there have been too many changes...

He was very emotional.

Students of a business school are so ignorant of the world's second largest market - China!

How can this be possible? !

He told the students to take a good walk in Shanghai first.

Take a good look at the charm and charm of this Chinese business capital today.

He himself took a special car to the booked five-star hotel first...

"Haha, nothing special."

Bill was still stubborn, but he was shocked in his heart.

It was really different from what he expected...

This area was the aristocratic airport, and Wharton had booked this area today.

Soon, the Bill family's domineering welcoming car team arrived.

His privately customized Batmobile, worth more than 80 million, drove in front of him. He always compared himself to Young Master Wayne in "Batman". What is superpower?

Sorry, I don't have superpowers, only money power!

He was just about to brag to Liu Qianqian about his Batmobile, and then he saw another super luxury car team coming...

(Second update)

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