Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 824 If you don't obey, I'll teach you a lesson


The fleet of luxury cars was soon in place.

At the front is a Koenigsegg One1, worth 130 million.

Like a dragon lying there, there is an indescribable sense of fluidity and power.

In the car, Ye Yang got off.

Behind him, among more than a dozen luxury cars, various drones rose.

Finally, a huge heart with a diameter of ten meters formed behind Ye Yang.

"Welcome back."

Ye Yang was dressed in a suit and leather shoes. He was unparalleled in handsomeness and extraordinary temperament. He walked towards Liu Qianqian with a smile.

Liu Qianqian's eyes were also flashing with luster: "Is it so grand!?"

Although he said it on his lips, he felt sweet in his heart.

"Ha ha……"

Ye Yang looked at the blond hunk following Liu Qianqian, who was also a kind of Wharton School elite, and whispered in her ear: "I know you are bringing your classmates with you when you return to China this time. I guess there are many suitors for you, right?"


Liu Qianqian felt warm in her heart. She said something casually and Ye Yang remembered it.

Normally, Ye Yang rarely shows off his financial resources. This welcoming ceremony is obviously Ye Yang's way of declaring his strength to potential competitors, so as to save these people from causing trouble to her in the future.

"I'll go...I heard Qianqian say that her boyfriend in China is also a rich man. He's well-deserved today!"

"So many drones and a dozen top-notch luxury cars! It's so awesome!"

"Together, I'm afraid it will cost more than 100 million U.S. dollars, right?"

"More than that, it should be around 200 million US dollars! These drones are also top-notch!"


In order to come to China to study, these academic masters had all taken tutoring courses in Chinese and were able to get into business schools. Even those with connections like Bill, their learning ability was still beyond that of most people, and they could already communicate in Chinese.


Bill listened to the classmates who originally praised him praise Ye Yang behind him, and at that moment, a male desire to win arose in his heart.

"Aren't they just the natives of China! I also have a dozen Batmobiles at home! Together they will crush him!!!"


The younger brothers obviously saw that the rich young master was angry, and were afraid that the money would not be dispersed when he returned, so they started praising Bill again.

"Haha, of course! Who among the younger generation in China can compare with you, Master Bill! You are the master of an international super conglomerate!"

"Yes, that's right! Where is your strength! A Chinese boy can't compete with an old noble like you!"


A lot of chatter.

People are afraid of drifting.

After hearing these words, Bill was full of confidence and walked forward directly: "Are you Liu Qianqian's boyfriend!?"

Ye Yang could tell where the other person was coming from just by looking at his pickled face.

At first glance, he is the jealous king of America and one of Liu Qianqian's suitors.

Liu Qianqian has fair skin, good looks, long legs, first-class temperament and a good family background. She will attract countless strong men to pursue her wherever she is.

Ye Yang could naturally imagine how many elites Liu Qianqian had to face every day in the Wharton School of Business, where there were so many elites.

He will take this opportunity to clear this obstacle for Liu Qianqian!

A year ago, he didn't have this strength and ability.

But now, he is good enough to talk to anyone in the world as an equal, let alone a bunch of kids who are still in school!

"Are you that little pickled fish with ulterior motives?"

Ye Yang asked lightly.


"What did you say!?"

I had just learned Chinese for a short time, so naturally I didn’t quite understand what it meant, but I subconsciously felt that it was not a good word.

Bill frowned.

"You mean, Master, you are a toad who wants to eat the toad in the swan's meat!"

The old butler next to him who was proficient in Chinese said.


Bill was furious.

The Wharton students in the back all felt the murderous intent.

Love rivals are extremely jealous when they meet.

In their opinion, these two are difficult to offend, and it is best not to get involved...

However, Bill is their eldest brother after all, and eating his food and drinking his food will definitely favor him.

"Ye Yang, don't be like him."

Liu Qianqian advised.

She knew that with Ye Yang's current strength, he was definitely not afraid of Bill, but there was an old American consortium standing behind him, which was extremely powerful, and she was also afraid that Ye Yang would suffer in the end.

"Don't worry Qianqian."

Ye Yang smiled lightly and pinched Liu Qianqian's little face: "The guy in this world who is qualified to covet my woman has not been born yet!"


This act of pinching one's face made Bill extremely angry, and he said calmly: "I know you have a small amount of assets in China, but if you want to compare with me, you are too young!"

Ye Yang glanced at him like an idiot: "Emotions cannot be measured by money."

"But men should speak with their strength!"

Bill had already thought of the wording and said calmly: "In the United States, the law of the jungle is that the jungle is the law of the jungle! If you are not strong enough as a male, your mate will be taken away! Do you understand!?"

Ye Yang smiled: "So you are a beast living in the jungle, and I am a person living in a warm society. The species are different. What can you and I talk about!?"


Bill was confused, this was not going according to the routine!

The younger generation and the rich second generation are all full of energy and blood, and they won’t obey anyone!

According to his imagination, after irritating Ye Yang like this, the other party should say who is afraid of whom, let's compete...

Why did you humiliate yourself by beating around the bush! ?


Everyone present almost couldn't hold back their laughter.

Ye Yang's mouth was too mean.

Especially Liu Qianqian, who didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Bill gritted his teeth in anger and said directly: "Chinese people really don't have much courage! They are just cowards! They retreat when it comes to hard power competition!!!"

A hint of coldness flashed in Ye Yang's eyes. He is now part of the Chinese will! How can he allow others to laugh lightly?

"But speaking of it, people occasionally go to the jungle to hunt animals."

Ye Yang said lightly: "If you don't accept it, I will teach you how to be a man today!"


Bill laughed loudly: "Okay! I want to see how you teach me how to be a man!?"

"Are you proud of your car?"

Ye Yang said lightly.

"Yes! There are 23 Batmobiles in my family! Each one is worth nearly 100 million Chinese yuan! Some even exceed 100 million Chinese yuan! You are a nouveau riche with no background, it is impossible to compare the background of an old noble like me!"

Bill sneered.


Ye Yang raised his lips: "Since you want to use this little toy to compare your strength, I will satisfy you!"

After that, he made a phone call.

In the garage of Yundingshan Manor, all the sleeping luxury cars woke up at the same time!

After a while, a terrifying convoy of super luxury cars surged out, leaving all the car owners on the streets of the Magic City dumbfounded...

The traffic flow was long and long!

"Oh my God!!!"

Under the eyes of the public, this terrifying stream of luxury cars pressed towards the Magic City Hongqiao Airport...

(First update)

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