"Really... this isn't a secret base, but they still have to search you once you enter.……"

Ye Xiaozi muttered.

But since she was already here and had spent the money, she couldn't bear to turn around and leave. She could only endure the slight dissatisfaction in her heart and wait for the security check.

Ye Yang frowned slightly.

Now the Disneyland in the Magic City is his. He had also read the news about the body search rules on the Internet. He originally thought it was a rumor, but he didn't expect it to be true.

"We have to cancel this thing in two days."

Ye Yang shook his head.

Going through the security check was enough to prove everything. It was a bit too much to conduct a body search that made people feel very uncomfortable.……


The five people passed through the security gate casually.

When they saw Ye Yang and his group coming

, the staff members who were conducting the body search brightened up. One of the male employees, who was obviously dressed in a more upscale manner, whispered something to the female employee next to him. The female employee could only nod in silence, obviously accustomed to the male employee's words.


Ye Yang frowned, and felt a subconscious disgust when he saw the obscene face of the male employee.

""Okay, go ahead."

The male employee had a hooked nose and small eyes, which made him look very mean. He just patted Ye Yang's body and let him pass. He was obviously impatient for what was to come.


Ye Xiaozi saw that the male employee did not step aside and wanted to continue searching her body, so she stepped back subconsciously.

Frowning, she asked,"What do you want to do!"

"What for?"

The male employee laughed and said,"Do you understand the formal procedures? If you want to go in, accept my search obediently!"

"There is clearly a female employee next to you, what do you mean?"

Ye Xiaozi was obviously unhappy

"Why is your sister so unreasonable? Come here quickly! There are people waiting for you behind!"

The male employee frowned and scolded her with specious arguments.

If it were an ordinary girl, she would feel sorry for the one or two thousand yuan ticket and would probably just suffer a little loss.

He used this trick and I don't know how many beauties he had eaten.

It was obvious that he was determined to win today.

The female employees on the side also turned a blind eye. It was obvious that they were used to this matter and didn't want to care. They were just a group of students who came to Disneyland to play on Sunday.

They didn't dare to offend this male employee with some background.

The male employee approached obscenely and stretched out his evil hands:

"You don't want to go in? Huh? Come on, give it to me.……"

Before he could finish his words, the male employee felt a huge force coming from the back of his neck.

Then, the world turned upside down and his body entered a state of weightlessness.


"cough cough……"

He stared with his eyes wide open, and the huge force threw him against the wall three meters away. After a fierce collision, he fell heavily to the ground. He was so dizzy that he almost vomited blood.


The female employee at the side was obviously also startled. She looked at the young man who was clapping his hands nonchalantly, with a trace of horror in her eyes.

How could this man just start fighting as soon as he said so?

And he was so strong!?

"My sister, are you a bastard qualified to touch her?"

Ye Yang clapped his hands indifferently, looking coldly at the male employee who was obviously badly injured.

"You dare to hit someone? Do you believe me, I will call security?!"

The male employee rolled over and got up, shouting at the top of his lungs.

""Whatever you want."

Ye Yang sneered,"I want to see, is this how the old boss of Disneyland disciplines his subordinates? He really lacks family education."


The male employee felt like he had broken several bones, his eyes were fierce, but what he did was against the rules after all, so he didn't dare to call the security guard in.

He glanced at the backpacks on Xiao Qingxuan and Xiao Xiaozhu's backs, his eyes turned, and evil thoughts rose in his heart.

The other female employees saw that they had encountered a tough guy and knew that something bad was going to happen, so they came up one after another to say nice things to make amends.

"Sir, we are here to check on your sister.……"


Ye Yang chuckled:"What? He was lying dead next to you just now, and now he's resurrected?"


Several female employees lowered their heads in shame, not daring to talk back.

They didn't have the background of the male employee. If things got out of hand here, they would be fired!

In order to keep their jobs, they didn't dare to talk back to Ye Yang at this moment.

"no problem……"

After the inspection, several female employees apologized to Ye Yang.


At this point, the male employee finally calmed down and stood up with a grin:"There's nothing wrong with your luggage, but you have to know that you can't bring your own food into Disney! This is not a low-level amusement park that anyone can enter!"

(The third update, there is one more)

(Hehe, I saw everyone’s rewards. There are nearly a hundred gifts. I am very touched~ There were too many small gifts before, and the space is limited. I can only say thank you here! Today I would like to thank the large gifts I received before!)

(In the future, Jiuyang will thank everyone for their gifts at the end of the chapter!)

(Thanks to book friend tk for the inspiration capsules! Thanks to book friends 5109/3068 for the urging talismans!

Thanks to book friends 1099/1536 for the inspiration capsules! Thanks to book friends 1139/3799 for the urging talismans!

Thanks to book friend Xiao Mowang for the urging talismans! Thanks to book friend Shenhao Wen Du Ai Zhe for the inspiration capsules and urging talismans!

Thanks to book friends 1111/1054 for the urging talismans! Thanks to book friend Moxue Shenjiang for the inspiration capsules! Thanks to book friend Jun Zhao for the urging talismans! Thanks to book friend 2119/5077 for the urging talismans! Thanks to book friend Xiao Hugua for the inspiration capsules!)

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