
Ye Yang narrowed his eyes:"A cat or a dog?"

"That’s right! You guys just think the food and drinks sold in Disney are too expensive, so you can’t afford them, so you prepare your own food and water! Haha……"

The male employee sneered:"A poor fellow like you is worthy of coming to this noble Disneyland!? It's so embarrassing! Hahahaha……"

"Either you throw all the things you carry outside, otherwise you still can't go in!"

""Hey! Are you guys too domineering?"

The tourists who were originally prepared to watch the show complained.

They were here for fun.

Ye Yang's beating up the wretched man was much more exciting than playing games.

They were also enjoying the show, so they were not in a hurry to go in.

Many tourists here brought their own food and water, and they were not happy when they heard this man's shouting.

After all, it involved their own interests!

"It says online that you can bring your own!"

"What the hell!?"

"A small hamburger here costs over 60 yuan, what's the difference between this and robbery? We are not even allowed to bring our own food! ? The tickets are expensive enough!"

"That's it.……"

These tourists are very angry

"If you can't afford it, then don't come! ? Is this the place for you! ?"

The wretched man who had just been beaten up and lost all his face sneered, and now he regained his confidence and was extremely proud.

"Do you think we brought food in because we couldn't afford to eat it?"

Ye Yang felt a little amused.

"What? Isn't it true? You'll stop quibbling only if I shake out the contents of your bag and embarrass you in public! ?"

The male employee sneered.

"Okay, you can check the things in my bag, but if there is any damage, you will have to compensate me in full later."

Ye Yang smiled lightly and casually set a trap for the male employee.

"Ha! I am dying of laughter! A few loaves of bread, a few bottles of water, how much are they worth! ? Do you think I am a poor bastard like you! ? I will compensate you!"

The male employee Zhang Li sneered and stretched out his hand:"Give it to me!"


Xiao Qingxuan's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

"Wouldn't it be better to give it to him and let him pay for it later?"

Ye Yang said with a smile

"That's true."

Thinking of this, Xiao Qingxuan smiled and looked at Zhang Li with some sympathy:"I'm afraid your whole life will end here."


The tourists nearby were also interested, and were obviously confused. Zhang Li was knocked unconscious, and they could see clearly that he was stupid.

How could a guy who could lead four beauties and act without scruples, and whose power was beyond ordinary people, be an ordinary person! ?

"What's in this bag?!"

"No matter how expensive it is, it's just some food and drink for a trip... It won't cost this guy his whole life.……"

These tourists kept talking and didn't want to enter the amusement park anymore. It was obvious that the scene here attracted them more.


Zhang Li fell to the ground, and was so angry that he shook out all the things in the two backpacks and threw them on the table.


The first bag was filled with luxury iced drinks and various expensive champagnes kept cold by a layer of dry ice.

When they were roughly shaken out, several bottles were directly knocked over.


In another bag, all kinds of luxurious, beautifully packaged gold foil cakes and supreme desserts were also spilled.

Many cream products were smudged.……


Zhang Li has some background and knowledge from his uncles and aunts.

"this this this……"

He saw a broken bottle of wine, and his heart suddenly trembled...Ice-cold Lafite red wine?!

"F*ck… who brings red wine and high-end cakes when going out for fun!!! How many hundreds of millions do you have at home?!"


He was a little confused and could only comfort himself:"They are all fake! They must be fake!"

But he knew very well that the possibility of them being fake... was extremely low!

"Okay, there's no need to count them one by one. I'll give you a discount. These two bags of damaged items will cost you 2.5 million yuan to prove that you are an idiot."

Ye Yang said casually.


"250w! ?"

"This...?! Is this true?……"

The tourists on the side were all a little confused. Two bags of food and drinks are worth more than two million! ?

Ye Yang was also a little helpless. He directly packed up the things in the Bentley Mulsanne and brought them in.

These things were prepared for him by Yu Momo. He didn't know how much they were worth, so he just casually reported a number.

Even Ye Xiaozi couldn't believe it and covered her mouth.

Li Wanrou, who was born into an aristocratic family, smiled and counted them:"This is Ice Point Lafite, one bottle is about 170,000 Chinese yuan. This is Brazilian Sunshine Coconut Juice, one bottle is about 50,000 Chinese yuan. This bottle is Lando Original Champagne, one bottle is about 350,000 Chinese yuan, and this is Best Solo Drink, these are about 670,000 yuan."

She moved her eyes to the other side.

Following her quotation, Zhang Li's heels had already softened, and the only remaining fantasy supported him to stand there

"Gold foil carat cake, 300,000 Chinese Yuan per small square. The ones you decorated are probably worth more than 1.5 million."

"There are other things that are worth about five million. Brother Ye asked you to pay two and a half million, which is very kind!

Zhang Li almost passed out when he heard Li Wanrou's offer. You call this kindness!?

(The fourth update is here! Thanks to the book friend who stood on the grave to command the ghosts and the fairy friend Bing Xin for the mooncake~)

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