Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 830 The real power of the top ten financial groups

The banquet ended in this awkward atmosphere.

Before leaving, all the Chinese bosses smiled, and they were so happy when they thought of Bill's face.

As for Bill, the organizer of the banquet, the butler was afraid that he would really jump off the building, so he took him away from the banquet after a while.

The opening ceremony was held by other members of the Mason Group.

The news that the Mason Group had lost face spread like wildfire as the banquet ended.

"What?! The venue that the Mason Group rented for ten times the rent was actually owned by his rival!?"

"Haha... this young master Bill has lost face!"

"It seems that the reputation of the Mason Group cannot withstand the deterrence of Ye Shenhao in the Magic City!"


Everyone was sighing.

Those who knew about this matter had a higher opinion of Ye Yang.

Dare to slap the face of the Mason Consortium so openly.

It is basically equivalent to slapping the face of the American tyrants!

Isn't he afraid! ?

Nowadays, who can bypass the world hegemon of the United States when doing business internationally! ?

Even many of the business tycoons in Magic City have suffered losses from the Mason Consortium. Once this happened, Ye Yang's reputation has risen to a higher level!

"Tomorrow, Ye Shenhao will attend the launch of Shentu's latest concept machine as a shareholder."

This news also began to spread wildly in Magic City!

Many Chinese and foreign tycoons who have come to Magic City are paying attention to this matter, and this news was soon known to them.

Although it was known before that Ye Yang was a shareholder of Shentu.

But being able to attend this press conference as a leader obviously means that he has a very high status in Shentu!

Now Shentu is already one of the top few transcendent companies in the world and a behemoth in the business world!

Even many consortiums will treat it equally.

In today's world business world, the United States is respected. The largest business forces in the United States are the top ten consortiums and the top ten families.

However, most of the top ten families have participated in the consortium, so it is not an exaggeration to say that the top ten consortiums are hidden behind the United States Congress and the highest will of the United States.

For example, the world's largest consortium, the Rockefeller Consortium, is mainly composed of the Rockefeller family, the first family of the United States.

These consortiums control all aspects of the United States, and their influence is far beyond the reach of any company or individual.

In front of these consortiums, the world's richest men are nothing.

No matter how powerful the richest man is, he has only opened one or two powerful companies and pioneered a technological precedent.

Under the name of any consortium, there are more than dozens of the world's top super companies, and very few of them are commercial companies, but are world pillar industries such as oil, military industry, aerospace, and electricity, which will never participate in property evaluation and will not be listed.

Any of the top ten consortiums in the United States is enough to deter the whole world.

Although Ye Yang is invincible in the world, if he really compares with the top ten consortiums, unless he takes out the real trump cards, or as the hurricane monarch, or represents the will of China, otherwise, he really can't compete with a consortium.

Fortunately, each consortium is made up of many interest groups and families, and there is no unified will inside.

For example, in the Rockefeller Foundation, no single person in the foundation can determine the direction of more than one-tenth of the foundation's energy.

In terms of personal will, no one can suppress Ye Yang.

But if the entire foundation is dragged down, it is indeed a threat to him.

Even Ye Yang himself thinks so.

Others who don't know all his cards feel even more desperate.

Therefore, Ye Yang's provocation of the Mason Group almost caused a huge wave in the business world!

It is almost the first time for China to take the initiative to provoke one of the top ten foundations in the United States as an individual!

Everyone who hears it trembles!

After all, the value of the foundation that controls the lifeblood of the world, such as energy, military industry, coinage, aviation, etc., is completely inestimable.

It can only be said to be priceless!

This is no longer a collision of wealth, but a confrontation at the level of world trends!

"It is said that the controller of the Mason Consortium, Doyle Mason, will also be present tomorrow. This should be the person with the highest status ever received by the Chinese business community."

"Ye Yang attended the Shentu press conference, probably to take the opportunity to ease the relationship between himself and the Mason Consortium."

"I think so too. Although he is already the god of the Chinese business community, he is still a little inferior to this super boss who can almost influence the direction of the world."


The American consortium controls almost all pillar industries, and the leader of the American government is just a spokesperson. The real core decisions must be discussed with the consortium.

Every consortium leader can be called the shadow emperor of the United States.

The news that such a big man is about to arrive in China has detonated the entire Chinese business community.

Even the world business community!

No one expected that a Shentu press conference would actually trigger the most powerful emperor-like figure in the shadow of the world to move...

Doyle Mason is the undisputed first guest of this press conference!

Including the guests who were coming, the top few bigwigs on the current American rich list were all extremely shocked.

The news that Doyle Mason was coming was finally confirmed the night before the press conference.

It spread throughout the international business community in an instant!

This is a super big deal!

In a luxurious private jet worth tens of billions.

Doyle Mason flipped through the report on the trend of the world economy.

At this point, he has to make decisions that can affect the world economy.

His face is old, but there are no spots on his skin. His eyes are deep and shining with wisdom. He doesn't look like an 80-year-old man at all.

"I already know about Bill's matter."

He nodded to the person who reported to him.

"This Chinese man is really bold! He dared to provoke our Mason Consortium! I want him to know how powerful the Mason Consortium is!"

The person who reported was obviously also an elite of the Mason family, and said indignantly.

Doyle Mason raised his eyelids and looked at him deeply, which made him feel cold all over: "Old man, am I wrong!?"

"You still have a lot to learn..."

Doyle Mason shook his head: "Before saying this, you didn't even know anything about him. This is the source of all failures."

The person reporting turned pale and said repeatedly: "I have done my homework in advance. This Ye Yang is the god of business in China, a legendary figure. The personal wealth he owns is far more than the world's richest man, and can even be compared to a small consortium. However, compared with our Mason Consortium, it is not at the same level at all!"

"I think he is used to staying in China. , have never seen the vastness of the international business world! They think that other businessmen in the world are like Chinese businessmen, with no power and only money. In fact, the common phenomenon in the world is that chaebols and capital control everything and have supreme power. "

"We, the families that control the highest capital power, can easily defeat or even wipe out all forces except the five major countries. Unless he can represent the power of the five major countries, he is not worthy of being on an equal footing with our top ten consortiums!"

"He misjudged the power of the Mason Consortium and underestimated our strength."

"So, he dared to be so arrogant!"

The person who reported expressed his views...

(The first update, the real opponent of the future has appeared! The real top layout of the world has also been revealed.)

(PS: Jiuyang wishes everyone a happy National Day!)

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