Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 831 The True Dragon will appear in the East of the World

"What if I said, he represents that power?"

Doyle Mason's eyes were as deep as black holes.


Charles, the elite of the Mason family, was stunned for a moment, then shook his head decisively: "This is absolutely impossible! With China's special situation, it is impossible for a businessman like him to develop too much!"

"You're very smart, you're just too arbitrary."

Doyle Mason does not blame Charles. After all, the other party is just an elite of the Mason family. Although the intelligence resources he possesses are terrifying, the person who can find out who controls the divine land is Ye Yang.

However, after all, it was more than one level behind the intelligence resources he, the controller of the consortium, had!

"He is one of the wills of China."

Doyle's words were so shocking that Charles' legs shook in fright.

"How is this possible!? One of the Nine Wills?"

Charles asked shakily.

"It's the one closest to the nine core wills."

Doyle put down the World Wealth Trend Report in his hand and looked outside the plane...


Charles' expression softened slightly: "This identity is indeed... a bit scary, but it's just too ridiculous! Based on my understanding and speculation about China, this is impossible!"

"That proves that you still don't understand China."

Doyle sighed: "They are the most special civilization in the world, and their leaders are the most difficult to fathom and the most noble people in the world. Unfortunately, they are completely different from the ultimate world structure we are pursuing... . This is irreconcilable. After all, we must deal with each other from the perspective of opponents. If possible, the top ten financial groups will never want to be enemies."


This was the first time that Charles heard the Shadow Emperor talk about China's will, and he took note of it carefully.

"This Ye an anomaly."

Doyle Mason talked back to Ye Yang.

"Do you think that just a press conference can really seduce me?"


Charles was speechless.

The controllers of the top ten financial groups are the uncrowned king of the United States, the emperor in the shadows, and the real controllers behind Congress. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are among the dozens of people with the highest status in the world.

No matter what novelty there is, it is impossible to induce the rightful owner to come openly.

Several other major consortiums also used the personal names of a certain family or company within the consortium to find a few apparently wealthy members.

And when Doyle came forward, he represented the entire Mason Consortium!

This is incredible...

This is as absurd as a certain science and technology conference in the United States, inducing one of China's nine core wills to attend!

He had always been puzzled, and now he shook his head honestly.

"Because this guy may change the fundamental structure of the world in the future."

Doyle said calmly.

"This...this is impossible!"

This is even more unbelievable. Today, the old man is so speechless that he will never stop talking!

Charles was completely stunned: "Even if the Nine Wills are determined to change the fundamental structure of the world, after so many times, they are still far from success!"

How can one Ye Yang change the fundamental structure of the world! ?

"Do you know why our top ten financial groups are so powerful?"

Doyle asked rather than explain.

"It goes without saying! We have mastered the foundation of the world! 70% of the world's oil, and basically all the oil in the United States, is monopolized by our consortium and the Rockefeller consortium!"

"The lead in the entire United States is controlled by lead companies under our name."

"The Rockefeller Group, the Cleveland Group, and our group still have a monopoly on the steel industry in the United States."

"There are also hundreds of pillars of the world, such as finance, aluminum, coal mining, shipbuilding, and other industries, all in our hands!"


Doyle nodded: "Yes, the reason why the consortium is powerful lies in its control of the fundamentals of the world. Originally, any force in the world, whether it is an individual, a company, a consortium, or a country, cannot circumvent these fundamentals of the world if it wants to develop.

This phenomenon is what our top ten financial groups call: fundamental shackles.

As long as this shackles are not broken, no one or force can challenge us.

In fact, this has been true for the past two hundred years.

But this kid broke through this blockade.

It has accomplished something that no force or country in the world has been able to do in the past two hundred years...even more than the United States itself..."

Charles Mason did not expect Doyle to give such high praise to Ye Yang.

It feels like he is talking about a myth...

"First of all, he broke our monopoly in the computer field. He did not use the binary-based algorithm programming created in Europe and the United States. The basic theory used in his full-substitute VR and somatosensory clothing is brand new. system……"

"According to our scientists, it looks like it was created by aliens. It is impossible for people on earth to create such a thing."

"With this theoretical system, now it has undergone a new round of technological changes. Do you think it is not scary?"


Charles felt a shiver run down his spine when he was told this.

"You only see that this is a toy. But in the eyes of the top ten financial groups, this is the power that is enough to rule the future virtual world. The power that should be in our hands is now in the hands of such a Chinese."

Doyle's tone became grim: "This is something that the top ten financial groups will never allow!"

"This, this is terrible."

Charles' lips were trembling.

The future virtual world, namely the metaverse, is highly valued by the top ten financial groups, and they are investing in the world's top Internet companies such as Faceb to conduct research and development.

Whoever masters it will master the three major aspects of social, information, and entertainment in the future world.

"That's not all. As far as I know, the recent nuclear fusion storm in China was also achieved by his company."

The more Doyle said.

The more Charles felt cold all over.

"Energy is the essence of the world and the root of society. The oil, coal, and electricity we control are the roots of the roots of the world. But he has developed nuclear fusion, which can be said to have broken the monopoly from the root of the root. The future China may break all our blockades because of him alone."

"The real dragon will appear in the east of the world!"

Doyle's voice was low, and he looked at the Chinese land that was about to arrive outside the plane window, with endless fear in his expression...

This shadow emperor is in fear! ! !

(Second update)

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