Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 832: Press conference, world leaders gather

"So, old man, what is your real purpose of going to China this time?"

Charles asked confused.


Doyle Mason pondered for a moment: "He is a rising star with a complicated identity. I think he is likely to become our friend."

"How is this possible? He is Chinese."

Charles shook his head, feeling that what the old man said today was far beyond his understanding.

"Your layout is still too small."

Doyle Mason shook his head: "This has nothing to do with the country. The fundamental thing we fight with them is the final pattern of the world. In the final analysis... it is a battle of ideas. The expectations for the ultimate pattern of the world are based on personal ideals and Determined by interests and worldview demands.”

"Do you know why China doesn't allow businessmen to have any rights?"

"It's because their core interests and identities determine the ultimate world they want us to appeal to."

"I don't know why China would be open to this Yeyang Network and break this taboo, but I believe that businessmen who can achieve this level cannot have different demands from us."

"As long as he is a businessman, he has capital."

"He must be our ally."

"I came here this time to represent all the will of the top ten financial groups to talk to him and find out the roots of his ideas. It was just a test."


"What if he is indeed our enemy?"

Charles asked doubtfully.


Doyle was silent for a long time, and then slowly said: "I hope he is not."

There was no more sound in the plane.

The behemoth passed through the clouds, and the bustling cityscape of the Magic City ahead could be seen extremely clearly from high in the sky.

It's really shocking.

"It is said that China now has several international metropolises that are extremely dazzling in the world. It is indeed good."

Doyle sighed.

When he was in his prime, China was still poor and weak. At that time, he felt that the ultimate goal of the world pursued by the Nine Wills of China was extremely ridiculous and violated his world view...

But now, with the growth of China.

He felt shaken in his heart...

He knew very well the significance of today's business.

In this world, it is ultimately the victory of a few people or the victory of the entire human race.

Perhaps, it all depends on today’s conversation...

The Magic City Shentu Building.

In order to hold this press conference, Shentu directly bought the building.

Today's Shentu ranks among the top in the world in terms of market capitalization, and its cash flow is even more coveted by Apple, the world's number one company.

It can be said that he is extremely wealthy!

Not bad at all.

Giants and predators from all over the world gather here.

Wang Silin and Mark Jin were also present.

Jack Ma, the founder of Riba, who has not been seen much in recent years, also appeared again today.

The world's top influential figures are also present.

The real-life Iron Man - Aaron Mark, faceb founder Zabo, etc., are all gathered here.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the most top-notch, most upscale, and most pinnacle financial gathering that the world can possibly bring about.

Even, with the announcement of the arrival of Doyle Mason, one of the shadow emperors of the United States.

The eyes of those in power who are hidden deepest in the world and can determine the future direction of mankind also looked over.

The twenty largest financial groups in Europe and the United States, the nine great wills of China, the Great Emperor of Tsarist Russia...

Even though the big guys who were qualified to play chess on the world chessboard were not present in person, they all paid attention to the banquet.

All the details of this banquet will fall in their eyes...

The meeting between the Tenth Will of China and the Shadow Emperor of the United States.

This caused concern among all those in power.

They don't know Doyle's purpose, nor Ye Yang's thoughts.

In the worst case scenario, the game of world trends will fall into a new era and situation after this press conference...


Ye Yang, appeared.

Accompanying him was a low-key and luxurious black car.

If we only talk about price, it is almost inferior to most of the world's top luxury cars.

However, the meaning represented by this car overshadows all so-called top luxury cars.

Hongqi L5!

In China, only those with the highest status, the purest family background, and the most respect are eligible to buy it.

It is known as the most difficult car to buy in the world.

Driving it represents a status and energy that transcends money.

This press conference was limited to exchanges between the highest social circles.

This kind of collective activity among the top bosses will not reveal any information to ordinary people outside.

All social clips of top bosses that can be seen by ordinary people.

They are all approved by the big guys and allowed to be spread.

It is difficult for ordinary people to see the real top rich enjoying life. They can only see the world's richest man Zuckerberg driving a civilian car with 200,000 Chinese dollars to buy groceries. They can only see Jack Ma wearing cloth shoes and saying "I am right" Money is not interesting...

That's not really them.

That's what they want the outside world to know about them.


Yu Momo, Xiao Qingxuan, and Xiao Xiaozhu followed Ye Yang.

Within the building.

Many top bosses came to welcome him.

The atmosphere is lively and welcoming.

There is no sign that some of the companies under the names of some of the big guys are fighting each other in the market, and everyone laughs when they meet.

"Boss, you are finally here!"

Mark Jin came over one after another.

Although their market value is very high, they still lack some courage in front of these international super bosses.

After all, it is too difficult for Chinese companies to go global.

But Ye Yang is different. He has deep-rooted influence all over the world. Not only has he integrated into the top circles, he is also the manager of the top circles clubs - Centurion Club, Luxury Car Club and other organizations.

Johnson \u0026 Johnson Medical, Gulfstream Airlines, Huaye Investment, etc. are all truly huge and influential companies in the world.

No one dared to look down upon Ye Yang, and could only bow his head in respect.

"Mr. Ye!"

A group of international bigwigs also shouted repeatedly.

Ye Yang glanced around and greeted everyone with a smile.

"Did Doyle come even if you didn't tell him? Why didn't he come?"

"He has already got off the plane and will probably arrive soon."

On the side, Yu said silently.

When such a super important person enters China, he must be under strict protection and surveillance...

"Well, let's go upstairs first and get ready at the venue. The press conference will start soon."

Ye Yang suggested.

"It all depends on Mr. Ye's arrangement."

Almost all the top wealthy businessmen in the country give Ye Yang face.

Only Ma Jack and the others looked at Ye Yang with a hint of inexplicable taste.

However, now Ye Yang is the core of the venue.

They can only follow the general trend...

As for those international bigwigs, their businesses are very different. Not everyone knows Ye Yang’s background, but at least they know that Ye Yang is a major shareholder of Shentu, and his status is by no means lower than them...

(First update)

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