Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 833 Shadow Emperor Doyle comes in person

Somewhere in South Asia, the headquarters of Black Source.

The black-robed people gathered together.

"Doyle actually went to this press conference in person..."

The Black Source is a power on another level. The Shadow Emperor of the United States and the emperors of the European consortium are all the power controllers in the open.

But the system to which the Black Source belongs belongs to the influencers hidden behind the world.

In addition to the power of big capital and the nine wills of China, they are the third force. They have their own pursuit of the ultimate pattern of the world.

"I hope they fight."

The black-robed people all laughed.

"Recently, the friction between the Nine Wills and the United States has become more and more serious. Maybe this time they will completely tear each other apart."

"We hide in the darkest place, and the world cannot confirm our existence. It is too happy to watch the two major forces consume each other in the open and reap the benefits."

"Although we hide the best, our power and influence are also the smallest. Rather than being a fisherman, it is better to say that we have to be a fisherman."

"But, should I say it, how come everything is related to this Ye Yang!? It's so drunk!"

"This Ye Yang has long been on our Black Source's must-kill list. Once he dares to leave China, he will be crushed to pieces!"

"That's right..."


The members of the Black Source are all discussing.

There are several corresponding forces parallel to the Black Source. The Black Source is mainly responsible for Asia.

These "back of the world" forces responsible for each continent are differentiated from the same ultimate organization.

The leader of the Black Source opened the envelope of opinions passed down by the Ultimate Organization.

After reading it, burn it.

"This time, our people also sneaked into the venue. What does the president say? Do you want to do some sabotage? Let these two forces in the open completely tear each other apart?!"

The black-robed people below were all ready to move.

The leader wiped the letter paper with his hand and burned it: "Don't act rashly. Our advantage is hiding in the dark. When two tigers fight, one will be injured. In the chaotic Three Kingdoms period, they will be wary of each other. You will understand this principle."


All the black-robed people nodded in agreement.

"The purpose of the shadow emperor Doyle is unclear this time, and we will observe the situation first."

After the leader finished speaking, he stopped speaking.

The black-robed people below continued to discuss, but no one dared to propose to cause trouble at the press conference.


The release site of the Shentu virtual reality game warehouse.

All the big guys took their seats.

Those sitting in the front were basically the most famous rich people in the world, as well as representatives of major financial groups.

These people had different information about Ye Yang, and naturally had different views on Ye Yang.

However, they dare not underestimate Shentu.

In less than a year, this emerging company has directly become a super company in the top ten of the world's market value.

It is terrible!

Although pillar companies such as aviation and oil generally do not give valuations and will not participate in the selection.

Large families and large conglomerates hold a large number of large companies. Even the world's number one company is just a rising star in front of them.

But, at least on the surface.

Shentu is already one of the most dazzling companies in the world.

What is dazzling is not its market value, but its technology!

His unique technology that transcends the times!

That represents endless potential...


Just as the big guys were talking and laughing.

The helicopter landed from the building.

Doyle and the Mason family delegation arrived!

The top crocodiles in the front all stood up.

On the contrary, some people at the back, who realized it later, stood up only after seeing the crocodiles stand up.

Since this time is a lottery, not only the top existences can come in, but also many small fish with assets of only 100 billion US dollars.

The status and name of the Shadow Emperor, their existence, only the top giants are qualified to know!

Only Ye Yang sat on the stage, his expression indifferent.

The skylight on the side of the building opened, and light poured in.

The Mason family walked in.

Everyone looked over.

The worst of the people present were the helmsmen of a family or company worth hundreds of billions of dollars.

Even if you don't know the name Doyle Mason.

But living in the United States, you know the significance of the top ten financial groups and have heard of the top ten Shadow Emperors.

"Is it true that Doyle Mason came to this press conference in person as the rumor said!?"

"Is the face of the Divine Land so big!?"

"Even the birthday party of me, who was once the richest man in the world, couldn't invite these Shadow Emperors. This small press conference actually attracted one of them! It's incredible!"

"That's right..."


The scene became noisy.

It wasn't until the old man appeared that the discussion at the scene was reduced.

The old man is vigorous and energetic, and you can tell that he is 80 years old, but he definitely doesn't look like an 80-year-old.

His eyes are deep, his face is full of wrinkles, but there are no age spots. He walks like a dragon and a tiger, and his body is not hunched at all.

"As expected of the helmsman of a large consortium, he has an extraordinary demeanor!"

"I wish I had this spirit when I am 80 years old."


A group of the world's top rich people were all sighing.

At the corner of the Mason Consortium, Bill Mason looked arrogant and soon saw Ye Yang.

He knew that Ye Yang was from Shentu and would most likely come to this press conference.

Yesterday, he wanted to humiliate the other party, but was slapped in the face, and it was very heavy!

He was so embarrassed and angry that he almost jumped off the building. It was too aggrieved!

But the housekeeper's words made him react.

His grandfather also came to the press conference today!

With his grandfather's status and position, it would be a piece of cake to suppress any businessman in China! ?

He didn't sleep all night yesterday, and today he had dark circles under his eyes and was excited all day, just to wait for his grandfather to come. Fortunately, at the Shentu press conference-Ye Yang's own territory, he would trample him well.

Let his grandfather support him.

Let him vent the evil in his heart that almost suffocated him to death! ! !

Then he took over his girlfriend Liu Qianqian and looked at Ye Yang who was heartbroken and had no way to deal with himself! ! !

Just thinking about it, he was extremely excited!

So much so that now that he really came to the Magic City Shentu Building with his grandfather, his body trembled...

Doyle Mason nodded to the top rich people who came to greet him, passed by everyone, and walked towards Ye Yang with a faint smile.


All the big guys present were a little confused.

What is Doyle Mason's identity! ?

Any other person present could not compare with him in status.

When everyone went to greet Doyle Mason, Ye Yang actually just stood up and greeted him, smiled faintly and nodded at Mason! ?

So arrogant! ?

(Second update)

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