Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 834 Before the game even begins, there are waves


However, it seems that the Shadow Emperor doesn't feel anything wrong at all.

He actually went directly towards Ye Yang...

The helmsman of a consortium is the absolute center no matter where he is in the world.

At this time, many top bosses and giants present were looking at Doyle Mason.

Ye Yang stood in the main position with a smile.

After all, the other party is a guest from afar, so etiquette is still required.

When the other person came towards him, he also extended his palm first.

Among the Mason financial team, Bill sneered.

What is your identity? Also worthy of shaking hands with my grandpa! ?

You really think my grandfather came in just to see you! ?


Waiting to see your embarrassment!

It’s so self-reliant!

It will make you extremely embarrassed in the next second! ! !

Not only Bill thought so, but the top bosses and financial giants present who didn't know Ye Yang well also had their eyes widened and were speechless at Ye Yang's bold move.

After all, Doyle Mason just nodded and said hello to the world's richest man without paying much attention to him.

In their hearts, Ye Yang is just a major shareholder of Shentu.

He actually stretched out his hand first to shake hands with the controller of one of the top ten financial groups in the United States! ?

How arrogant, how crazy, and how ignorant! ?

They all shook their heads.

I feel like this is destined to end in embarrassment.

Everyone is watching this scene. After becoming a boss, the most important thing is face. After all, they have enjoyed all the prosperity and glory in the world. Mutual respect between bosses is what they care about.

It would definitely be embarrassing if someone didn't answer your hand in public.

So these top bosses didn't take the initiative to reach out just now, for fear of an embarrassing ending.


However, the reality clearly exceeded their expectations.

Their eyes widened.

Doyle Mason actually raised his hand proactively while still walking.

It was like meeting an old friend.

Kind and friendly, greeted with a smile...

This scene instantly shocked the eyes of all the big guys!

This, what is going on! ?

Many top bosses have big mouths, and with their expressions, they can't control their surprise.

As for Bill, who wanted to see Ye Yang embarrassed, he was stunned at the moment. He couldn't even walk down the aisle and almost fell to the ground.

this! ?

This is completely incomprehensible!

Ye Yang and Doyle Mason held their hands together.

Both of them had smiles on their faces.

There is no sign of humility on either side, but rather it is like an equal meeting and handshake...

This scene made all the big guys look at each other, saying they couldn't accept it!

What kind of existence is this Ye Yang!

To make the Shadow Emperor treat each other as equals! ?

"It seems like he is the leader of Shentu, right? After all, Shentu is now one of the largest companies in the world, with excellent cash flow. Moreover, he also controls the technology that even the top leaders in the United States are coveted, and is backed by China. , are not afraid of US blockade and sanctions at all.”

"In other words, Mr. Mason came here this time because of this technology?"

"It's very possible that this means that the highest level of the United States attaches great importance to Ye Yang, right?"

"Well, maybe, if you put it that way, it would make sense."


All the big guys talked quietly to each other to comfort themselves.

However, this did make their views on Ye Yang instantly improve by several floors.

After all, they couldn't hold Mr. Doyle's hand!

Take a seat.

Ye Yang is still sitting in the main seat.

The whole place was in an uproar!

"Mr. Ye, this is a little too ignorant of etiquette!"

"But even if you have mastered some technologies that are beyond the times, you can't be so arrogant!"

"That's one of the top ten people with the highest status in our country!"


All the top richest people in the United States were a little furious when they saw this moment.

Even the top richest people in China were sweating profusely.

The top ten financial groups have left a shadow on wealthy businessmen around the world. They cannot accept the scene of a Chinese businessman sitting in the main seat and Doyle sitting in the guest seat.

They think this is something that goes against their worldview...

However, in the next scene, something that shocked them happened again!

Doyle Mason actually sat in the first guest seat with peace of mind...

In other words, Mr. Doyle recognized this position in his heart! ?

They were all confused.

What's going on! ?

Traveled through time?

Is this still the world I know?!

At this moment, Bill's body had gone from shaking with anticipation to shaking with anger.

He walked up angrily and shouted angrily: "Ye Yang! You are too arrogant! How dare you not give up the throne to my grandfather. I think you don't take our Mason Consortium seriously at all! Don't you want to be here? Is there any business in this world?”

This scene happened too fast.

So much so that no one had time to stop him.

However, the wealthy European and American businessmen in the distance all nodded, feeling that Bill had expressed their inner doubts.

This is outrageous!

They all looked over to see how Ye Yang would handle it.

Only Doyle Mason's face darkened: "It has nothing to do with you here, just go down."

Ye Yang looked at Bill Mason with interest: "You are really not qualified to stand here and speak."


Bill was so angry that his head was dazed.

He had grown up, and among his peers of similar age, who dared to look down on him like this! ?

Not even the prince of England!

"Don't be too pushy! Today I will tell you about your shameful offense to the Mason family here!"

Bill shouted angrily.

Doyle Mason wanted to stop him.

Ye Yang laughed and said, "It's not enough to be stupid, but you have to pay for the reputation of your Mason family?"

Being stimulated by Ye Yang, Bill said directly, "You, a small Chinese businessman, dare to cheat my Mason family of 18 billion Chinese yuan in rental fees! You are so cunning and plundering, and you don't take my Mason Consortium seriously at all!"

"My grandfather is here today! I advise you not to be ignorant and sit in a well and look at the sky! Do you know what kind of person my grandfather is!? How dare you be so arrogant!?"

He just thought that Doyle was willing to sit in the guest seat because he was humble.

It was courtesy.

Ye Yang was too arrogant.

He was arrogant and looked down on any power other than the top ten American financial groups. He didn't believe that anyone in China could be on an equal footing with his grandfather.


Carol Mason, Bill's father, knew the inside story of this visit and quickly scolded him.

"Let him finish."

Doyle Mason said lightly.

Everyone watched this scene with interest.

The good show hasn't started yet, and there's an uproar...

This time, Ye Yang's trick on the Mason Financial Group was directly put on the table.

There must be an explanation today.

They all looked at Ye Yang expectantly, wanting to see how this arrogant Chinese businessman could solve the crisis in front of him...

(First update)

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