Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 835: Clear Arrangements


After Bill finished telling all this.

All the world's top bosses were in an uproar.

Someone actually dares to trick the Mason Consortium? !

This is not a trap at all, this is an open robbery!

Ten times the rent!

Nearly 20 billion!

This loss is not small!

"It turns out that Mr. Ye still has a relationship with our consortium."

Doyle Mason laughed after hearing this.


Everyone looked over.

Doyle Mason shook his head: "This is also a commonly used method in business. It is not a big deal. If this matter is revealed like this, it is treated as if we don't know each other."


All the top bosses and financial giants present gasped.

What is the Mason Consortium?

Big capital interest groups!

It’s all about profit!

After being cheated of 20 billion Chinese coins, how could you accept it with such a smile?

Or does the leader personally acknowledge and accept it?

This is outrageous!

It was difficult for them to understand what was happening in front of them. Could it be that Ye Yang was many times more powerful than they imagined?

Otherwise, it would be impossible to be treated like this by Mason!

Their eyes became solemn, and when they looked at Ye Yang, they began to feel apprehension and fear...

This Mr. Ye... probably has a terrifying identity that they can't even imagine! ! !

Note, it’s identity, not background!

After all, as Mr. Mason, it doesn't matter what background he has. Only if you are awesome can you be treated like this! ! !


Bill also opened his mouth wide and was completely confused. He was stunned. He didn't know when his grandfather became so easy to talk.

"Okay, let him leave the venue."

Doyle waved his hand and said calmly.

When Mason's two bodyguards came to ask him to leave the venue...

"Wait a minute."

Ye Yang said lightly.

"Mr. Ye, is there anything else?"

Doyle frowned slightly, he had done all he could. No matter how much, even if there is no grudge between the two parties, it seems a bit excessive.

"The matter of renting a house has been revealed, but the matter of him trying to steal my woman has not been settled yet!"

A cold light flashed in Ye Yang's eyes.


Doyle was startled and looked at Bill with a deep look: "Is there such a thing? Why didn't you tell me just now?"

Not only China, but also people.

Coveting the one you love is a taboo!

Not to mention being shameless and explicitly saying that he wanted to steal someone's girlfriend.

Seeing Doyle's expression, Bill Mason muttered: "So what? If I am more qualified to be her boyfriend, why can't I snatch her over?"

"evil creature!"

Doyle Mason slapped the back of his chair.

Everyone present was shocked.

"Incompetent bungler!"

Doyle Mason's eyes were filled with disappointment.

The Mason family will join the Mason Consortium in the future and control the direction of the world economy!

Not caring about the world, and having your mind disturbed just because of a woman is really a shame to the family and an embarrassment to the great responsibilities!


The members of the Mason Consortium next to them were all trembling.

This is a very serious statement!

This Bill is quite smart, otherwise he wouldn't have been entrusted with such an important task. However, after the old man said this, 80% of his future was cut off.

"How does this junior, who is obviously not up to par with his character, have the power to carry out matters of this level?"

Doyle's deep eyes flashed across and he asked coldly.


No one dared to speak, but everyone knew why...

What else could it be because of? Because Bill is your grandson?

"From now on, he is not allowed to get involved in any core affairs of the Mason Consortium."

With one word from Doyle Mason, Bill Mason's future collapsed.

Everyone present was as silent as a cicada.

Bill was dissatisfied: "Grandpa! What you did for an outsider has simply insulted the pride of our Mason Consortium!"

"The Mason Consortium stands proudly in the world, but it does not rely on pride."

Doyle Mason nodded his head: "It depends on this."

"What's the meaning?!"

Bill's future is basically at an end now, his mentality is unbalanced, and he can't think carefully about the problem.

"Your father said that you don't have a brain. You can't even understand this. I think you really don't have a brain."

Ye Yang was doing the finishing touches calmly and calmly on the side.

Doyle obviously wanted to do this to give him face, but his deepest intention was to show it to people within the consortium.

He openly told everyone within the consortium that talent and wisdom were what he valued. Without these two things, even his own grandson would be destroyed without fail!

This kind of Mason Consortium is far more awe-inspiring to the world than a Mason Consortium that allows the grandson of the controller to do whatever he wants.

This move can be said to have profound intentions and great wisdom.

The big guys present who could appreciate this level of intention were all filled with admiration.

However, only those like the Mason Consortium who stand on top of the world dare to play like this. Anyone who lacks strength will be said to be cowardly.

"Father, I think this boy is indeed lacking in character and is used to being arrogant. Why don't we send him to Mr. Ye's staff for a few years to sharpen his character."

Carol Mason, Bill's dad said.

Doyle raised his eyelids and glanced at Carol, then said calmly: "It depends on what Mr. Ye wants."

Ye Yang laughed: "Of course I don't mind."

This Carol has good intentions!

He could see that if Bill could really understand Carol's intentions and work hard under him, it would prove that his character had grown in disguise, and he would have a chance to return to the core of the Mason Group.

This was an opportunity for his son to prove himself in a desperate situation!

However, that had nothing to do with him.

He knew that he could torture this self-righteous rival in the next few years.

The affairs of the Mason Group had nothing to do with him, but he was quite happy to torture his rival.

"I would rather die than..."

Bill was about to speak when he was knocked unconscious by Carol.

"Take him away and let him reflect on himself. After he has reflected on himself, he will go to Mr. Ye to apologize and sharpen his character!"

Carol was relieved to see Ye Yang accept it, and was very grateful to Ye Yang in his heart.

Doyle has many sons and even more grandchildren.

If Bill could return to the core, Carol's lineage would have more resources and more confidence in the future when fighting for power.

Compared with the ultimate power, what does a son's suffering for a few years mean?

Just like that, the future of silly Bill was clearly arranged by his shrewd father and the revengeful Ye Yang.

He was in a coma, and obviously didn't know the tragic future he would face after waking up...


The bigwigs present obviously didn't expect that things would develop like this...

"It's incredible... This almost confirms that Mr. Ye's status can stand on the same dimension as the Mason Consortium!"

(Second update)

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