Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 836: A shock beyond two eras


This matter was discussed and settled.

Doyle Mason also smiled slightly: "Then our past affairs are written off. It's time for us to experience the new technology launched by Shentu Company, right?"

"Not bad!"

After hearing what Doyle said, the top bosses present all echoed.

They were all attracted by the virtual reality game warehouse.

After all, the somatosensory suit has completely surpassed their imagination. Now there is a virtual reality game warehouse, which is said to surpass the experience brought by the somatosensory suit.

This is really unimaginable! ! !

As an extremely rich man in the world, he enjoys basically everything he can. Seeing this technology that is beyond the times, of course, he can't help but feel curious!

Everyone came to pay attention.

Ye Yang also smiled slightly, stood up and walked to the main podium...

"The latest virtual reality game warehouse of our Shentu generation can connect the brain and body touch."

"Compared with the tactile substitution of the previous generation of somatosensory suits, it allows your brain to be completely substituted, allowing your consciousness to be completely integrated into the game world, making you feel like you are experiencing another life."


The world's top tycoons and financial giants in the audience were all discussing.

Just hearing Ye Yang describe this technology is enough to make people excited!

These rich people have experienced almost everything. The only thing they have not experienced is what Ye Yang said, another period of life full of reality.

This is too tempting for them!

"Is it really possible to achieve 100% authenticity!?"

Some top bosses asked in confusion.


Ye Yang nodded slightly: "If you don't believe it, you can come up and try it yourself. This time I brought the first batch of finished products."

He snapped his fingers.


The curtain behind it opens, and ten virtual reality game warehouses appear.

All the big guys looked at them with extremely eager eyes.

Obviously, they all couldn't wait.

"Anyone want to try it?"

Ye Yang asked with a faint smile.

"The trial version of the game is loaded in it, and the time is ten minutes. After ten minutes, a new world will be opened for you."

These words obviously moved more big guys.

Doyle Mason looked around.

After all, he was the one with the highest status present, and everyone was obviously waiting for him to express his position.

You don't dare to get ahead of him, the Shadow Emperor, with such good deeds.

He smiled lightly and stood up: "Then let me give it a try first."

The expressions of the members of the Mason family next to them all changed.

If they didn't know the inside story, they might not say anything, but some of them already knew Ye Yang's true identity through Doyle.

The relationship between China and the United States is currently in a state of tension.

Such an instrument that can be brought into the brain, launched by a person who represents the will of China...

It really makes people nervous, who knows what his purpose is!

Who knows if it will do any damage to Doyle Mason! ?

They all tried to dissuade Doyle Mason.

After all, they don't know anything about this stuff.

Who knows whether this thing brings into the brain nerves or controls the brain nerves?

If the leader of the top ten financial groups in the United States is accidentally controlled by a Chinese, the consequences will be unimaginable! ! !

Although they think that is almost impossible.

After all, today’s technology is two generations behind before it can be introduced into the brain.

To control the brain nerves, I'm afraid it will take three or four generations...

It is a technology that can never be realized in this world.

But, don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the unexpected!

Doyle shook his head and smiled lightly: "Once upon a time, European and American civilizations mastered the world's most advanced technology. When the camera was first introduced to China, it was called a soul camera. According to Chinese folklore, as long as you smile and face the camera, you will The soul will be taken away."

"Nowadays, time has passed and China's technology has gradually caught up with ours. Do we have to avoid it like ghosts and gods just because we don't understand this technology? Doesn't that mean that in the past few hundred years, what we have grown is not civilization, but what we have become Like barbarians from a hundred years ago?”

Doyle looked around the scene.

Ye Yang also nodded in approval. He could be the most pinnacle existence in the world, and his courage and magnanimity were unmatched by ordinary people.

"Mr. Doyle is right!"

"I want to try it too!"

"Not bad……"

Being ashamed by Doyle Mason's words, many wealthy businessmen who were already tempted signed up one after another.

Soon, it was filled with ten people.

After entering the virtual reality game room, these ten people seemed a little nervous.

After all, humans inevitably have fears about new things and the unknown.

Especially this kind of product that is so far ahead of its time is even more amazing.

However, there are also some who are eager to try and appear excited.

For example, people like Tesla and Musk are inherently technology geeks, and of course they are extremely yearning for this new technology.

All the big guys have entered the warehouse.

Soon, it entered the game state.

There was also a lot of discussion outside the court.

Mark Jin and Majek were stunned.

China's Internet industry has too few core technological innovations, and it has all developed slowly in the paradise-like market environment provided by China.

The concept of cutting leeks and speculating is very good, but it is difficult to lead the world in real Internet technology.

Therefore, there are very few Chinese Internet companies that have truly gone global. The only eye-catching one in recent years is Tiktok (the overseas version of Douyin).

Not to mention this kind of technological achievement that is ahead of its time.

These Chinese Internet bosses were stunned at once.

"Boss, is it really so magical!?"

Wang Silin asked in confusion.

"Why don't you try it in the next round?"

Ye Yang said with a smile.


There are about a hundred guests attending this meeting, and he plans to select three waves of people to experience it.

This is also convincing enough.

Ten minutes passed in a flash.

The door of the game cabin opened.

Everyone looked over with expectation.

After all, the people here are all the world's top bosses, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are the highest quality batch of human beings.

Their vision must be able to judge the prospects and value of this game cabin.

The hatch slowly opened and closed...

The ten people who came out had different expressions.

Some were disappointed, some were ecstatic, and some were unbelievable, but the only thing that was not there was a blank expression!

No one can resist this shocking feeling that goes beyond two eras of reality!

Even the shadow emperor like Doyle Mason is completely unable to control his own psychology, and his shocked expression is clearly visible!

Almost no explanation is needed.

Even the shadow emperor was shaken!

The awesomeness of this new era of technology is probably beyond the imagination limit of most people in the world...

(First update)

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