Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 837: Competition among big guys, US dollars are like water


Doyle Mason looked at Ye Yang deeply.

This is simply a collection of miracles!

Such a person was born in China. Is it really God’s blessing on China! ?

He felt even more depressed.

Originally, I thought that even with Ye Yang, it would take some time for China to break the comprehensive blockade.

But this idea is now questionable!

Any technology that can surpass the times by two eras is a dimensionality reduction attack!

At least, he knew that if Ye Yang had no intention of cooperating with him, no force in the world would be able to compete with China in the Internet in the future!

Other people’s technology crushes you by two eras. What can you compare?

What can you compete with? !

It’s simply a fantasy!

The gap is like a bow and arrow hitting a nuclear bomb. No matter how many people you have, they can destroy you with just a flick of their fingers thousands of miles away!

He restrained the shock on his face and looked at Ye Yang with deep eyes.

Deep inside, the fear of Ye Yang deepened...

"This technology is enough to change the world!"

Tesla Musk was very excited: "This is simply the most romantic thing I have ever seen, much more advanced than my brain-computer interface..."

"Yes, the commercial value contained in it is enough to shock the world, and the world will be changed by it..."


All the big guys who have experienced it said it again and again.

Everyone in the audience was shocked.

This evaluation is really too high!

After all, the people who made such an evaluation are the top big guys in the world...

"I wonder if this game cabin can be connected to the Internet?"

Musk asked in a trembling voice.

If it can be connected to the Internet, it will not change the world, it will subvert the world! ! !

The future of human society will even change because of this product...

This is the deepest desire of these technology big guys.

Unexpectedly, this dream-like idea has been realized today! ! !

Ye Yang shook his head: "Not for the time being."


The big guys present were relieved.

If it can still be connected to the Internet, it is not surprising, but terrifying.

This thing can only be made in the divine land. The people cannot resist such a super-time thing. When this thing sweeps the world and can be connected to the Internet, all the control of the virtual world will fall into the hands of China!

That is too terrible a prospect.

However, the word "temporary" in Ye Yang's mouth also made them extremely daunted.

In other words...

It's just not possible now. The technology of connecting to the Internet must have been studied...

Yes, Ye Yang can definitely think of this prospect.

A group of European and American bigwigs can only hope that this day will not come, and wish that this thing will never be connected to the Internet...

After all, when that day comes, the world will undergo profound changes, and no one can tell what will happen.

They are all afraid!

Soon, the other two groups of bigwigs also finished their experience.

The whole venue was full of discussions, and Chongxiao's praise and surprise surrounded the four seats.

In addition, it is hard to think of anything else in the world that can make so many bigwigs fall into this atmosphere...

After a long time.

Someone asked, "Mr. Ye, do you know if this thing can be mass-produced?"

"No, it's very expensive and the building materials are scarce. The cost is very high, so I invited you here. The first batch of products, each one is unique!"

Ye Yang smiled slightly and dug a hole silently.

Every word he said was true, but none of it was true.


Everyone present breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that for the time being, this is just a private toy for the top rich people.

This kind of thing is not perfect yet!

That's easy to say.

They were all very relaxed, and their mentality became like attending an auction.


The first batch was manufactured with one hundred warehouses.

But Ye Yang didn't plan to say the total number.

If he said it, everyone would know that everyone had a share.

He would auction them one by one!

The richest people would bid the highest price.

The final transaction amount should be much more than the expected 10 billion.

"Each one is a unique product. We are so lucky. We are sure to enjoy this product before anyone else in the world by entering the press conference!"

"Not bad, not bad!"

Wang Silin and Mark King sang the same tune. Both of them are Ye Yang's agents.

They had been told how to set the mood and lead the rhythm.

"Mr. Ye, can you sell us this first batch of products?"

"The quantity must be very small, right? Not everyone can have one, right? I am willing to pay 100 million US dollars to buy a virtual reality game cabin!"

"Haha, what is the one in front thinking! I will directly pay 200 million US dollars!"


The scene was instantly heated up by Mark King and others.

The rich bigwigs at the scene competed to bid and prepared to auction.

Want to overwhelm others with the price...

"This is the first one to be sold, the result of the highest technology of mankind! It is of extraordinary significance! 200 million US dollars is really not enough to carry its significance! I will pay 500 million US dollars!"

Mark King raised the price at the right time.

The bigwig who didn't know the details continued to increase the price.

They may not be unable to guess it, but they don't care about money. It is not uncommon for rich people to spend money to buy honor.

Doyle Mason glanced at Mark King and smiled.

This first warehouse must belong to the Mason Consortium.

However, once he made a bid, it would scare others away from bidding.

The Mason Consortium had its own pride and did not want to take advantage of others, so it prepared to make the last bid.

In the end, the price was hyped up to 800 million US dollars! ! !

This sky-high price would suffocate ordinary small rich people.

After all, this is equivalent to more than 5 billion Chinese yuan!

In China, more than 5 billion Chinese yuan in cash is already a rich man!

However, all the people present were top bosses, with at least 100 billion US dollars in assets, and the value of the virtual reality game warehouse was there.

Whether it was for buying for themselves, or for research and taking the lead, 800 million US dollars was too insignificant a price...

Although they knew that the products produced by Shentu were basically impossible for scientists to imitate.

However, even if there is a slight chance, they will spare no effort and spend a lot of money. Even if they get it one second longer than others, they may get the power to change the future in advance!

Everyone is crazy!


Ye Yang covered his brows as he watched from the side.

He thought that he was not cruel enough. He was actually planning to price the game warehouse at only 100 million Chinese yuan. He was too kind...

It's a sin...

Soon, the price of the first warehouse was hyped up to nearly 1 billion US dollars!

There were fewer people bidding.

Only the top ones were left to compete.

Doyle Mason nodded, and when he saw that the time was almost right, he said lightly: "Two billion US dollars."

The amount was doubled directly! ! !

(Second update)

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