Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 838 Ye Shenhao's little tricks


There was no more bidding in the whole venue.

Comparing wealth with the Mason Consortium is to seek death.

Which of the top ten consortiums does not regard money as dirt?

If the US dollar is water to these top bosses, then to the top ten consortiums, it is just a number.

Once the 2 billion US dollars came out, there was no more bidders.

The first warehouse was sold at a price of 2 billion US dollars.

Ye Yang smiled lightly. He originally planned to sell 100 warehouses for 10 billion Chinese currency. This first warehouse was converted into a profit of 13 to 14 billion Chinese currency...

I can only say, good guys!

He still underestimated the determination and financial resources of these dog big households.

“Hehe, it seems that we can’t be soft-hearted when cutting the leeks of these old men in the future.”

Ye Yang decided in his heart.

After announcing the sale of the first warehouse.

The auction of the second warehouse began.

“Five hundred million US dollars!”

Originally, the virtual reality game warehouse did not have a definite value.

But since the first transaction price came out, its value has become a benchmark in the minds of all the rich people present.

In other words...

They think that as long as it is not higher than 2 billion US dollars, it is not a loss!

So, the bidding is also brave.

Starting directly at 500 million US dollars!

Soon, the price reached 1.2 billion US dollars.

"The Saudi royal family bids 1.5 billion US dollars!"

The Saudi prince looked down at the whole audience and said lightly.


The bigwigs present were silent again.

Saudi tycoons are world-famous.

If the money of other top rich people is reasonable.

Then, Saudi tycoons are unreasonable!

Sitting on the world's largest Saudi Aramco oil company, mastering the world's oil hub, the name of the dog rich spreads everywhere, spanning three generations!

No one wants to compete with Saudi tycoons.

Just let him go.

Anyway, it seems that there are still eight warehouses in the first batch of products...

It should be possible to grab them.

The eight warehouses behind were basically taken by the envoys and representatives of major European and American consortiums.

The average transaction price is around 1 billion US dollars.

In a blink of an eye, more than 10 billion US dollars arrived.

Even Ye Yang, who doesn't care much about money now, smiled...

Money is not important, it's interesting to cheat these European and American big dogs!

It's cool to see them spend one billion dollars to buy things that cost less than hundreds of thousands!


Because when they were technologically advanced before, they sold scientific research instruments costing hundreds of thousands to China for tens of millions!

China had to buy them!

Now, let them have a good taste of being crushed by technology and having to be a sucker!


Too satisfying!


"Alas, I didn't get it! The financial resources of the consortium and the Saudi royal family are unrivaled in the world, and no one can compete..."

"It seems that we can only wait for the next batch of game cabins to come out before we can get them."

"So disappointing."


"I really want a virtual reality game cabin! This is the future!"

The top rich people who didn't buy it felt extremely frustrated.

Feeling sad that they couldn't grasp the future of the world.

"If I had another chance, I would have doubled the price just now!"

"That's right, that's right..."

They sighed.

This kind of thing that can change the world, if they can research something after buying it back, the benefits will be endless!

As for patent protection?

They only protect their own patents!

Chinese patents? Protect them when they shouldn't!

Buy it back, and it's mine after researching it!

Ye Yang also thought of this.

The AI ​​intelligence of the black technology company has added protection measures to these game warehouses, which will lead these European and American capitalists to research in the wrong direction, waste manpower and material resources, and finally research out a weird thing.

Of course, even if this protection measure is not added, it is purely allowed to research.

Technology that surpasses two eras, if it is not studied for fifty years, it is estimated that nothing can be researched.

By that time, China has already reached the top, and it will be useless to research it.

The purpose of adding this protection measure by Ye Yang is to see the other party think that they are about to research it, but always fail. I guess those capitalists will be green-faced when they see it.


Looking at the big guys regretting not buying the virtual reality game cabin, Ye Yang smiled slightly and snapped his fingers again.

The ten game cabins behind slid away along the slide.

Another ten game cabins rose from the bottom...

"Are there any more?!"

All the big guys' eyes lit up.

Ye Yang smiled slightly: "Don't worry if you haven't bought it. We still have a little stock. If you want to bid, you can bid now."

"Are there any more?!"

Everyone's eyes lit up.

"One billion US dollars!"

Some people have not come out of the state of regret and directly shouted the reserve price of one billion US dollars!

They are all the world's top financial tycoons and the richest people in the world. They are not short of money!


Finally, the first warehouse of the second batch was sold at a high price of 1.8 billion US dollars!

Second only to the 2 billion bid of Doyle Mason! ! !

The subsequent products also continued to rise.

Worrying about gains and losses, and regaining losses is the human heart.

Super big guys can't escape this law.

This wave can be described as a top-level pull...

In the end, the average price of the second wave of game warehouses reached 1.3 billion!


Ye Yang didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

These two groups sold 20 to 30 billion US dollars!

They made a fortune…

“Haha, it seems I can still do it!”

All the richest people in the world have basically grabbed a warehouse and are very proud of themselves.

Sitting with these financial group bosses and Saudi tycoons.

They feel that they have no sense of existence…

The richest people in the world who are worshipped as gods by the media and the myth of wealth worshipped by the people of the world are sitting in today’s session. If they can’t even grab a game warehouse, wouldn’t it be a shame for this name! ?

The other billionaires and trillionaires all looked gloomy.

They feel that they are still too failed!

So embarrassing!

Ye Yang looked at the unwilling faces of these people and raised the corner of his mouth.

He snapped his fingers again.

“No way!? There is more?!”

Some people have already realized that things may not be that simple…

However, those who didn’t buy it don’t care about this.

They all bid to buy it.

However, the remaining people's financial strength is indeed relatively poor, not to mention compared with the consortium, even compared with the previous world's richest people, they are dwarfed.

With inner resentment, they appear to be generous.

In the end, the average transaction price of the third wave was only 1 billion US dollars...

When the fourth wave, 30 game cabinets were directly unveiled.

"Boss Ye, you are really scheming, and you just handed over the bottom!"

"It turns out that there are 50! I wouldn't be so anxious to grab them..."

All the big guys laughed.

I feel that I have been cheated.

Ye Yang raised the corner of his mouth, you guys laughed too early...

Where is this?

(First update)

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