Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 839: The identities are exposed one after another, and the boss is terrified


This round, the bidding was much more sensible.

First, the remaining ones are basically poor tycoons with only a few hundred billion US dollars or no more than 100 billion US dollars at all.

Secondly, it seems that Ye Yang has a lot of inventory. If he robs him again, he will be taken advantage of...

A bunch of big guys.

They are all bids in succession.

In the end, the average transaction price of the fourth wave was fixed at US$800 million.

Many of the big guys who were rushing to buy in the first and second batch were embarrassed.

Especially the second batch, they are not the richest, but they spend the most money.

Now that I think about it, I feel like I was tricked!

But they know in their hearts that they have used tricks that are trillions of times more sinister than this.

There are no good people who make a fortune in the world of capital.

Therefore, in their eyes, Ye Yang's operation was at best a friendly joke, but he was unlucky and spent hundreds of millions of dollars on being taken advantage of.

Didn't take it to heart at all.

But I still feel a little bit unhappy about eating a fly.

"Is it time to end now?"

The bosses all asked with a smile.

Ye Yang raised the corner of his mouth and stretched out his hand again...


"There won't be any more, right!?"

Sure enough, after a snap of fingers.

Another forty virtual reality game warehouses appeared.



Completely numb...

"Mr. Ye, please tell me, how much is this thing?"

Someone asked weakly.

Ye Yang smiled and said: "This is the last wave. The first batch has a total of one hundred warehouses. If you miss this village, you really won't have this store."


Everyone present was doubtful.

But after all, Ye Yang is a super big shot on par with Mason, and he shouldn't lie to them about this kind of thing.

After all, it is calculated based on the previous average price.

These forty virtual reality game warehouses are worth 30 to 40 billion US dollars.

It is impossible for such a top boss in the world to lie for such a small amount of money.

Not worthy!

"Then, I'll offer you $500 million!"

"Five hundred and fifty million US dollars..."

This round of bidding is more cautious.

The final average transaction price was only over 600 million US dollars.

However, this was far beyond Ye Yang's expectation.

There were only a few people present who had not bought the game warehouse, or were not very interested in the game warehouse, or were not confident in their own abilities.

All one hundred warehouses sold!

In the end, more than 80 billion US dollars were obtained!

This is cash!

Equivalent to more than 500 billion Chinese coins!

Extremely impressive!

"Scamming big dogs is indeed the fastest way to make money."

Ye Yang raised the corner of his mouth.

Very pleased with tonight's transaction price.

A few more waves will at least popularize game warehouses for ordinary people in China, without having to pay for subsidies themselves...

Use other people's money to strengthen yourself.

It feels so good to think about it!

Soon, the big guys were very satisfied and entered the next social part of the cocktail party.

At this kind of big-shot gathering, after the business is done, there will always be a period of time spent socializing and drinking.

Exchange experiences with each other and build friendships.

The bosses are all happy.

After all, almost everyone gets what they want.

It just cost a little more money.

To them, it’s just a drop in the bucket.

Doyle Mason, on the other hand, held a wine glass and invited Ye Yang into the private room.

Everyone was dumbfounded when they watched Mason and Ye Yang enter the private guest room next to them.

"It seems that what we guessed is correct. This Mr. Ye can really talk to Mr. Doyle Mason on an equal footing!"

"At least, tonight."


Everyone remembered Ye Yang's name and appearance.

There is one more person who must not be messed with in this world!

They were all sighing with emotion.

"Do you know the true identity and strength of Mr. Ye?"

"I really can't figure out how such a young man can discuss business with the old man on an equal footing..."

"Is it just because he has advanced technology? Virtual technology is virtual technology after all. The consortium controls the lifeblood of the world's resources. Logically speaking, there is no need to respect Mr. Ye so much..."

"Maybe it's because Mr. Mason is humble!? Kind!?"

All the big guys were whispering, looking very puzzled.


Mark Jin and Wang Silin were extremely proud when they saw everyone talking about Ye Yang's fearful expression.

Although the market value of their companies is high, they will still have a place on the world stage after they go out.

But no one really respects them from the bottom of their hearts.

Now their boss is treated equally by the most elite people in Europe and America, not to mention bringing more glory to their faces.

Almost everyone at the banquet said, "That's our real controlling boss!"

After hearing this, all the big guys were filled with emotion.

These famous large companies in China, such as Tengxun, Zijie, Yida, etc., all belong to this Mr. Ye!

And the sacred soil belongs to others too!

This suddenly caused a heated discussion about Ye Yang's identity.

Many people who knew something about it also joined in.

"What!? He's still the leader of the Centurion Club!?"

"President of the Famous Car Club? He's actually from China!"

"He is the actual controller of Johnson \u0026 Johnson Medical!?"

"When did Gulfstream Airlines fall into his hands!? I'm going...I'm confused."

"Fuck!!! Huaye Investment is his!? The three largest investment groups in China, Europe and the United States are all in his hands!?"


As one identity after another was revealed.

The terrifying image pieced together.

It made everyone's backs cold and tremble in their hearts!

One identity may not be scary.

But, it is the actual controller behind so many world-famous large companies, large groups, and large organizations.

It is too scary!

Even the world's richest people in history were stunned.

This is simply an impeccable person!

The connections, cash flow, funds, and status have almost reached the pinnacle that a businessman can achieve!

At least it is much better than them!

One person can be compared with a medium-sized consortium!

"However, it seems that only these are not enough for Mr. Mason to treat him like this..."

Doyle Mason's identity is really too special.

One of the ten shadow emperors of the United States.


Control the direction of the world economy at any time!

"There must be a hidden identity that none of us can find!"

"Moreover, that identity must be terrifyingly powerful!"


These bigwigs all felt a chill down their spines and were terrified.

In the obscurity of China, such a terrifying giant that can influence the world's trends has risen!

"It's really... a monster..."

These powerful and world-class bigwigs and crocodiles sighed with regret, and were in deep shock and fear...

Conference room.

Doyle Mason and Ye Yang sat on the left and right.

"This is Wuyi Mountain Dahongpao, a treasure of China."

Ye Yang was naturally very polite to this top bigwig, and the other party's previous words and deeds were enough to gain his respect...

(Second update)

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