Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 840 Buffett invites you to dinner?


Doyle Mason took a sip and nodded slightly.

As a top being in the world, he is naturally interested in any top-level enjoyment.

Tea is naturally included.

Dahongpao is famous throughout the ages, and even he can't find any fault with it.

"Mr. Doyle is here not only to attend this press conference, but if you have anything to do, feel free to speak up."

Ye Yang said lightly.

He has been in the top circles for a long time now, so he naturally knows that Doyle's purpose is more than that.

However, he couldn't figure out the other party's true purpose.

Doyle Mason smiled and put the tea cup on the table.

"I wonder, Mr. Ye, do you know anything about our Mason Consortium?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "I am afraid that few people don't know the names of the top ten financial groups in the United States."


Doyle Mason smiled lightly and said: "If I want to reach a cooperation with Mr. Ye, I wonder if Mr. Ye is willing?"

Ye Yang raised the corner of his mouth, this old guy, is he setting a trap for himself?

"The top ten consortiums control all aspects of the world, what else do you need to cooperate with me?"

Doyle Mason smiled and said: "Mr. Ye is an anomaly in the world. Although we control most of the resources, the world will change in the future. New energy, including what is on display today, future game models, the Internet model."

"None of us are on top."

Ye Yang glanced at Doyle Mason: "The top ten financial groups are indeed well-deserved. As long as anything is not under their absolute monopoly, they feel unsatisfactory."

Doyle Mason heard the squeeze in Ye Yang's words, and just laughed and didn't care: "I don't know, is it possible for the two of us to reach cooperation in terms of nuclear fusion and Shentu Company?"

"I will not reject any possibility of cooperation."

Ye Yang nodded: "But not now."


Doyle's heart sank and he said solemnly: "I know that you are the tenth will of China, and you also know that I am one of the top ten shadow power holders in the United States. Mr. Ye must know that the conversation between us represents What."

Ye Yang shrugged: "You want to say that you represent the United States. If I reject you, I reject the United States, right?"

Doyle's eyes were profound and he did not deny it.

"Then I promise you."

Ye Yang smiled lightly.


Doyle's eyes lit up.

"However, the premise is that the United States allocates half of the rights to all the industries monopolized by the top ten consortiums to my name."

Ye Yang added lightly.

The United States is the world's hegemon and controls the world's economic lifeline.

The top ten consortiums monopolize too many things.

Although nuclear fusion and the new era network are beyond the times, their value is ultimately not worth the value of so many monopolized basic resources.

"Mr. Ye, you are kidding!"

Doyle Mason frowned.

"I'm not joking."

Ye Yang nodded seriously.

“We offer at most half of the control of two monopoly resources in exchange.”

Doyle Mason said: "That's fair enough."

Ye Yang shook his head and smiled: "Look, you always think that you are still the hegemon of the world. You only care about the conditions you put forward. You have to make all the definitions of fairness. If you don't put away this arrogance, you don't know what equality and peace are." Respect, cooperation between us, will never exist.”

"Then what does Mr. Ye think of as fair?"

Doyle Mason said lightly.

"The United States monopolizes the world's resources and acts as the world's policeman. We in China do not want to be subject to any more sanctions and will not suffer from monopoly. This is only fair."

Ye Yang said tit for tat.


Doyle Mason already knows Ye Yang's position.

He sighed inwardly.

In fact, after experiencing it from the game warehouse, he almost understood Ye Yang's thoughts.

How ambitious is a company that can produce such technology that transcends two eras?

How can you be inferior to others?

Now Ye Yang is completely negotiating from the standpoint of China's will, and he obviously agrees with the ultimate world that China's will hopes for.

Basically, he is not a friend of the top ten financial groups...

Doyle Mason hated to admit it, but he couldn't change it.

China has now developed, and Ye Yang's status is no longer inferior to him. He has no way to change or interfere with Ye Yang's will and thoughts.

However, he was still prepared to make a last-ditch effort.

He stood up directly and shouted angrily: "Are you planning to become an enemy of the United States!?"

Unexpectedly, Ye Yang shook his head.

"China is a great country and has never been anyone's enemy."

Ye Yang said solemnly: "But the premise is that no one treats us as enemies first. You have coexisted with us for so many years, and you haven't even understood the most basic win-win cooperation."

"The fundamental thinking of capital is to kill others and achieve oneself."

"And China's will is to achieve others and achieve society, and others are me, and I am society. In order to achieve the true and fundamental ideal ultimate."

"I don't expect you to understand. Because when you understand us, you become us."

Ye Yang smiled lightly and said: "We only talk about win-win. If you insist on treating us as enemies with a hegemonic mentality, then we will win or lose."


Doyle Mason shook his head.

He knew that there was an essential difference between them and Ye Yang.

This difference is like a chasm, a collision of wills, and language is useless.

"I know, but in this game, your chips are too small."

Doyle Mason said: "You will lose in the end."

"Facts speak louder than words."

Ye Yang said lightly.


Since there is no need to talk about this matter.

Doyle Mason laughed and continued to sip tea as if there had never been a conflict.

He came here just to test Ye Yang's position.

Now that the goal has been achieved, there is no need to go further.

In the game between big countries, we should be cautious.

Ye Yang did not dwell on it. The two of them quarreled, and the ending still had to be proved by facts.

He knew that day was not far away...

The two chatted for a long time, like friends who had not seen each other for a long time, exchanging ideas with each other.

Putting aside Doyle's position, his knowledge and ideas are indeed the top of human beings. Talking with such a wise man can always gain a lot.

No one knows what the two said specifically that night.

All I know is that the next morning.

Doyle took the members of the Mason Consortium on a private plane and returned to the United States...

And Ye Yang continued to live a life of luxury in the manor.

"Boss, someone wants to invite you to dinner."

Yu Momo smiled under the parasol beside him.

"Invite me to dinner? Who?"

Ye Yang asked.


Yu Momo replied with a strange expression...

(First update)

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