Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 841 Ultraviolet Light Pavilion, packed with people


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

This man is very famous.

Around the world, he is known as the stock god.

The stock market is amazing, and you can basically make a lot of money by operating capital.

In the financial circle, he has great status and fame.

There was even a lunch for Buffett.

Put your lunch up for auction.

Rich people from all over the world will rush to auction.

Recently, his lunch and a meal have been auctioned for more than 70 million!

It would cost more than 70 million to have a meal with him!

In the beginning, this value was just because Buffett would impart his knowledge and wealth theory.

Teach you how to get rich during the dinner.

But later, many people used this matter to hype it up, and it was even regarded by the Chinese as a code of wealth.

As long as you can have a meal with Buffett and hype it appropriately, your net worth will skyrocket!

This temptation is too great!

No one could resist, so his lunch was priced at this price...

And now, this Buffett actually wants to treat himself to dinner?

Ye Yang was soaking in the hot spring. The girl next to him was extremely warm and felt wonderful.

He originally wanted to refuse directly. What's the point of having a meal with an old man?

How can I have a date with a pretty girl?!

However, he had a sudden idea and smiled lightly: "Looking for me to eat? Okay! Let him buy my lunch."

Yu Momo's eyes lit up, it works!

Anyone else want to have dinner with Buffett? Then you have to spend money to beg others to eat with you!

It's almost a consensus.

But, Buffett wants to have dinner with Ye Yang? You have to ask Ye Yang for the money!

If the other party really agrees.

That will be an extremely significant event!

It will be of indescribable help to the self-confidence of many people in China!

The situation will be reversed!

"Then boss, how much do we want him for?"

Yu asked silently.

Ye Yang sneered: "He must have taken a fancy to what I said about developing a network of game warehouses. He wanted to find out about my cooperative company and take advantage of the opportunity to make a fortune. If he asked for 100 million US dollars, he wouldn't even frown. of."

"Okay, then I'll offer $100 million."

Yu nodded silently.

Soon, there was a reply.

According to Yu Momo's description, he agreed very readily!

"Damn...lost again."

Ye Yang muttered, this was obviously because he did not reach the highest limit that others could accept.

A big dog is still a big dog!

I wonder if he would agree to the request for a billion dollars just now?

He raised the corner of his mouth, but he was too lazy to think about that.

After all, money is now the icing on the cake for him. One hundred million and one billion are just different numbers.

The biggest foreseeable expense in the future should be the money to popularize game warehouses for ordinary people.

Even for Ye Yang, it was a very stressful thing.

If we really want to popularize it among all the people, even if the price per warehouse is relatively high, we may need to subsidize about 10 trillion yuan...

Ten trillion in funds is not as simple as ten trillion in assets.

Although he is now rich, it is still not an easy task to come up with 10 trillion.

However, it also depends on how it is operated.

Ye Yang has a plan. If it succeeds, he may be able to achieve this without subsidy money.

This kind of money is invested and spent with the help of the company.

There is no rebate.

Black technology companies are companies bought from the system mall, and the scientific research funds spent cannot be refunded.

Soon, the news that Buffett spent 100 million US dollars to treat Ye Yang to dinner spread like wildfire on the Internet!

"What!? Ye Yang invited Buffett to dinner?"

"Fart! It's clear that Buffett wants to treat us Ye Shenhao to dinner, and he spent 100 million US dollars for it!"

"Holy shit! Is it true or false? Are you sure you heard correctly? It was Buffett who spent 100 million US dollars, not Ye Shenhao who spent 100 million US dollars!?"

"Absolutely true!"

"Fuck! That's awesome!!!"

"We, China, have finally stood up!"

"No, it's fake, isn't it? He is the world's stock god! No matter how awesome Ye Yang is, he will only be awesome in China, right? Although it is said that his assets exceed those of the richest man in the country, but they have not been announced, but compared with such international giants , It’s still one or two levels behind, right? Can Buffett treat him to a meal?”

"Haha, I think it's like a rumor! How is it possible? Ye Yang is just a movie star and a rich man in China. I don't think he is qualified to be invited to dinner by Buffett, right?"

"Don't fart upstairs, go and learn some knowledge if you don't know anything. The Shentu Company in which Ye Shenhao is a shareholder is already a world-famous company! It has a market value of several trillion! Why can't you be a stock god and treat it to dinner?"

"That's right! Ye Shenhao is the pride of China! His current status is definitely worthy of being treated to a meal by the stock god!"

"Stop being funny, then they are just equal in status at most! Why did Buffett spend 100 million US dollars to treat Ye Yang to dinner?! You are not spreading rumors like this, are you? I want to report you for spreading false remarks!"

"That's right! One hundred million US dollars, do you know how much that is? Just to have a meal with Ye Yang? Are you dreaming!?"


Netizens were in a quarrel because of this incident.

Ye Yang was completely used to these quarrels.

You can't please everyone.

No matter how perfect a person is, he or she will have fans.

They are either out of admiration for Buffett, or out of inferiority complex that they are Chinese, or they are simply jealous and hate themselves.

Even the great writer Lu Xun and the great hero Yue Fei have people who criticize them.

Even the eternal saint Confucius has people who criticize him.

This is inevitable.

He will not do anything to others just because they criticize him. He does not want those in power to abuse their power.

Freedom of speech is everyone's basic right.

The best response is to slap them in the face with facts.

However, before that, he will still let the relevant departments review these black fans...

Because he found that many of those who criticized him were foreign spies and running dogs.

Every time he got into trouble, he was always lucky enough to find a group of hidden traitors.

That is the legendary "walking 500,000".

He has made at least more than 10 billion by catching these spies.


The venue for this dinner.

The Ultraviolet Pavilion in the Magic City is also the first catering industry that Ye Yang has obtained.

It is very memorable.

Today, many reporters gathered around the restaurant early.

It can be said that the Ultraviolet Pavilion was surrounded by water.

Everyone wanted to see if the rumors that were spreading like wildfire on the Internet were true...

Buffett actually paid for Chinese people to have dinner! ?

Moreover, he spent 100 million US dollars! ! !

The scene was very noisy.

The live broadcast rooms of the big anchors were very noisy.

This incident attracted a lot of attention! ! !

Most of the stock market investors were attracted to come...


An old Rolls-Royce drove over.

An old man got out of the car.

There was an exclamation.

That was actually Buffett...

(Second update)

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