Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 842 Entrusted with 50 billion US dollars

"It's really Buffett!"

"He actually came to China for dinner as the news said."

"What a surprise!"

"Why? Is it just because Ye Yang invested several times in China and made huge profits?"

"How much money does Zongheng have? He is so famous! How could he come to China just because of this?"

"Haha, do you know what Ye Shenhao's two operations mean?"

"In just a few months, he doubled his assets in the stock market 200 times! Do you know how many years it would take Buffett to do this!?"

"Hiss... if you say that, it's true!"

Ye Yang invested in Tianhe Pharmaceutical for the first time and made ten times the profit.

The second time I invested in two medium-sized companies, I made twenty times the profit!

After all, I made two hundred times the profit!

Most people don't realize this if no one mentions it.

In a few months, your assets can increase two hundred times. What kind of magic is this? What vision?

Once I was lucky, I had chosen three companies, and all of them won!

This cannot be explained by good luck!

You know, it took Buffett more than 40 years to achieve a stock market return of more than 40,000%.

More than four hundred times!

It only takes a few months for Ye Yang to double 200 times!

If we look at the rate of return alone, the verdict is clear!

This is simply creating a legend!

It should have shocked the world's stock market, but because of the special characteristics of the Chinese stock market, it has only recently spread to foreign countries.

"Maybe Ye Shenhao will make another big move..."

"Even Buffett can't sit still and wants to come and ask for advice!"

"Have we, Great China, finally risen! Top foreign figures will actually come to China to consult our people..."

"I don't know why, I'm so excited!"

"I'm so excited! I think it's just Ye Yang who wants to create hype! Haha, it's all hype! Anyway, I don't believe it! Buffett is the god of stocks! God! Do you understand? How could he ask others for advice! Don't be ridiculous!"

"I'm laughing so hard upstairs. Where did the kindergarten graduates come from?"

"What did you say!?"



A contest to speculate on mothers has officially begun...


Netizens are enthusiastic and paying attention to this scene.

Buffett got out of the car.

His hair was completely gray and he looked very kind.

Wearing suits and leather shoes, he looked at the reporters around him, shook his head, took one last look at the facade of the Ultraviolet Light Pavilion in front of him, and walked in.

Not long after, Ye Yang arrived at the scene with his beautiful secretary and beautiful bodyguard.

The whole place suddenly thundered.

Treat, treat.

Of course, the person giving the treat comes first, and the person being treated comes later.

Now Ye Yang is coming.

Apparently, it was confirmed that Buffett invited him to dinner...

The reporters all came up and asked all kinds of questions.

"Mr. Ye, is it true that Mr. Buffett invited you to dinner?"

"Did he really spend $100 million!?"

"Please tell me! China's stock investors are waiting for the exact news!"


Ye Yang smiled and said: "Maybe in a few days, I will use the 100 million US dollars he gave me to invest?"

After that, he walked into the Ultraviolet Light Pavilion with the beauties around him.


Whether outside the venue or in the live broadcast room, it once again caused an uproar!

That’s right!

Ye Yang's words directly supported the news of 100 million US dollars!

It's not about the amount of money, it's about the fact that Ye Yang and even Buffett have to spend a lot of money to have a meal with Ye Yang! ! !

The entire Chinese stock market is boiling.

"Stock God? Why don't you pay money to ask our Ye Shenhao for advice?"

"I would like to call him the God of Stock Markets!!!"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!!!"

"Haha... Is the guy upstairs crazy? He's already sitting there, but he still can't believe the reality..."


There was great joy.

Everyone is very proud of the fact that foreign investment giants can come to China...

The situation may really be turning around!

Inside the Ultraviolet Light Pavilion.

The dishes have already started to be served.

Mr. Buffett is sitting there.

Seeing Ye Yang arriving, he stood up to greet him...

"Mr. Ye!"

Buffett is very enthusiastic.

Ye Yang also shook hands with him and then sat on the chair.

The bodyguard behind Buffett was a little surprised when he saw that there were only two girls following Ye Yang. Could it be that Ye Yang didn't need protection?


The meals were served quickly.

The two of them were eating and chatting.

Most of them talked about trivial things, and the atmosphere was very relaxed.

Later, Buffett gradually turned the topic to the stock market and business.

Ye Yang raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

Finally let’s get to the point.

"Mr. Ye, I came to you this time because I also want to know about the networking technology of this Shentu Game Warehouse. If communication technology is needed, have you chosen the communication company you like?"

Buffett asked.

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "Which company do you think I will choose?"

"The strongest communications company in the world today is naturally Qualcomm."

Buffett said: "With such advanced technology, Mr. Ye will not trust others to hand it over, right?"

Ye Yang laughed: "You don't have to trick me anymore. Since you are willing to come to see me, I will make you a proposal and see if you dare to follow it."

"Oh? Mr. Ye, please speak."

Buffett asked.

"You can give me the money and I will invest on your behalf."

Ye Yang said lightly.

Buffett was shocked.

For so many years, others have asked him to act as an agent for funds, and Ye Yang actually wants to help him, the stock god, invest? !

You should know that he has rarely failed in so many years.

He has always maintained a high return on investment.

That's why he has the current reputation.

Ye Yang is said to have speculated in China several times and obtained a 200-fold return rate.

But such shit luck will not last forever. If he invests casually like this, hundreds of billions will not be enough for him to lose.

Buffett was a little worried: "Then can you guarantee the return on investment?"

Ye Yang shook his head: "But I will guarantee that one-fifth of the money you give me will be used to invest in the technology research and development company I like. You should understand what I mean."

"Hiss...If that's the case..."

Buffett's eyes sank, and he began to mutter in his heart.

Once this technology is successful, the market value of the technology research and development company that cooperates with Shentu will inevitably soar!

This is set in stone.

However, only one-fifth can be invested in that company...

The other four-fifths cannot be guaranteed where to go.

People do not guarantee the rate of return, and directly tell him that it is normal for the four-fifths investment to fail and lose all the money.

His worst case scenario is to gamble that the company can really succeed, and the rate of return must be more than 500%.

He will make money...


After thinking for a long time, he said in a deep voice: "I promise you, I will invest 50 billion US dollars!"


Ye Yang laughed, clinked glasses with Buffett, and then drank it all...

(First update)

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