Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 843 Long-term stock market forecasting company appears


Buffett knew very well that if the technology really succeeded, there would be a big change in the future.

Such changes often bring endless benefits.

He also saw this point clearly and wanted to tie himself to the trend of the times at all costs.

However, the price was indeed a bit high for him.

50 billion US dollars, equivalent to more than 300 billion Chinese yuan.

Although he is a financial tycoon and has no shortage of money, he claims to have hundreds of billions of US dollars.

But his money must be in operation and flowing.

The money that can be used at any time is not a large proportion. Now almost most of the money that can be used has been taken out and invested in this gamble.

He believes in his vision and sense of smell!

He will definitely win!!!

Ye Yang still has a good impression of this old man.

Because the other party is really doing charity.

It is much better than many American rich people donating money to their family charities. It is no different from leaving it to their children, and it also saves inheritance tax.

Rather than saying that they are doing charity, it is better to say that they are avoiding taxes.

Therefore, he was willing to give the old man a chance.

As long as he believed in the divine land enough and had enough courage, he could get on the bus.

Facts have proved that he was not lacking in vision and courage to be called the stock god...

After a conversation.

Ye Yang left with Buffett.

Although he did not achieve his original goal, he indirectly fulfilled his wish, and Buffett was very happy.

He left with a smile.

The reporters outside were also taking pictures.

Seeing Buffett so happy after paying for Ye Yang's dinner, everyone was a little surprised.

It seems that he still thinks this meal is worth it? !

Spending 100 million US dollars to treat people to a meal, and still think it is worth it?

Everyone found it difficult to understand.

The rumors that came out during the banquet later shocked the Chinese stock investor circle!

Buffett paid a huge sum of 50 billion US dollars and entrusted Ye Yang to invest! ! !

"Damn it! Oh my god! Buffett has entrusted us Chinese to invest!"

"Moreover, he spent 50 billion US dollars at once! How much money is that! Oh my god! Not to mention a lifetime, you can't spend it all in a hundred lifetimes!"

"Haha! Hype! Absolute hype! Spending money to treat him to a meal just to let Ye Yang manage 50 billion US dollars for him? I don't believe it! He is the stock god! Doesn't this mean that Ye Yang is more awesome than Buffett!?"

"What's impossible about this! Do you think Ye Yang is not more awesome than Buffett!?"

"It's so funny! He is a real super financial tycoon! I absolutely don't believe it!!!"


The two sides started to quarrel again.

However, the quarrel soon stopped.

The sound of face slapping spread to every corner of the Internet where there are stockholders.

"This is definitely not a rumor! The Buffett Foundation has already made a public announcement!"

"The Buffett Foundation has admitted that it will transfer 50 billion US dollars to Huaye Investment in the near future and ask it to operate it on its behalf!!!"



The stock market exploded directly!

Buffett really wants Ye Yang to manage the 50 billion US dollars invested in him...

Everyone feels that their worldview has been changed.

This world is really too crazy!

"Doesn't that mean that Ye Shenhao..."

"Really the God of Stocks!!!"

This day was remembered by all Chinese stockholders!

Ye Yang's name as the new God of Stocks has been deeply rooted in people's hearts since then!


After returning to the Yundingshan Villa, Ye Yang found that the last long-term stock in his stock market forecast card had also appeared...

"Let me see..."

Ye Yang opened the stock market forecast card interface with great anticipation.

After seeing that company.

He was stunned at the time.


He held his forehead.

The company name on this page is extremely familiar.

It is Xiayou Company...

Xiayou Company is now the best in China's communication business.

It is also the domestic company with the greatest hope of breaking through to 8G in the short term.

He has asked Shentu to hand over to the other party and jointly make technological breakthroughs.

Unexpectedly, this company with high returns for long-term investment is actually Xiayou Company...

"But the good news is that it has been confirmed that the time for Xiayou Company to break through to 8G will not be long."

This company is already a well-known large enterprise in China. It only has non-rights shares on the stock market. It can buy and sell stocks, but it cannot own shares through stock trading.

It is also impossible to control this company by acquiring stocks.

The last time the stock market of this company rose was because 5G technology was one step ahead of the world, making Chinese technology at the forefront of the world.

However, it also suffered crazy retaliation and sanctions from the United States.

It has not been very good in recent years.

If there is no next big breakthrough in a few years, it may not be able to survive the difficulties in the next few years.

It seems that Ye Yang chose to let Shentu cooperate with Xiayou, which accidentally helped it.

It is estimated that Xiayou Company will make a technological breakthrough soon.

Ye Yang nodded, very satisfied.

The stock market prediction card will predict the long-term stocks with the largest recent gains.

My decision has caused Xiayou to become the stock with the highest recent gains.

So naturally, Xiayou will be displayed.


This also has its advantages. According to the funds, investment and withdrawal timing, etc., it can help Xia You get 8G faster.

"The first investment period is after Buffett's funds come in a few days..."

Ye Yang looked at the recommended investment ratio and nodded with satisfaction.

Although the stock market rose a lot in the last few times.

But the amount of money was too small. Even in the second wave, he only made about 200 billion.

For his current size, it can be said that there is a gain, but it is not exciting at all.

But this time, the initial investment reached 100 billion!

Not to mention that there are various entry and operation windows later.

The entire investment this time should reach about 300 billion!

"If it can rise like the last two times, it will be exciting! That's trillion-level cash!"

Ye Yang was excited just thinking about it.

Now, only the level of trillions of Chinese currency cash can make him pay attention to it!

He spread the news to relatives and friends.

These relatives and friends are not as rich as himself, and they definitely can't take out 100 billion, but they can still make a small profit.

After dealing with these things, Ye Yang was not in a hurry.

After all, long-term stocks will not be as fast as short-term stocks. It is estimated that the actual closing will take several months or even a year.

Most people have replied.

On the contrary, Zheng Xian, a good brother, has not replied yet.

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

Usually this guy is the most active, why didn't he reply for so long this time...

Zheng Xian now has considerable shares and equity in the company, and belongs to the uncle of the board of directors.

It is reasonable that he should not reply to messages for such a long time, and he should not answer the phone...

He thought about it and called Zhang Wanmin...

(Second update)

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