Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 844: Full Aura for Nine Days

Zhang Wanmin, who was in a meeting, waved his hand impatiently when his secretary said he had an important call.

It wasn't until the secretary told him the name of the caller that he heard it was Ye Yang, and he stood up in shock!

The company executives present looked at Zhang Wanmin in surprise.

Zhang Wanmin calmed down and said, "Let's take a look at the materials first. I'll go take Mr. Ye Yang's call and I'll be back soon!"

"Mr. Ye!!?"

When all the executives heard these three words, their expressions became bright...

This former company intern is now famous in China!

And it is said that he is the owner of the building, and he came to be an intern just for a private visit incognito!

His legend is spread everywhere throughout the financial building.

Because of Ye Yang's relationship, Wanmin Company also benefited a lot when doing business in Shanghai!

When they heard it was Ye Yang, they all lost their temper and asked Zhang Wanmin to go quickly.


"Brother Zheng Xian... I went to discuss business. But even if it's a meeting, Mr. Ye, he shouldn't not answer your call!"

Zhang Wanmin also felt a little strange.

Ye Yang frowned: "Where did he go for the meeting?"

"A few days ago, a new friend company in Suzhou City said that it was going to do a big project with huge profits, and asked Zheng Xian to do it. He just set out yesterday."

Zhang Wanmin kept saying.


Ye Yang nodded.

Sioux City and Magic City are not far apart.

After arriving at the Xinyou Company location, he stood up and prepared to go.

Although he has now grown into a world-class super boss, he also has some overt and covert enemies.

If the black source infiltrates back into the country, it might do bad things to the people around him.

He directly asked the information network in his hand to check, and soon got Zheng Xian's whereabouts.

Ever since he entered that Xinyou company, he has never come out...

The plane will be ready soon.

Ye Yang took Xiao Qingxuan and others to land at Su Shi Airport, and then prepared to go straight to Xinyou Company.

Since there is no car in Yeyang, Suzhou City, the car temporarily transferred by the subsidiary here is just an inconspicuous Audi A6.

Just as he was about to get in the car, a figure trotted over.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, unexpectedly seeing an old acquaintance here...

It is Zhang Jiutian from the Black Jiutian Company in the Magic City!

He is only one generation below Qian Boyan in the underworld world of the Demon City, and he has great status.

"Mr. Ye!"

Zhang Jiutian walked over again and again, with a smile on his face.

Almost every time I met Ye Yang, it was through misfortune or misunderstanding.

Either his son provoked the other party, or he was entrusted to cause trouble for Ye Yang.

Now that Ye Yang is famous in the Demon City, he knows Ye Yang's terror. If he hadn't been clever, he would have met the King of Hell long ago...

This time we finally met without any misunderstanding, so of course we had to behave well.

"You actually came to Sioux City!"

Ye Yang nodded slightly: "You have a wide range of business? Do you have work to handle in Su City?"

The other party gave him one billion, and he was more clever in doing things later, so he didn't hate this Nine Heavens.

"Harm! I just finished doing things and was going back..."

Zhang Jiutian's eyes turned: "I wonder if Mr. Ye can use me for anything when he comes to Su City? Jiutian will be on the front and back without hesitation!"


Ye Yang originally wanted to say no, but this time he would probably break into Xinyou Company by force. He originally wanted to use either hurricane security or police resources.

However, the former is a bit too intrusive, and the latter without formal procedures. If Xinyou Company does not break the law, it will not look good afterward.

Now that I have met Zhang Jiutian, letting him handle this matter seems to be the most appropriate way at the moment.

"There's really one thing."

Ye Yang exited.

Zhang Jiutian's eyes lit up and he murmured in his heart.

What is Ye Yang’s identity now! ?

If you can do something for him, you will definitely benefit a lot in the future!

However, he was afraid that with his limited ability, he would not be able to help Ye Yang...

"Do you know there is a Xinyou company in Sioux City?"

Ye Yang asked.

"Of course I know!"

Zhang Jiutian nodded repeatedly: "That company was jointly run by several top young men in Su City. On the surface, it was engaged in Internet finance, but in fact, it was a place where these young men were free and unrestrained. There were not many serious people in the company, and all of them were It’s the dog-headed strategist who advises those young masters, and some brute force thugs..."


Ye Yang's eyes darkened, and he already had seven or eight guesses about the matter.

"You want to go to Xinyou Company!? Okay!"

Zhang Jiutian felt relieved. Considering his face, he still had to give it to the top young men in Suzhou.

Not to mention them, even the top young masters in Magic City dare not offend him easily. After all, he is really doing dirty things.

"Mr. Ye, how can you ride in a garbage truck like the Audi A6? You ride in my Maybach!"

Zhang Jiutian was extremely clever and kept talking.

Ye Yang looked at Zhang Jiutian with satisfaction.

This kind of flattering guy is really useful.


Maybach brought Zhang Jiutian's team to Xinyou Company...

Although this company is a financial Internet type, it is not built in a high-tech zone, but is located in the suburbs.

There are not many people around.

"Is this Xinyou Company?"

Ye Yang looked at the two-story building in front of him and twitched the corner of his mouth.

This shabby headquarters doesn't look like a big company with a registered capital of 500 million...

Ye Yang took Xiao Qingxuan and Xiao Xiaozhu out of the car and walked to the door.

Two headquarters security guards were sitting there playing poker. They glanced up at Ye Yang and asked, "Do you have a pass?"

"I'm looking for someone."

Ye Yang said calmly.

"Who are you looking for?"

The security guard frowned, instinctively feeling that something was wrong.

"Zheng Xian."

Ye Yang directly took out Zheng Xian's photo.

"I haven't seen it before. It's not here!"

The two bodyguards didn't even think twice and directly denied seeing Zheng Xian.


A cold light flashed in Ye Yang's eyes.

His intelligence network has stated that Zheng Xian is in this building and has never come out.

never seen it?

Instant reply?

There must be something wrong!

"Damn it, don't you see who this man is in front of you!? Get out of my way!"

Zhang Jiutian stood on the stage in person, and the mafia boss was at full strength, which shocked the two bodyguards...

To put it bluntly, these two bodyguards are just ordinary gangsters, otherwise they would not be arranged to watch the gate.

Seeing a lot of people cheering behind Zhang Jiutian, his legs went weak on the spot.

"Oh! This big brother! I was negligent just now, but I really don't remember if there is such a person... How about I ask inside, ask!"

As soon as he stood up, two security guards were held down!

"You want to tip off Tibetans!? I overthrew this company today!"

Zhang Jiutian had Ye Yang's support and was a gangster himself. He was unscrupulous and full of aura. He waved his hand and said, "Search for me!"

(First update)

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