Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 845: Two major chambers of commerce in Su City


Behind Zhang Jiutian, twenty or thirty younger brothers rushed directly into the two-story building.

Then, he stepped back and bowed, saying: "Mr. Ye, please~"


Ye Yang nodded slightly. These gangsters have no taboos and are very aggressive.

It saved him a lot of trouble.

If it is a formal procedure, it cannot be done this way.

At least a search warrant should be obtained.

It must be said that the execution of justice requires this kind of taboo-free behavior in certain special times.

"You are crazy! Do you know who is inside! Can you afford to offend the big guys inside by forcing in like this!"

The two security guards were stunned when they saw this!

They were obviously scared.

"Shut up!"

Zhang Jiutian shouted.

In his mind, there are few people in the world that Ye Yang can't afford to offend.

At least a group of dandy young masters are nothing in front of Mr. Ye!

The two security guards were knocked out directly.

Zhang Jiutian followed Ye Yang into the second-floor building...

"Da Da Da..."

The sound of searching upstairs and downstairs was noisy.

Many young men who were taking addictive drugs or wandering in the land of tenderness and learning English with foreign models were kicked off the bed.

There was anger in the panic.

"Do you know who we are!?"

"You dare to do this to us! Are you crazy!"

"Sooner or later, you will suffer the consequences!"

All the young men were extremely angry and uttered harsh words.

But there was no exception.

Whoever said harsh words, Zhang Jiutian would go up and kick them.

They were kicked so hard that their noses and faces were swollen.

They didn't dare to say anything more...

The young men on the first floor were gathered together, squatting in the corner, trembling.

If anyone showed a little dissatisfaction, Zhang Jiutian would go up and kick them...

"Found it!"

A younger brother shouted upstairs.

Ye Yang then led people upstairs.

In a compartment on the second floor.

Zheng Xian was helped out in a dusty state.

"Mr. Zheng!"

Zhang Jiutian was very smart. He knew that Zheng Xian was a person that Ye Yang valued. He immediately approached him with great respect and asked about his health: "Are you okay?"

Zheng Xian's face was not very good.

But he didn't seem to be injured.

He just shook his head: "It's okay... You actually found me so quickly."

"What's the matter?"

Ye Yang frowned and asked.


Zheng Xian hadn't spoken yet.

More than a dozen people came out from the innermost part of the second floor.

They came out with the three people in the middle.

"Who dares to act wild in my Xinyou Company! Looking for death!?"

The leader in the middle shouted angrily.

"You little thing, you don't show courtesy to Master Jiutian!"

Zhang Jiutian's capable general shouted.

"Zhang Jiutian!?"

The leader was startled, his eyes were a little fearful, and then he said: "So it's Master Zhang, this Xinyou Company is managed by our Uncle Snake, even if it's you, I'm afraid you don't have the qualifications to stretch your hands so far!?"

"Two-headed snake?"

Zhang Jiutian sneered.

The two-headed snake She Mao is one of the two giants of the Su City underworld, and he is of similar generation. In fact, the other party is his younger brother of the same generation.

After all, the other party is a giant in Su City. Although he is slightly older than the other party, he has to give the other party three points when he sees him in Su City.

But today is different.

He is doing things for Ye Yang today!

This is an existence that Qian Boxian is afraid of!

What is a two-headed snake?

"I will take care of this matter today. Hand over those two people to me, otherwise don't blame me for not giving face to that little snake today!"

Zhang Jiutian sneered.

Behind the person who spoke were obviously the two masterminds of this incident, the two young masters with the highest status in this building.

"Master Zhang, you are powerful, but you are not qualified to talk to Uncle Snake like this in Su City!"

The leader frowned.

But before he could finish.

Zhang Jiutian led his men to walk over and slapped him down the stairs from upstairs to downstairs.

"Who do you think you are! Are you worthy of ordering me around! Bring that little snake here, barely qualified!"

Nowadays, under the new situation, the underworld dares not be too arrogant in public.

But today it's a case of black eating black!

Just do it!

Zhang Jiutian regained his passion and felt that all the pores in his body were relaxed.


The tattooed man who was beaten knew that they were fighting here and they were at a disadvantage because they had fewer people, so he spit out his knocked-out teeth fiercely: "Master Zhang, you are cruel now! But Uncle Snake will come later, I hope you can still talk like this! Go!"

Leave after making a cruel remark!

"Still want to leave?"

Although Zhang Jiutian's words were tough, he knew that he couldn't beat Uncle Snake in Su City, so he quickly asked people to stop the dozen people and prepared to run back to the Magic City after finishing the job here.

Ye Yang sneered: "I'm just going to see who is the mastermind behind this, let them go back and bring the people."

"Ahem, Mr. Ye..."

Zhang Jiutian was about to say something, but seeing Ye Yang's eyes, he didn't dare to say more: "Haha, then I'll let you go back, and let your little snake bring more people! Don't let me look down on him!"

"Okay! Okay!"

The tattooed brother gritted his teeth in anger and led his people to evacuate the building directly.

The two young masters who lost their protection were pale and were directly caught...

Damn it!

These gangsters, none of them are loyal!

Ye Yang asked Zheng Xian to clean up. He was covered in dirt and had obviously suffered a lot.

Then, he sat on a chair.

All the young men were gathered in the living room in front of him and squatted.

"Tell me the truth! Otherwise, if Mr. Ye frowns, I will tear your heads off!"

Zhang Jiutian was ferocious.

With his many years of experience as a gangster, he could easily scare a few young people.

All the rich second-generations were scared.

However, the first two were obviously troublemakers. They raised their heads and said unconvincedly: "Who are you! Don't you know that Su City is the territory of our two major chambers of commerce!? We are the sons of the presidents of the two chambers of commerce! You dare to treat us like this, be careful and consider the consequences!!!"

"Fuck you!"

Zhang Jiutian kicked both of them over with one kick.

"Little bastard! You are showing off to your master Zhang! Your two chambers of commerce are indeed giants in Su City, but you don't have eyes to look at who is in front of you!?"

The two men were stunned when they were dragged over just now, and only now did they look at Ye Yang.

Their eyes narrowed...

The Magic City is not far from Su City, and Ye Yang's reputation is spread outside, so the business community in Su City has naturally heard of him.

But the real appearance of Ye Yang, these two playboys, either playing with women or smoking opium every day, have no idea at all.

"Who is he!?"

"Fuck! How dare you not recognize your ancestor Ye!"

Zhang Jiutian raised his foot and kicked!

The two chambers of commerce in Su City are very powerful, and their influence is first-class in the business community in southern China.

The status of the two presidents can be compared with the richest man in the Magic City.

Normally, he would not dare to kick these two spoiled young men even if he had eight guts. This time when he came to Su City to do business, he had to look at the faces of the two chambers of commerce.

Today, he is going to beat them up! ! !

(Second update)

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