Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 846: Su City in Motion

"...... Ouch!"

The two young masters cried out in pain.

A brave man will not suffer a loss in front of him. The two men knew that Zhang Ye was a ruthless character and did not dare to be arrogant anymore.

He only told them to find two fathers to come over and explain what happened.

Zhang Jiutian scratched his cheek. He really did not dare to cry. She Mao, the two-headed snake, would definitely bring people over in a while. It was uncertain whether he could deal with them.

If two more powerful people in the business world of Su City came over...

Then he would basically kneel there.

He glanced at Ye Yang.

Ye Yang looked very calm and said calmly: "It's just right. I want to see who has cultivated such a daring thing!"


Oh my God!

This is in Su City!

A strong dragon cannot suppress a local snake!

You are directly challenging three of the strongest local snakes...

Zhang Jiutian was trembling with fear, but he did not dare to go against Ye Yang's will and threw the phone back to the two dandies.

After a while, Zheng Xian finished cleaning up and went out to sit with Ye Yang.

"These brats are pretty cruel."

Zheng Xian sighed: "I didn't eat for a day."

"What happened?"

Ye Yang asked.

"They tricked me in under the guise of discussing business, and then locked me in a small room and asked me to reflect on what I had done to offend this 'Young Master Liu'. They said I would be hungry if I couldn't figure it out."

Zheng Xian shrugged, which was outrageous.

He obviously didn't understand what was going on for a while.

He was hungry for a day in vain.

Ye Yang was full of black lines.

"Who among you is Young Master Liu?"

Ye Yang asked with a frown.

"Young Master Liu is the eldest son of our Sutong Chamber of Commerce!"

Someone said proudly.

"Is he among you?"

Ye Yang asked with a dangerous look in his eyes.

"We are just angry, and we are here to teach this Zheng guy a lesson for my brother! Who are you to dare to interfere in the affairs of our two major chambers of commerce in Su City!?"

When one of the two leaders mentioned the Sutong Chamber of Commerce, he was extremely proud, and the shadow of being beaten just now disappeared.

The result was another beating.

"Tell him to roll over here too, don't let me invite him, otherwise he won't come here intact!"

Zhang Jiutian knew Ye Yang's thoughts, and he said it directly.

Anyway, the three strongest local snakes have been offended, so why not offend them thoroughly!

In the end, Ye Shenhao will cover it.

Ye Yang can even calm Qian Boxian, and his assets are said to be hundreds of billions. Even in the other party's territory, it should be no problem for one person to suppress the two major chambers of commerce...

I think so.

Zhang Jiutian was panicking at this time, and the more panicked he was, the more ruthless he was.

The two young masters were beaten to the ground and twitched, and the other young masters were so scared that they peed on the spot...


Too cruel!

This guy doesn't seem to be afraid of the revenge of the two major chambers of commerce in Su City, let alone the forces behind them, so they are all very obedient and dare not act rashly.

At this time.

Two-headed snake She Mao was playing a game of filling a big hole with others, winning or losing hundreds of thousands.

When he saw that his capable man, the tattooed man, was beaten with broken teeth and came back with blood in his mouth, his brows immediately frowned.

Since he became a giant in the underworld of Su City, who dares to offend him like this! ?

In the whole Su City, the only people who dare to do this, except for the official people, are the presidents of the two major chambers of commerce and another giant.

However, the other two chambers of commerce have no time to make friends with him.

"Was it done by the one-headed drill!?"

The two-headed snake frowned and asked coldly.

"It's not... it's... Master Zhang Jiutian from the Magic City."

The tattooed man said.


The two-headed snake swung the cards in his hand: "Damn it! Are you playing thieves on my territory? Zhang Jiutian is not tough enough! Go call all the brothers to me, and let him come but never come back today!"

After that.

Everyone in the field went back to contact people.

At the same time.

Su City Business Union Building.

The merchants in the Su City area are doing a monthly summary here today, which is actually a tea party and chatting.

The local merchants in Su City attach great importance to this.

After all, in terms of any family or company, Su City does not have a giant that can really compete with the giants in the nearby Magic City, but because of the emergence of the Chamber of Commerce, they have done this!

The local merchants in Su City have united into two major chambers of commerce, and each chamber of commerce has a size that is not afraid of the richest man in the Magic City!

Unity is strength.

So they all value this friendship.

The two presidents are sitting at the highest main table.

They are drinking tea with each other and talking with a smile.

The atmosphere is quite harmonious.

At this moment, the door was suddenly broken open.

"It's bad, President! The young master called and said he was kidnapped. Let the two presidents go over. Oh, and the eldest young master of Sutong, or else he will be killed!!!"

The two bodyguards were very anxious.

Sutong President Liu Bian looked ashen, and exchanged glances with Suhe Chamber of Commerce President Chen Qingling.

"In this world today, there are still gangsters who dare to openly kidnap the son of the Chamber of Commerce President in the mainland?! So arrogant!"

Nowadays, the trend of cracking down on gangs and eliminating evil is that even Qian Boxian would not dare to act like this without reason!

"I want to see who dares to be so arrogant!!!"

Liu Bian slammed the table and said, "Call the bodyguards of the Chamber of Commerce for me, I'll go and have a good meeting with them!"

Chen Qingling was silent.

He and Liu Bian have different temperaments. He knows that his youngest son is not good at dealing with people and doesn't care about people. He probably offended someone, and he may not be right. So he secretly ordered his secretary to call the police to deal with it.

In case something happens that he can't control later.

Then he took the bodyguard group and set off with Liu Bian...

Each of the three groups represents the most powerful force in the surrounding areas of Su City!

They are deeply rooted in the local forces!

The news that the three major forces came out together spread to all levels of forces in Su City in an instant.

Everyone who heard the news was terrified!

"I don't know which dragon is crossing the river!? It's so fierce! Dare to provoke three local snakes at once, aren't you afraid of being bitten to death!"

"Just this courage is admirable!"

"Haha...I guess it can't stand it, unless the super boss comes! This is the home court of the three giants!"


All the forces were discussing.

Many people were asking through various channels what happened...

Even the director of the highest police station in Su City was alarmed.

He sat in the office, frowning: "What are you doing?!"

The three major forces are intertwined in Su City. If they really make a scene, I'm afraid that Su City will be torn apart.

This matter cannot be ignored!

"What's going on!?"

He asked.

"The Suhe Chamber of Commerce has communicated with us, saying that the young master of them and the Sutong Chamber of Commerce has been kidnapped."

The secretary next to him said.

"Is this true!?"

This is a big deal!

After all, he is the son of the two presidents!

These two chambers of commerce are the foundation of Su City's economy and cannot be lost!

"Emergency mobilization, transfer people, come with me."

The chief of the highest police station in Su City stood up and acted vigorously...

(First update)

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