Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 847 Three parties gather together

Very soon.

The powerful convoy of the two-headed snake stopped under the two-story building.

There were even a few vans.

Although the underworld is no longer as prosperous as it used to be, the two-headed snake, as the strongest underworld force in the Su City area, still gathered nearly 300 people at a command.

This is already the biggest momentum that the local underworld can make now...

The three hundred people all held weapons and soon surrounded the two-story building.

The noisy sound below made the eyes of the young men squatting on the floor upstairs brighten.

Is the reinforcement coming? ?

Their feet were numb from squatting, but they didn't dare to move...

Because if they moved, they would be beaten.

This feeling is so uncomfortable.

They are precious bodies, how could they have suffered such grievances since they were young? !

Zhang Jiutian estimated the opponent's strength from the window, and his heart became more and more panicked...

He brought more than 30 brothers this time.

If a fight really breaks out, the only choice is to quickly protect Ye Yang and run away...

With ten to one, it's a blessing to be able to run away.

He glanced at Ye Yang, who still looked calm and composed.

"...You are really not panicking..."

Zhang Jiutian muttered in his heart.

Ye Yang had attacked twice, and he knew that Ye Yang was very good at fighting, and he could beat ten people at once.

However, there were about three hundred people...

No matter how good he was, could he still fight one against a hundred? !

He really thought he was a super warrior in a historical story...

Although Zhang Jiutian was a little scared in his heart, he would not lose the battle even if he lost the fight.

He straightened his chest and stood beside Ye Yang, with a majestic and extraordinary aura between his eyebrows.

Like a door god.

"Da Da Da..."

The two-headed snake She Mao took the tattooed brother and others upstairs.

It was almost full.

This was only part of it.

The second floor couldn't accommodate so many people at all.

Most people were still guarding downstairs, surrounding the two-story building to prevent Zhang Jiutian from escaping.

Xiao Qingxuan and Xiao Xiaozhu looked at each other, both with some excitement in their eyes.

The boss himself was very good at fighting, and they didn't have many opportunities to fight.

Often, before the two beautiful bodyguards could react, the boss would have solved the target.

This time, there were three hundred people, and the boss probably couldn't beat them alone!

It was finally their turn to show their power! ! !

They came down from the mercenary battlefield, and although they enjoyed the hard-won peace, they were still passionate about fighting in their bones.

Originally, when the young master besieged Haituo Mountain in Beijing, the two of them wanted to have a big fight.

However, the scene was too big, and there were too many onlookers. If there was a fight, it would have a bad impact, so Ye Yang chose to call the army directly and suppress it directly.

But this time...


Xiao Qingxuan silently took out her big knife.

Xiao Xiaozhu took out a few sachets with a smile in her eyes.


"Zhang from the Magic City, what's wrong with you today? You dare to show off in my territory and even hurt my capable general!"

She Mao's eyes were cold: "I will make you come but never return today!!!"

Zhang Jiutian sneered: "You are still younger than me in terms of seniority! You are so shameless! You don't have the ability to make me come but never return!"

"Haha, do you think this is in the Magic City!? In Su City, even if Qian Boxian comes, he can't save you!"

She Mao roared.

" really have grown up! You dare to disrespect Master Qian! I will take this to Master Qian when I return to the Magic City, and see how long you can live!"

Zhang Jiutian laughed.

Qian Boxian's reputation in the underworld shocked the eastern part of China.

A lean camel is bigger than a horse. With Qian Boxian's reputation and seniority, it doesn't take much effort to kill She Mao.

She Mao's heart trembled, knowing that he had said the wrong thing, and sneered: "I said, you can't leave Su City! You can't say that!"

He came to Su City, he had a protective umbrella.

When the time comes, catch Zhang Jiutian, use the relationship behind him to deal with the other party, and put him in the police station, which naturally means that he will stay in Su City.

"Haha, you dare to do it?"

Zhang Jiutian looked up, very confident.

"Why not!"

Zhang Jiutian sneered: "Just based on the thirty people around you now, it's not enough!"

"Maybe I have too few people around me, but today, I am here to do things for Mr. Ye. Do you dare to offend Mr. Ye? I advise you to think twice before you act!"

Zhang Jiutian sneered and played his trump card.

But he was not sure whether a local gangster in Su City could know Ye Yang.

"What a bullshit Mr. Ye! I haven't heard of it! Which one?"

She Mao sneered and waved his hand. There was no big boss named Ye in Su City that he couldn't afford to offend.

"That's him!"

Zhang Jiutian gave up his position.

"Hmm? This little guy?!"

She Mao is now over 40, so he looks at Ye Yang like a child.

"Ahem, Boss... He looks like a star!"

A younger brother said.

"Are you sure?"

She Mao doesn't watch movies, nor does he get involved in internal business transactions, so he doesn't know Ye Yang's identity.

"Absolutely! All the women in my family like him! Especially my wife, who hugs his photo and kisses him every day. I hate him so much that I remember his appearance so clearly that I would recognize him even if he turned into ashes. There's no doubt about it!"

The bucktoothed man was furious when he saw Ye Yang.


She Mao nodded: "What a bullshit star, I didn't do anything in the early years! Even if you are a billionaire, I would still kidnap you! Once you enter my territory, you must follow my rules!"

"You injured my brother and robbed the people we protect. Today, all of you must leave a finger here! In addition, pay another 300 million in ransom! Otherwise, don't blame me for destroying you directly!"

"It's broken..."

Zhang Jiutian didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Ye Yang was too low-key. Not many people in Su City knew his true identity.

He said coldly: "Mr. Ye, even Mr. Qian has to be treated with respect. How dare you disrespect him!?"

"Don't bluff me! It's useless! Come on!"

She Mao was about to take action.

There was a noisy sound outside.

"What's going on?!"

He frowned and asked.

"The people from the two major chambers of commerce have arrived together!"

The person next to him said in a panic.

The people from the two major chambers of commerce have come up over there.

The two presidents came in person, and no one dared to stop them.

"Hey! Chairman Liu, Chairman Chen!"

She Mao greeted them with a smile: "Are you here to pick up your son? I'm here to find trouble with the guy who kidnapped your son!"

These two are also local bigwigs in Su City. They usually respect and love each other and never provoke each other.

"It seems that our goals are the same."

Liu Bian nodded to She Mao, and his eyes swept towards Ye Yang and Zhang Jiutian fiercely: "It's you, who touched my son!?"

(Second update)

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