Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 848 I recognized it, but not completely.

Chen Qingling said nothing.

He himself didn't like dealing with She Mao like this. He knew that his son was not doing his job every day, and he was extremely disappointed in this son.

Now it's causing this kind of trouble again.

If it wasn't for the tea party, everyone knew about it. If he didn't come, it would lose the Chamber of Commerce's face and honor. He wouldn't even bother to come today.

"It was your eldest son who caused the trouble. How dare you turn around and accuse us, Mr. Ye!? How brave! You two presidents are not strict in discipline! What kind of sons do you raise! Ah? One smokes marijuana, He's so sensual, look at those big black eyes, and if he plays for another two days, he'll probably die of kidney failure!"

"How dare you, the eldest son of the Sutong Chamber of Commerce, instruct these rotten cowards to set up traps and torture our Mr. Ye's friends! I think you don't want to live anymore!"

Zhang Jiutian had completely let himself go at this time.

With the three major forces arriving, he lost all hope of running away.

We can only hope that Ye Yang is awesome.

If Ye Yang can carry it down, he will be fine today.

If I can't bear it, I'll die here today.

They are all destined to be offended anyway, so let’s have fun today and scold them enough!

In Sioux City, he pointed his nose at the masters of the three major forces!

Needless to say what happened afterwards, anyway, he was having a blast cursing now!

He, Zhang Jiutian, had done something awesome that he would never dare to do in his life, unless there was no accident.

It’s just cool!

Everyone looks down on dogs that rely on human power, but the problem is that when dogs rely on human power, dogs are really happy!

Ye Yang looked at Zhang Jiutian's expression, as if he was about to die heroically, and couldn't help but want to laugh.

But now is obviously not the time to laugh.

"what happened?"

Chen Qingling asked again and again as if she had something to hide.

"I am here!"

Young Master Liu and Liu Wujian stood up.

"Haha, your friend doesn't care who he is, he dares to touch any woman! No wonder I did it!"

What he said was obviously reasonable.


Ye Yang looked at Zheng Xian: "Are you fooling his wife?"


The whole place fell into silence, and occasionally a few uncontrollable laughter came...

This question was too fierce and straightforward!


Zheng Xian scratched his head sincerely and answered seriously...


Many people can't bear it anymore...

One dares to ask, and the other dares to answer!

"Am I him?"

Young Master Liu and Liu Wuji were so angry that their face turned red: "This is totally outrageous! I'm talking about Ling Xiaowen!!!"

"Haha, Xiaowen is my fiancée, why can't I touch her!"

A flash of anger flashed in Zheng Xian's eyes: "What does it have to do with you! I didn't even know you before today! It's simply inexplicable!"

"Xiaowen is the legitimate daughter of the Jinling family. We have known each other since childhood! She has been my wife for a long time! Not now or in the future! Who do you think you are? You are worthy of being her fiancé!"

Liu Wudi's eyes turned red when he mentioned this.

"We have a lot to learn from our relationship. As for you... Xiaowen has never even mentioned you in her life, and you're probably not an important person. Don't impress yourself here."

Zheng Xian frowned and said with some disgust.

It turns out that it was framed by a love rival...

Ye Yang nodded in agreement. He had experienced this matter a lot and was clear about it.

"Haha, I am the son of the Sioux City Chamber of Commerce, and I will inherit a 100-billion-dollar chamber of commerce in the future! What are you! A mere minority shareholder of an Internet company!

I have calculated that he is just a poor guy worth a billion! He deserves to be with Xiaowen! ? If times hadn't changed now, a few years ago, I would have disabled your lower functions so that you would never be able to get married! "

A chill rose in Ye Yang's eyes.

This guy is so cruel!

If he didn't have his backer, Zheng Xian would definitely be treated like this when he met him a few years ago.

Even this time, if he hadn't come here, Zheng Xian didn't know what kind of treatment he would have received.

“Can money represent love!?”

Zheng Xian's eyes also turned cold: "If you really have this idea, then Xiaowen will never have a good impression of you."

Love is real.

It's just that the pursuit of true love requires a valuable temperament and some necessary prerequisites.

If you give up your valuable temperament, you will despair of love and say that there is no love in the world.

He and Ling Xiaowen were two people pursuing true love. They pursued each other for more than twenty years and then luckily met each other.

He understands what the other person is thinking.

Ling Xiaowen definitely hated people like Liu Wudi.

Liu Wudi was so angry that he gritted his teeth: "Father! He didn't take our Chamber of Commerce seriously at all, and even injured my brother. If we don't teach him a lesson today, the face and reputation of our Sutong Chamber of Commerce will be completely wiped out!"

Liu Bian nodded, deeply convinced.

"Today, if you don't pay the price, you won't be able to leave!"

He looked to his left at She Mao, who nodded affirmatively.

She looked to her right at Chen Qingling. Chen Qingling's face was uncertain and she finally shook her head.

"Our two major chambers of commerce have always advanced and retreated together. Is President Chen not going to get involved in this matter today?"

Liu Bian frowned, feeling unhappy inside.

"This matter, for our Suhe Chamber of Commerce, is wrong first. I feel that it is unreasonable and forceful. I find it despicable. On behalf of the Suhe Chamber of Commerce, I apologize to both of you."

Chen Qingling cupped her fists.

This matter was caused by the eldest son of the Sutong Chamber of Commerce. The son of the Suhe Chamber of Commerce only got involved in the kidnapping of Zheng Xian.

It can be said that the Suhe Chamber of Commerce did something wrong from the beginning.

"You are sensible. Otherwise, if you really dare to provoke our Mr. Ye Yang, you will be in trouble sooner or later!"

Zhang Jiutian felt relieved. If one of the three major forces is removed, there may be a chance to escape...

His words were very upright, but he was thinking about escaping in his heart.

"Besides, the name of this young gentleman sounds familiar..."

Chen Qingling thought for a while and was a little surprised: "Ye Yang... I remember that I know Bai Fujiu from the Magic City. He said... This Mr. Ye is the future son-in-law of Xu Yuanhong, the richest man in the Magic City! He is also a major shareholder of Yida."

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

Bai Fujiu initially competed with him for a purple clay teapot at the charity auction. He is a billionaire in the Magic City. Later, he also participated in the business evening party held by Xu Yuanhong and saw Wang Silin calling him boss.

Unexpectedly, Chen Qingling also knew about this matter.


Liu Bi'an and She Mao looked over, a little surprised.

I didn't expect that this young man who looked like a handsome guy would have such great power.

The major shareholder of Yida, the suspected future son-in-law of the richest man in Shanghai?

Liu Bi'an's face was not very good.

"Suspected son-in-law, that is, not yet engaged! Yida shareholder? Billions are also shareholders, hundreds of billions are also shareholders! I don't think he is a big shot!"

She Mao sneered and said angrily.

(First update)

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