Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 851 Tian Wengming paralyzed by fear


A fleet of police cars stopped in front of the building.

Tian Wengming got out of the car with a group of special police officers.

Everyone was shocked as soon as they got off the car.

What's going on! ?

Two to three hundred people outside fell to the ground, writhing in pain and moaning continuously!

This scene is so impactful!


As the top police chief in Su City, Tian Wengming prides himself on being well-informed, but this was the first time he had seen this scene.

"No matter what, first make sure Mr. Ye is safe, nothing else matters!"

Tian Wengming said anxiously.

Something huge has obviously happened here.

He didn't expect that he would come right after hearing the news.

It was only twenty or thirty minutes of hesitation at most. Why did the place turn into this scene...

It was a little hard for him to accept.

They walked into the two-story building together.

Now the fog has dissipated and there is no poison in the air.

As soon as I walked in, I was stunned.

On the first floor and the stairs leading to the second floor, many people were lying there, like a crowd! ! !

"The person didn't die, he just fainted from the pain."

A special police officer said after checking.


Tian Wengming wiped the cold sweat from his head.

If so many people died, it would be a national crime!

If you can't hide it, Su City will become the focus!

He has no good fruit to eat.

"Follow me upstairs!"

He kept saying.

A group of SWAT officers cleared away all those who had fallen on the stairs.

Then he rushed to the second floor.

Seeing Ye Yang sitting in the center, drinking tea leisurely, Tian Wengming breathed a long sigh of relief.

Fortunately, this one is fine...

Otherwise there will be a big fuss today...

"Hey! Lao Tian! You are finally here! Catch this kid! He is so evil!"

I saw Tian Wengming leading the special police upstairs.

Liu Bian shouted overjoyed.

These major forces have been entrenched in the Su family for many years and are deeply entrenched. Naturally, they have deep connections with local officials!

When I saw Tian Wengming coming in at this time, my first thought was that he was here to save me.

No matter how arrogant these people are, they can't openly fight against the public system! ?

In China, no matter how crazy a person is, they would not dare to do this!

Public power is heaven in China, who dares to go against heaven's will! ?

Man cannot defy heaven!


Tian Wengming saw Liu Bian and She Mao, his eyes twinkling.

These two guys!

Almost killed him!

He sneered in his heart: "Don't say it's me, even the City Governor of Su City or even the Governor of Jiang Province can't protect you!"

He didn't care about the two Liu Bian being beaten into rotten dogs.

Tian Wengming came forward respectfully...

Zhang Jiutian's mouth trembled.

Nowadays, the public power is as powerful as the rainbow, cracking down on gangsters and evil, and he has a natural fear of these policemen.

It's over now. It's hard to deal with She Mao, a guy with black attributes, but Liu Bian is a well-known big businessman in Su City. He probably has many connections with the public in Su City. Now, I'm afraid it will be hard to deal with.

However, he had not yet figured out how to deal with it.

Tian Wengming stood facing Ye Yang.

He gave a standard military salute and straightened his waist!

"Lieutenant General Ye! After I heard the news, I led the team to rush here. Unexpectedly, I was still half a beat too late. Please punish me!!!"

These words echoed in the two-story building.

Such as Honglu's big bell, which made everyone's eyes widen.

Even the gangsters who were rolling in pain were so frightened that they forgot to scream and their voices disappeared.

Among them... lieutenant general! ?

Liu Bian's lips trembled.

This is not someone he, a businessman, can touch!

This kind of super big man in a public vessel is a real dragon in the clouds, a part of the sky!

He just said that humans cannot defy heaven!

He never thought that he would offend a god!

Completely finished!

"When you come to Su City, you can equip yourself with a battalion of guns and live ammunition. Coming alone like this really makes Su City very frightened. I'm afraid Lieutenant General Ye that your safety will be compromised!"

Tian Wengming said repeatedly.

"What? What kind of dragon and tiger's den is Sushi City? If you don't bring a battalion, you can't come!?"

Ye Yang said coldly.

Many things can be seen from Liu Bian's reaction when he saw Tian Wengming coming in.

He didn't have a good impression of Tian Wengming either.

"No, no, no! No... General Ye, you have misunderstood me..."

Tian Wengming's cold sweat suddenly fell like a waterfall, and he was shivering.


Ye Yang stood up and said calmly: "I think so! I've only been here less than two hours ago, but I've learned a lot!"

Tian Wengming understood.

This is naturally talking about the four hundred men brought by She Mao and Liu Bian.

In this world, even fights make the news.

Not to mention such an arrogant, hundreds of vicious gangs!

Generally, when so many people are mobilized now, they are confident that public opinion can be completely controlled.

Normally, if it was not Ye Yang who came to save Zheng Xian this time, but a small person like Zhang Jiutian, he would be surrounded if he was surrounded, and he would be beaten if he was beaten.

On the news?


Public opinion is too complicated.

What everyone is qualified to see is always only a part of it.

Just like you can't see clearly the hearts of everyone in the world.

"I think the public security in Sioux City is not very good."

Ye Yang clapped his hands: "You don't need to take over these people. Control them all and transfer them to the Magic City police tomorrow for trial."


Tian Weng knew that Ye Yang was angry!

Although he only found out that Ye Yang was a lieutenant general, such a young lieutenant general, he knew with a brain that he was definitely valued by the Nine Wills.

His status is definitely higher than other big guys with the same title. It's no problem to regard him as half a general.

Under the anger of this cloud dragon, it's already the limit for him to protect himself.

It's impossible to protect Liu Bian and She Mao.

Especially She Mao, who has a gangster background. Just dig out a few bad things he did in his early years, which is enough to kill him eight times, not to mention the crime against Lieutenant General Ye this time. The crime is too serious. He feels cramps in his calves just thinking about it.

"You should know what to do."

Ye Yang said calmly: "Before the national investigation team comes, you can wish for the best!"

He patted Tian Wengming's shoulder calmly and led people away.


Tian Wengming fell directly to the ground, his face pale.

"Are you okay? Police Inspector!"

The special police behind him all rushed to help.

"Why don't you deal with these people for me! Then divide some of the forces to protect Mr. Ye throughout the whole process! What are you helping me for!?"

Tian Wengming said angrily.



Tian Wengming took a long time to breathe a sigh of relief.

Ye Yang did not kill them all.

At least before the arrival of the Supreme Supervisor, Su City still had time to deal with some of the beginning and end, so it would not be the most tragic situation.

If they can clear themselves before then, the problem will not be too big.

And he is the one who knows best what bad things She Mao and Liu Bian have done in the past few years...

He instantly figured out what to do...

(Second update)

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