Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 852 Zheng Xian’s Dilemma

"File all the cases for me! I want these two people to be sentenced to death before the inspection team comes down! All the illegal and disciplinary things done by the Double-Headed Snake and the Sutong Chamber of Commerce in recent years will be investigated, no matter who is involved, no matter who is involved, All cases involving me, whether within the government or outside the government, will be handled as well!”

Tian Wengming said in a low voice.

If you take care of yourself, you will end up with a better outcome than if others take care of you...

Just like the sentence for surrendering will always be lighter than if someone catches you...

This time the person was offended so much that if he didn't make any mistakes, it would only be exposed more thoroughly.


the next day.

The news of the demise of the Two-Headed Snake Organization shocked the entire Suzhou City!

Everyone who is paying attention to this matter is in disbelief!

Yesterday, the three major local forces in Su City came out in full force, and the news of one person being charged spread like wildfire. I don’t know how many people were staring at this matter!

But not long after, it came out.

President Su He, Chen Qingling, withdrew halfway, apologized and left.

At that moment, it became clear to everyone that the identity of that mysterious figure must be quite high!

Otherwise, even if Suhe Chamber of Commerce rectifies the loss again, at most he will just leave without bowing his head and apologizing! Apologizing to you means admitting that you are qualified to discuss friendship with my peers, even my elders!

After that, no news came out.

It was as if all news was blocked by some huge energy.

No one can find out what happened next!

This abnormal situation makes everyone uneasy!

Just because it can't be found doesn't mean it didn't happen. On the contrary, the more undetectable something is, the more terrifying the truth behind it is!

Until early this morning, the news of the collapse of the Two-Headed Snake Organization suddenly swept through all major circles of influence in Suzhou City.

The uneasiness in everyone's heart has been completely verified!

Sioux City is about to change! ! !

Everything should be related to the mysterious man who came to Su City...

Before everyone figured out what was going on.

Another piece of news about the earthquake in Sioux City has spread!

Liu Bian, chairman of the Sutong Chamber of Commerce, was arrested together with She Mao!

He will be transferred to the Demon City for supervision. After the evidence of guilt is confirmed, he will be transferred to the Supreme Court of Jiang Province. It is basically confirmed that he will be sentenced to death!


"For someone like She Mao who has had a bad past, it is not surprising that he was sentenced to death for provoking a big shot. But Liu Bian is a big businessman! He is also a local boss. It will definitely not be easy to deal with him."

"That's seems that the mysterious figure yesterday was something special!"

I haven't waited for this news to pass.

Sioux City was shocked again!

The highest-level official in Suzhou City is trying its best to trace the two-headed snake and the Sutong Chamber of Commerce for all their crimes over the years!

Check and clean up!

The Sutong Chamber of Commerce collapsed in one day, and its top executives were imprisoned one after another. It existed in name only...

Throughout Sioux City, people were in jubilation.

The top management is worried.

Everyone in the business district and underworld is in danger.

Suhe Chamber of Commerce Building.

Chen Qingling was wrapped in fleece clothes and looked out the window with deep eyes.


The person next to me came forward.

"No need to panic."

Chen Qingling shook her head. Once She Mao and Liu Bian fell, he was the biggest boss outside Su Shi Gongqi.

The information received is naturally more detailed than others.

"This matter will only be related to the Sutong Chamber of Commerce and the Shemao gang, and will not involve us."

He sighed: "It's just that I didn't expect Mr. Ye to be so scary."


Several people present were of high status in the association, and they also went there yesterday.

At this time, everyone was extremely scared.

If only yesterday the president had lost a little bit of wit and immediately confessed and left, the fate of the Suhe Chamber of Commerce today would never be better than that of the Sutong Chamber of Commerce...

Magic City.

On the way back, Zheng Xian talked on the phone with his fiancée for a while.

Ling Xiaowen also noticed something was wrong and was looking for him through connections. Zheng Xian told her about his previous experience.

She also had lingering fears and was ready to come back from Jinling to see him immediately.

"It seems like you two have a good relationship."

Ye Yang smiled.


Zheng Xian smiled, obviously very happy.


Ye Yang and Zheng Xian chose a hot pot restaurant for dinner.

"Thanks to you, boss, this time."

Zheng Xian sighed, if it was one more day late, he would probably starve to death.

And maybe there will be other methods of abuse.

Although Ling Xiaowen has a powerful family, her influence ultimately lies in Jinling.

Although Jinling is not far from Su City, it is not our territory after all.

Only Ye Yang, who has huge influence and transcends a certain region, can solve this matter so quickly.

"Why are we two still bringing this up!"

Ye Yang waved his hand: "But you have to be more careful in the future."


Zheng Xian nodded in agreement.

He doesn't like fighting, he just likes to do something he likes with peace of mind, without any big ambitions.

So even after following Ye Yang and making 10 to 20 billion from stock trading, he didn't think about doing anything else and just managed finances normally.

Money, no status.

He is just a fat sheep and will not be feared by others.

Ye Yang said: "This incident has already warned you. Let's do this. I'll find a professional team. You invest 10 billion in cash and run a company with a market value of tens of billions. This will also be your business card of status in the future. A young person like Liu Wudi will be deeply afraid of you if he wants to touch you. "

"Okay, I'll listen to you, boss."

Zheng Xian always obeyed Ye Yang's words.

"Then I will find a few companies in which I fully control and allocate shares with a market value of around 10 billion to you."

Ye Yang continued.

"No...boss, I won't ask for your money..."

Zheng Xian waved his hands repeatedly.

Ye Yang has long wanted to help him. If he had been willing, he would have been a super boss of Tengxun or a super company.

But firstly, he doesn't like power struggles, and secondly, he doesn't want money to be involved in brotherly love.

Therefore, he never directly asked for the shares or money donated by Ye Yang.

"I'm going to lend it to you. If you trade stocks with me this time, don't talk about it and I'll make you tens of billions more. Just pay me back then."

Ye Yang naturally understood what this brother was thinking, and with a wave of his hand, Zheng Xian was relieved of his inner worries.

"The most important thing is to establish your identity first."


Zheng Xian scratched his head.

"Are you getting married soon?"

Ye Yang asked.

"Well, we are already making preparations. It may be in the next few days."

Zheng Xian nodded.

"Liu Wuyi said that this Ling Xiaowen is from the Jinling family. If your identity is not high, it will be difficult for you to get married, right?"

Ye Yang said with a smile.

Zheng Xian was suddenly hit with a pain point.

He and Ling Xiaowen have a sincere relationship, so naturally there is no difference in status.

But no marriage from a famous family can really go as one wishes.

There is a lot of resistance within the Ling family. He has suffered a lot during this period and has been holding back his anger...

All because he has no family power.

Moreover, my personal share assets before were only a few hundred million...

(First update)

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