Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 853: In the cinema, singles are shown off

The Jinling family has existed since ancient times.

It has been passed down to this day with a transcendent foundation.

The inheritance has lasted for more than three hundred years. The descendants of the clan are spread all over China, and their identities are spread across all circles.

The scale of the owner's apparent industry alone has reached 100 billion, not to mention the many celebrities in politics, military, science and art.

Just listening to the assets may lead to unintended consequences.

But when it comes to the Jinling Ling family, it is a famous family throughout southern China.

Not only money, but also status, and even reputation and heritage.

The legitimate daughter of such an ancient family has an extremely noble status.

According to their family's internal arrangements, if the person they marry has no family background, they must at least have the hope of becoming a first-class Chinese boss.

If the family of the person you marry is also a famous one, then it only needs to be that your potential can reach the level of a top talent.

Zheng Xian graduated more than a year ago and can be regarded as a top talent because he can become a director of a company worth tens of billions and holds more than 500 million shares.

But he has no background, and he has not even passed the passing line for the Jinling family to select sons-in-law...

So when I went to their house to get engaged, I received a lot of looks and cynicism.

Although he didn't care, he didn't want to see Ling Xiaowen being cursed.

That's why I have recently taken the initiative to take on various tasks, hoping to improve my status.

However, individual efforts have an extremely small effect in the face of the grand goal of class cross-border.

If he hadn't taken two express trains with Ye Yang recently, his assets would have risen to tens of billions.

On his own, if he could turn the 500 million in his hands into 200 to 3000 million before his death, he would be considered a pretty outstanding person.

If you follow what Ye Yang said, use the existing funds, establish your own company, and name a few company directors.

It can almost increase his net worth to tens of billions or even hundreds of billions in a short period of time!

Even if he doesn't have a family background, he still has enough confidence to talk to the Jinling Ling family.

He was moved.

"Hahaha... It's settled! Within a month, I will increase your worth to more than 50 billion."

Ye Yang patted Zheng Xian on the shoulder: "When you get married, I will be the best man. I must go and shut the mouth of this great family!"

Zheng Xian's eyes turned red and he shook hands with Ye Yang firmly.

There is no need for words between brothers.

For Ye Yang, this is just a piece of cake.

According to Zheng Xian's character, he would never let himself suffer a loss afterwards.

He just paid Zheng Xianhui's future wealth in advance.

The two of them had a good drink and settled their worries.

Zheng Xian drank extremely happily and happily today.

After getting drunk, Ling Xiaowen also happened to rush over from Jinling.

Ye Yang took a look at his sister-in-law. The first impression of this girl was that she was a lady.

That kind of temperament is indeed outstanding, and the appearance is also beautiful and cute.

The look in Zheng Xian's eyes was also full of love.

He nodded, feeling happy that Zheng Xian had found a good wife.

"Then I'll take him back first."

After Ling Xiaowen and Ye Yang helped Zheng Xian into the car, they smiled lightly at Ye Yang, then drove away in the Ferrari...


After returning to Yundingshan Villa.

Within two days, the outcome of Liu Bian and She Mao's treatment was basically decided.

death penalty.

"It's so urgent."

Ye Yang raised the corners of his mouth. It seemed that those in power in Sioux City who had colluded with local forces to commit corruption and illegal acts could no longer sit still!

He wanted to execute Liu Bian and She Mao before the Supreme Eunuch arrived.

Fortunately, he transferred the two of them to the Magic City in advance.

Otherwise, it would be really easy for the people in power in Sioux City to fool this matter.

"Delay the trial until the investigation is completed."

Ye Yang responded to the official who called for his opinion.

His many positions include such responsibilities, and he has every right to do so.

This kind of scum who uses the rights given by the people, instead of doing things for the people, to harm the people, really deserves to be damned!

He has hated this kind of people since he was a child.

Now that we have a breakthrough, we naturally won't let it go easily.

He has the tenth will to speak out.

No one dares to say no.

Although the people in Sioux City are crazy about wanting people from the devil, hoping that the devil will transfer the people to Sioux City and then execute them quickly.

However, their wishful thinking will never be realized.

The next few days were very relaxing.

With his current status, he doesn't have to do everything himself.

Although he has been brought up to this status, he is not involved in many core matters. If he wants to know, he has the right to know, but he himself is not a person who likes to work.

Or is Shenhao's state of happy life more suitable for his state of mind.

Being transcendent, satisfying life, and supporting justice are his ultimate pursuits.



Ye Yang was humming a song and was in a good mood, driving a Ferrari with one hand. He went to Qin Kelan's house last night, taught her fitness exercises, ate a delicious abalone, and drove around on the highway seven or eight times. Now he feels comfortable. Incomparable.

After getting off the car, the two went to watch a sweet movie.

When he was single, he didn't even bother to watch this kind of love movie. Being single was very painful, so he forced himself to feed dog food to make him feel uncomfortable and uncomfortable?

He wouldn't do such a thing.

If you don’t have time to watch romance movies, why not watch some science fiction movies to cultivate your imagination, watch documentaries to gain knowledge, and watch immortality movies to cultivate your skills.

But now that I have girlfriends, things are different.

Being in a sweet environment, watching a romantic movie is still a bit immersive.

The two bought couple seats.

With Ye Yang's status, it is easy to book a theater.

But if a couple goes out to watch a romantic movie together, isn't it just to show their affection! ?

Wouldn't it be meaningless to book a theater! ?

Just like that, they, a handsome man and a beautiful woman, entered the theater together and sat in the couple seats, making others envious.

There were not only couples in the couple seats, but also a pair of boys sitting to their left and a pair of children sitting to their right.

They were all crying.

Look at the male and female protagonists on the screen, they are so intimate. When you look to the side, the handsome man and the beautiful woman are also intimate, even sweeter than in the movie! ! !

What kind of human suffering is this!

On the screen...

The male protagonist set off a rain of fireworks for the female protagonist on her birthday.

Ye Yang smiled and said, "Your birthday will be coming soon in a few days. When the time comes, I will give you a gorgeous rain of fireworks covering the sky for fun."

Listen, listen!

Is this human talk! ?

This is simply torturing the dog to death!

The single guys next to them were all hit by 10,000 critical hits.

"So romantic! I want it too! ┭┮﹏┭┮"

The girlfriend imagined the gorgeous scene and was looking forward to it.


Qin Kelan smiled sweetly, with a heroic spirit of fitness on her soft face, and she was full of charm.

The two boys next to them almost hugged and cried...

I also want a kiss from such a sweet girl!

(Second update)

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