Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 854 Ye Yang Charity Foundation, established

Oh my God! Why should I choose to watch love movies?

They all speak loudly from within.

We are obviously here to find the feeling of longing for love!

Why did it turn into torture for no apparent reason, woo woo woo...


Soon, the movie ended.

A pair of brothers and a pair of best friends stood up with burning eyes.

"We want a sweet love! I want a virgin! Yes! Elephant!"

I was ignited with endless fighting spirit, and I was discouraged as soon as I walked out of the cinema door...

Singles are singles for a reason.

They have been accustomed to being single for more than 20 years since they were born, and it is difficult for them to accept another person into their lives...

People are always afraid of unfamiliar life.

Especially when you have wonderful expectations for that unfamiliar life, expectations will also bring burdens.

He had just come out of the cinema with Qin Kelan and was ready to go shopping.

"Brother, buy a flower for your beautiful sister!"

A little girl wearing thin clothes walked over holding a bouquet of flowers.

Ye Yang looked at the little girl's little face that was slightly red and swollen from the cold, and felt a little distressed. Life in the city is not easy. This little girl may have suffered at home, so she went out to sell flowers at such a young age: "Okay, I bought them all, there is no need to look for them. ”

He casually took out a thousand dollars from his wallet and took the bouquet of flowers.

"Thank you, big brother!"

The little girl's eyes lit up and she bowed repeatedly: "I wish my eldest brother and sister to love each other forever and be sweet and sweet!!!"

Ye Yang and Qin Kelan both smiled. This kid is very smart!

The child bowed to Ye Yang again, and then ran away happily.

"Ding, the host's benevolent consumption is detected, a special critical attack is triggered, and the position of full head of the Hua Song Charity Organization is rewarded."

Ye Yang was a little surprised.

Nowadays, even if he spends hundreds of millions, he rarely gets any rewards. Today, he bought a thousand yuan of roses and directly attacked a charity organization?

He checked the Hua Song Charity Organization.

One of the top ten charitable organizations, one of China's national charities, with tens of billions of charity funds!

Ye Yang nodded. This charity is different from a normal company. The money does not belong to him.

Of course, leaders of other charitable organizations may not necessarily think so.

But who is Ye Yang?

It’s so funny, there’s no shortage of money at all!

Tens of billions of charity funds must be used entirely for charity.

Then, he thought that since he was already so rich, he really should do some charity.

When he was studying, he thought that if he could develop in the future, he would give back to society.

The general pattern of saying something great and benefiting the world has always been in his heart.

In life, doing something with a big picture is the ultimate height.

Thinking about it, he directly invested 50 billion in charity funds.

Soon, senior members of the organization received this staggering donation.

After checking the source, he turned out to be their new president...

Even more messy...

I simply don’t know what to say!

This new president is too arrogant! ?

It was a unanimous decision from the top management.

Directly changed the names of Hua and Song charities to Ye Yang Charitable Foundation.

When Ye Yang heard the news, he also dumbfounded and acquiesced.

People who have been in the workplace all year round are always good at flattering, and he doesn't dislike this kind of flattering.

After all, nothing can be worn without flattery.

In China, even those with money may not be able to establish such a national charity organization.

After going through all the procedures and applications one by one, it will take at least one or two years to build a national level one.

The acquisition of this charity saved him this time.

"This little girl is really a lucky star. If you can meet her again, just ask her if her family has any difficulties and help if you can."

Ye Yang held Qin Kelan's arm.

After another afternoon of shopping, he wanted to buy some more gifts for Qin Kelan, but she refused. In the end, the little rich woman bought him a bunch of gifts.

"Oh~ I have money but I can't spend it! It's all because I'm too handsome and was taken care of by a little rich woman."

Ye Yang smiled teasingly.


Qin Kelan smiled proudly: "How does it feel to be taken care of by a rich woman?"

"It's simply too good!"

Ye Yang was extremely moved.

"You can be poor!"

Qin Kelan rolled his eyes charmingly, feeling very happy.

After another dinner, Ye Yangcai sent her back to her villa.

After returning to the villa.

Then he saw Xiao Qingxuan sitting on the sofa in a daze.

"What's wrong, Goddess Xiao? What makes you unhappy?"

Ye Yang asked with raised eyebrows.

Xiao Qingxuan has always been carefree, and this kind of absent-minded look is rare.

"Oh, no..."

Xiao Qingxuan shook his head: "I just suddenly found some of the past."


Ye Yang nodded, sat next to her, and lit a cigarette for her: "Tell me about your past?"

"Ouch! Bad boss!"

Xiao Qingxuan pouted: "Play tricks in moderation and refuse to smoke!"


Ye Yang put out the cigarette, but he didn't smoke.

But he couldn't help but someone always gave him gifts, and there were a lot of them in the villa.

I sent a lot of top-quality cigarettes back to my dad, but I didn’t dare to send too many. After all, smoking is harmful to health.

The rest are placed in various corners of the villa for whoever wants to use them.

"Actually, boss, you know that before I was adopted by Hurricane, my sister and I were both orphans."

Xiao Qingxuan scratched her head: "After being taken into the organization by Hurricane, I was busy with training and learning. My memories of my childhood are already mottled."

"But I vaguely remember that when I was young, my sister and I were in an orphanage. The director was very kind to us. I suddenly want to go back there to take a look..."

Ye Yang smiled and said, "Okay, I'll go with you."

He knew that Xiao Qingxuan was afraid that after the sisters left, they would be too far away from her and unable to provide protection.

Then he would go and take a look.


Xiao Qingxuan didn't expect Ye Yang to directly express that he wanted to go with her.

"Well, this is the benefactor who raised my two most reliable beauty bodyguards."

Ye Yang smiled and said, "Thanks to your kind director, otherwise I would have missed you two beautiful and capable beauties?"


Xiao Qingxuan's face turned red.


Ye Yang coughed and there was indeed some ambiguity in his words.

But that kind of small detail is not important at all!

"I want to personally thank your dean."

Ye Yang nodded confidently: "Maybe we can find your biological parents or something..."


Xiao Xiaozhu came over from the side: "We have already discussed it. If they don't raise us, they are not our parents. We don't want to find them at all."

Ye Yang nodded and didn't mention it anymore.

"Okay, get ready, and leave now without delay."

Ye Yang smiled and waved.

(First update)

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