Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 864: President Zhang, the Unrivaled

"Alas! There are still many good people!"

"It's really good... I admire these people who do charity."


There was a lot of enthusiasm for the donation site in the barrage, and it became very popular in an instant.

After these ordinary people donate.

Some merchants who have inquired from various parts of Guangxi are also preparing to come on stage.

However, before they went on stage, they received some phone calls...


"okay, I get it."


The expressions of some wealthy businessmen who were originally preparing to appear suddenly turned a little ugly.

"Some emergency happened at home. Ahem, I'll leave first."

"Well, I feel a little unwell suddenly! I'm leaving too."

"Ahem, that's right..."

Many merchants immediately stood up, pushed aside the crowd, and prepared to leave.


Dahai and the others looked at each other and obviously noticed an unusual smell.

But they are here to donate after all, so even if they don’t donate temporarily, there is nothing to blame.

But what is hidden behind this sudden departure? ?

Ye Yang's eyes also darkened.

Various phenomena after arriving here show that the things behind this are not simple!

Especially when these wealthy businessmen seemed to have discussed it in a short period of time, something suddenly happened! ?

Lin Yoshi also received the call, looking a little strange.

"what happened?"

Ye Yang asked.

"It was a business partner who urged me to cancel the cooperation if I didn't leave here immediately."

Lin Yoshi frowned.

Apparently I also discovered an unusual taste...


Ye Yang nodded: "Are you ready to leave?"

Lin Yoshi laughed: "No one can threaten me. The worst is to change my partner. He thinks too highly of himself."

As he was talking, he received several more calls one after another.

His expression became more and more wonderful.

"Haha, okay! All of them dare to threaten me! I'm not a man who made a fortune by eating soft food!"

In the end, he simply turned off his phone and didn't bother to bother with it anymore.

Ye Yang's eyes moved and he secretly sent out several messages.


The last few wealthy businessmen really couldn't find any excuses, so they bit the bullet and stepped onto the donation stand.

"Ahem...I am going to donate five...ah no, thirty thousand today."

After the wealthy businessman finished speaking, he quickly walked off the stage.

"Huh? I know this man. He is a very kind-hearted wealthy businessman. He usually donates hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars. Today this is a bit abnormal!"

“People are free to donate as much as they want!”

"'s better than us who can't help anyway."


In the live broadcast room, many people were talking about it.

The next few wealthy businessmen also only took 30,000 to 50,000 yuan.

The total amount is only a few hundred thousand, which is a drop in the bucket for 50 million.

In the wine shed behind.

Roshan Man laughed loudly, drank the wine in one gulp, and wiped his mouth: "Look! I'm just going to say it? It's useless!"

The man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks said: "Brother Shan, you are so strong, you can settle the matter with just one phone call!"

Roshan Man snorted and put down the wine glass: "It's not that I'm great, it's this matter that these shrimp soldiers and crab generals can't touch! There are only a few people like Dahai left behind, and they can't change the world!"

"Ha ha……"

The man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks also relaxed and was ready to laugh.


Hu Sanqian was very happy to see it.

The less you donate, the more awesome I will be highlighted!

He raised his head and couldn't help but laugh out loud. He was already ready to show off his super big dick and make all the pretty girls from Guangxi admire him!

Call him cousin!

Dahai and others came on stage one after another and took out all the cash they could now.

"On behalf of Xiganghai Restaurant Group, I donate 6 million!"

"I, Lin Yun Building Materials Factory, invested five million!"

These four people are all red-eyed. If the business is gone, they can start again. If the home is gone, there is nothing!

In the end, the four leaders who came out of the Love Orphanage donated 20 million together.

It's not that they don't want to sell off their assets, it's really too late. They have already used all the cash they can use...

"Hey! Aren't these people the richest people in Guangxi?"

"Just a few ordinary bosses, this is..."

"It seems like they just walked out of the orphanage."

“It’s really touching to repay the kind place that raised them…”

"This is really giving back with all your efforts..."

Someone in the barrage popularized the plight of the orphanage.

Many people watching this scene were in tears.

They all expressed their willingness to donate rewards.

But the land will be auctioned tomorrow, so it will definitely be too late.

Moreover, the people in the audience who started the broadcast are not all good people. Even if they deceive fans into donating the reward money, they will end up hiding 80% of the money and only donate a small part.

The human heart is unpredictable.

Now, a total of 26 million donations have arrived.

There are at least 24 million left to be able to withstand tomorrow's bidding!

Everyone is worried.

Hu Sanqian looked at everyone's faces and felt that it was finally time for him to save the world.

Standing on the stage, he kept bragging to the old dean: "Don't worry! I, Hu Sanqian, don't have any other merits, I just have love! What happened today is just a piece of cake! Haha!"

The old dean looked at Hu Sanqian and blinked: "Mr. Hu, what do you mean..."

"Of course it's a donation! Wait for me to call and solve all the problems here!"

Hu Sanqian waved his hand.

He made a call.

His father is the honorary chairman of a provincial charity organization. He can directly find the chairman of this charity organization. This charity organization is very famous in Xiguang, with 200 to 300 million in charity funds!

This little thing, can't it be solved by making a phone call! ?

Tens of millions in cash are indeed a lot, but the money of the charity organization is originally used for charity. It is not his money that is spent, but his father's relationship.

Borrowing flowers to send to Buddha, and also making his own reputation, isn't it wonderful?

He was calculating...

Soon, the call was connected.

"Hello? Uncle Zhang? I'm Sanqian!"

"Haha, little Sanqian? I'm your uncle Zhang..."

The other side was very kind.

"I want to ask you for a favor! It's also part of the organization's job..."

"You say."

"There is a loving orphanage in Donglan County, and it's being snatched away by a bully developer! How can we see this happen, right? So, I think our charity organization should also donate some money..."

"No problem."

President Zhang agreed immediately.

"Haha, I told you!"

Hu Sanqian was beaming with joy, and everyone in the audience was staring at him intently. Xiao Qingxuan and Xiao Xiaozhu finally looked at him straight in the eye for the first time, which made him very happy!

"Haha...Xiao Sanqian, I'll transfer one million charity funds to you, you can use it as you like, no need to thank me, Uncle Zhang! After all, I, your Uncle Zhang, have always been very generous!"

After that, the phone was turned off, and it stopped abruptly...

(First update)

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