Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 865: The most affectionate and passionate person, well-deserved reputation

"Hello?! Hello!?"

Hu Sanqian looked at the phone with a black screen, confused.

Good guy, a million?

Incomparable atmosphere?

He was confused.

The embarrassment in the local area is terrible!

"What's wrong, Mr. Hu? But what's the problem?"

Chen Zhishan had just raised some expectations, but looking at Hu Sanqian's appearance, he sighed, and it really didn't work...

Hu Sanqian turned his head, looking to his left at the reporters below who were looking at him expectantly, and to his right at the Xiao sisters and Dahai who were looking at him.

The corners of his mouth were twitching constantly.

"Well... Dean, please wait a moment. I'll make a call when I get down. I'll be fine!"

Hu Sanqian laughed loudly, then turned around and left.

"what happened?"

"What happened?"

"What's going on..."

"He didn't invite us here. If he doesn't donate money, how can we write an article to praise him?"

The reporters were all in trouble.

Behind the fundraising desk.

Hu Sanqian kept calling Uncle Zhang, but he couldn't get through.

After his unremitting efforts, Uncle Zhang finally answered the phone.

"Uncle Zhang... maybe one million is indeed a lot. But this time the situation is special! You..."

Hu Sanqian was about to say something.

"You also know that this situation is special!?"

There were questions from President Zhang’s side.


Hu Sanqian looked confused.

"To tell you the truth, Xiao Sanqian... this matter is not as simple as you think. If it is other matters, even 20 million or 30 million, our association can also approve it."

President Zhang paused for a moment: "You'd better not get involved in this matter again."

"But I've already boasted about my awesomeness! It's so embarrassing for me to step down like this!"

Hu Sanqian was anxious.

If word gets out about this today, he probably won't be able to attract the pretty girls from Guangxi who call him cousin. Instead, he will be laughed at!

I boasted so much and jumped around so much, but ended up donating so little money...

It is an insult to the face of the third prince of Guangxi business community!

"Didn't I give you one million?! This is money to save your face!"

President Zhang said calmly: "This is also what your father meant, do you understand?"


Hu Sanqian originally wanted to say something, but when he heard Hu Sanwan's name, he shut up instantly.

His father told the truth at home, and he was in awe.

I shuddered when I heard this name.

Thinking about everything today, his mind became much clearer...

"You mean..."

Hu Sanqian sighed: "I know Uncle Zhang..."

He hung up the phone dejectedly. He was definitely in disgrace today.

Slowly walked onto the stage.

He no longer looked as cheerful as before: "I will donate 1.5 million..."

After saying that, he stepped off the stage directly.

Don't dare to stay any longer.

The whole place was silent.

The reporters who had received the news a long time ago and came here specifically to donate money at a sky-high price were all embarrassed.

This is messing with us! ?


Dahai and the others also sighed.

No matter how much people donate, they are helping, and they deserve thanks.

It's just that Hu Sanqian gave people too much hope and expectations before, and now it will inevitably make people feel lonely.

"I can finally see that the involvement behind this matter is indeed not trivial."

Lin Yoshi snorted coldly, feeling very indignant. He stood up and prepared to go directly to the stage.

Go halfway.

Hu Sanqian stopped in front of him.

"what are you doing?"

Lin Yoshi frowned and asked.

"Brother Lin, my father asked me to bring you a message. Please sell the three rich men in Guangxi a thin noodle. Don't come on stage... they will treat you to tea after this matter is over. Otherwise, they will have to treat you to a drink."

Hu Sanqian was in a very depressed mood and failed to show off, but now he has become the one who stopped donating money. He was completely humiliated...

"Have you not been beaten enough?"

Hu Sanqian raised his hand.

"Brother Lin...this is not what I meant. If you insist on taking the stage today, I will stop you no matter what."

Hu Sanqian sighed, and the few people following behind him were already gearing up.

A group of people in the sea were in a fog.

It was obviously Hu Sanqian who organized this fundraiser! Why are you now blocking others from donating?

"If you dare to stop me, just try!"

Lin Yoxi sneered and knocked Hu Sanqian away.

Those who were gearing up wanted to take action, but in the end they still didn't dare to take action.

Behind the scenes is a group of reporters, beating up a billionaire, and exposing what happened behind the scenes, there is basically no difference.

Lin Yoshi stepped onto the fundraising platform with all his might.

"This is a real boss!"

"The latest riser, Lin Yoshi!"


The barrage in the live broadcast room has ignited hope.

The reporters also have new luster in their eyes. They can't write about Hu Sanqian, but they can dig up stories about other big guys!

Lin Yoshi stood on the stage and took the microphone.

In the wine shed.

When Roshan Man saw this scene, he stopped drinking, with a deep smile on his face, he slowly put down his glass, and his eyes became cold.

Things have taken a huge turn!

"Why didn't Hu Sanqian stop this guy! Didn't he even listen to his father's words!?"

He couldn't sit still anymore, stood up, walked out of the wine tent, and looked at Lin Yoshi nervously.

Lin Yoshi glanced at Roshan Man coldly, and then said directly: "I think many people present know me."

"Yes! Boss Lin, we all know you!"

"That's right!"

The reporters said one after another.

Lin Yaoxi has always acted without scruples. In the past year, I don't know how many strange things he has done, which has provided these reporters with a lot of explosive materials.

In Guangxi Province, Lin Yaoxi is Xiao Ye Yang, and he will be on the front page of the province whenever he has nothing to do.

They all like Lin Yaoxi very much, and he can be said to be their benefactor.

"You must all know that my career has only improved recently! All this is thanks to one person."

Lin Yaoxi took a deep breath: "My benefactor, Ye Shenhao."

"Ye Shenhao!?"

Many people watching the live broadcast in the live broadcast room know Ye Yang, and they are all excited at this time.

"It turns out that these super bosses are fans of Ye Shenhao!"

"Haha, Boss Lin likes Ye Shenhao, and I like Ye Shenhao too. So, I am equal to Boss Lin, worth billions!"


The atmosphere of the barrage suddenly became joyful.

"If he hadn't been so generous and generous, saving me from prison, I wouldn't be here today."

Lin Yaoxi said in a deep voice: "So I want to learn from Mr. Ye, do charity, and spread this positive energy!"

"Today's donation not only represents me, but also a way for me to thank Mr. Ye."

After he said that, he stretched out three fingers: "I will donate 40 million."

"Hiss... 40 million!"

"This Mr. Lin has nothing to do with the orphanage! He donated 40 million directly for a group of strangers! He is so kind and sincere, and his reputation is well-deserved!!!"


Everyone was stunned by this huge atmosphere!!!

(Second update)

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