"Directly 40 million!"


Everyone on the field had different expressions.

Everyone in the live broadcast room was impressed by Lin Yaoxi's generosity and righteousness.

The reporters looked at each other with light in their eyes.

"So Hu Sanqian asked us to come here, not to write about him? But to praise this big brother Lin?"

"Haha, did we misunderstand him just now?"

"No matter what, today's hot spot is out!"


Da Hai's eyes lit up.

This time, not only 50 million, but also far exceeded this number!

"Mr. Lin really solved our urgent needs!"

"Yes! This 40 million must be collected in the future and sent to Mr. Lin..."

Then, everyone looked at Ye Yang.

According to Lin Yaoxi, his donation of 40 million basically came from Ye Yang's face!

A beneficiary of his casual red envelopes would spend 40 million for Ye Yang's face!

This Mr. Ye is so terrible that it makes people tremble!

I dare not even think about it!

Ye Yang smiled slightly. Since the money was enough, he would not go on stage again.

From the information his men had investigated, there was a lot of involvement behind this matter. It was not wise to expose all the cards of the orphanage in advance.

He would also go to the real estate auction site tomorrow.

If there was any major emergency, it would be the time for him to take action.


40 million donations were extremely rare even in China, especially in a remote county in Guangxi.

It was too hype.

These reporters were digging deep and wrote a lot of articles on the spot.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that today's donation meeting was a little different.

After digging deep into the story behind this orphanage, the reporters' eyes lit up!

There's a play!

The bully real estate company bullied the director of the orphanage and wanted to forcibly seize the land!

This is simply a natural hot spot!

"I'm going to be famous!"

The reporters were immediately full of energy and started to dig deep and dig wildly.

However, with their identities, they certainly couldn't dig deep, otherwise they wouldn't dare to write this report...

Soon, these posts and the live video of the fundraising meeting went viral.

The bully real estate company forcibly grabbed the land, and before the land was publicly auctioned, it forcibly colluded with the county government to classify the orphanage as a dangerous building. The topic of forced demolition was on the hot search that night!

Charity is always the warmest soft spot of society.

These bullies have made so much dirty money and now they are even bullying the orphanage! ?

Anyone who still has some conscience will not be calm when seeing this news.

"Spend money to suppress the hot search!!!"

The rich and powerful behind this matter are all speaking.

Soon, the heat dropped suddenly, and the hot list was controlled by money. It was warned by the highest power some time ago, and it improved after rectification.

However, in the final analysis, this social platform is still stubborn and there are still many shady operations.

Spending money to settle things and suppressing hot searches are not uncommon.

Want to suppress public opinion?

When netizens saw this scene, they were indignant and wanted to resist the more they were suppressed!

However, they could not resist the money offensive, and soon, this topic would fall below the hot search list.

"Haha, a bunch of people, fighting with me?! Your millions or tens of millions of clicks can't compare to my connections and money!"

The rich and unkind rubbish behind the scenes gathered together, clinked glasses, and laughed.

It seemed that they had seen the scene of Tomorrow Real Estate falling into their hands and realizing their vicious goals.


The wine was not finished yet.

Seeing this topic soaring, it rushed to the top of the hot search!

"What's going on!?"

The rich and powerful were all in doubt and kept contacting the social platform manager: "What's going on? Didn't you spend money to avoid disaster? How did you let the topic be on the list!? Not only on the list, but also on the list!?!"

The manager said in embarrassment: "This order was issued by the chairman himself. It is said that a super big shot has paid attention to this matter. He said that whoever dares to suppress public opinion will be made to disappear from society... We can't help you."

"... Return the money to us!"

The rich businessmen said angrily.

"It can't be returned. We have already helped you suppress it. Now there is force majeure. Sorry!"

After saying that, the supervisor hung up the phone.


The rich and powerful were like dumb people eating bitter herbs, unable to speak out their pain.

"Has a big shot paid attention to this matter?"

After being angry, they also calmed down and recalled the words of the manager with some fear.

"I don't know what level of big shot he is."

"Haha, everything must be done according to the rules. We haven't done anything to break the rules yet. Even if he is a big shot, he can't do anything to us."

"That's right..."

Thinking of this, all the big guys breathed a sigh of relief.

"Besides, this place is under our control! As long as it's not the people who hold the highest power in the world, it's impossible to go beyond the rules and control us. Even the governors of other provinces are not qualified to control our affairs."

"Haha, that's right! As long as it's not the person in charge of this system, even the governors of other systems have no right to control us!"


The mice in the shadows laughed wildly again.

If they dare to do this kind of thing for so many years, of course they have their own support.

If any big shot paid attention to this kind of thing, they wouldn't be able to do it anymore, and they wouldn't be alive today.

The influence of hot searches is growing.

The county government finally couldn't bear the pressure and announced that tomorrow's public land auction would broadcast the key bidding process to the public, and forced a suspension of the real estate company's destruction of the orphanage.

After all, openness and transparency in government affairs have been what we have been striving to achieve in recent years, and this requirement is not too much.


Landong Hotel.

After Ye Yang saw this result, he nodded slightly.

The people behind it are obviously determined to get this land.

Even if we raised close to 70 million in donations today, if these guys really spend their money tomorrow, 70 million will still not be enough.

The bidding process will be made public tomorrow, and he will have room to operate.

In the shadows.

"It's so funny, what's the use of this? Do you really think that if the process is made public, we won't be able to get this land?"

Several powerful people sneered.

If it is not made public, with their power within the county government, they can collude with each other and play tricks.

Even get the land at zero cost.

Now it's just about bleeding money and really fighting for money and strength.

"The most important thing we lack is money! Do they really think the little money they raised is useful? How naive!"

"That's right! The biggest threat to today's fundraiser is Lin Yoshi. If we have to send him away tomorrow, there won't be any changes."

"That's right..."

These powerful people did not take this orphanage seriously at all...

(First update)

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