Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 867 Let him know whose territory he is on

Soon, the sun will be in the sky, and the time for the public auction will come.

The orphanage is the home of the Xiao sisters, and Ye Yang will not let anything go wrong.

He said that he would accompany Chen Zhishan. Chen Zhishan had no experience in bidding. Of course, he was overjoyed to have the boss Ye Yang offer to accompany him and agreed repeatedly.

Lin Yoshi was originally going to follow.

However, something suddenly happened at home and he had to leave.

"These bastards actually did this! How arrogant! If anything happens to my parents today, I will risk my life and kill them all!"

Before Lin Yoshi left, his expression was extremely cold...

Auction site.

Ye Yang and everyone were sitting there.

In the live broadcast room, many people poured in.

One night of hot searches was enough for many people to know the news.

The live broadcast room is very popular.

"Huh... Lin Yoshi really didn't come."

Roshan Man, as the representative, breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the seats.

He only passed the name of the person who came to the donation table to the people behind him. He felt very strange when he saw Ye Yang at this moment.

"Who is he? Why is he sitting in the other party's seat? I've never seen him..."

Roshan Man muttered.

But he didn't bother to pay attention. After all, he had made enough preparations in the past few days and there was no shortage of money!


He winked at the person hosting the auction.

The auction officially begins.

"The starting price is 35 million. Both parties are invited to bid. Each bid increase must not be less than 5 million."

The auctioneer said directly.

"Fifty million."

Roshan Man waved the sign lightly.

"Fifty million for one appearance?"

Chen Zhishan felt the pressure.

However, he had decided to use all the donations from yesterday for bidding, and did not plan to leave anything behind. He directly paid out all the donations of more than 70 million yuan in an orderly manner.

After reporting, he looked at Roshan Man nervously.

Roshan Man sneered: "I originally planned to play with you, but I actually confessed directly, haha, I really have you! Then I won't be polite, 90 million!"


On Chen Zhishan's side, Dahai and others all looked flustered.

This suddenly exceeded the upper limit of their acceptance!

Ninety million!

In the live broadcast room, some people also sighed, even if they were exposed to the sun, they would still be unable to defeat such bully merchants! ?

"One hundred million."

A faint cry for price came from the venue.

Everyone looked in response.

A handsome boy catches everyone's eyes.

"Who are you!?"

Roshan Man's face flashed with anger: "You said there are 100 million if there are 100 million!?"

The auctioneer also said repeatedly: "That's right! How do you prove that you can donate 100 million!? This is a court! You will be legally responsible for making random bids like this!"

"You are an official after all, don't you know how to verify capital? Why are you showing off your prestige here!?"

Xiao Qingxuan sneered.


The auctioneer stood up, usually domineering, and wanted to blast Xiao Qingxuan and others out directly.

They said they were disrupting the court so that the land could be saved.

But only then did he realize that this was being broadcast live to the public...


He coughed in embarrassment and sat down again under Xiao Qingxuan's gaze: "Verify the capital!"

Xiao Qingxuan sneered and without saying a word, slapped a donation certificate on the table: "This is the proof that our boss donated 500 million yuan to the loving orphanage. Do you want to increase the price? Okay! Let's wait for 500 million yuan?"

The 500 million yuan was donated in the name of Ye Yang Charitable Foundation.

With the energy of a national charity as a guarantee, no one dares to doubt its credibility.


Chen Zhishan was stunned.

Even he, the dean, doesn’t know about this donation...

This is the certificate that Ye Yang signed casually when he got up in the morning.

After all, he, the president, can make his own decision on a mere 500 million donation.


The situation was reversed in an instant!

Dahai and others looked at Ye Yang blankly.

This boss Lin’s benefactor was actually forced into this state! ?

He donated 500 million yuan without saying a word! ?

This is the real boss! ! !

Super boss! ! !

"You! You, you, you! Why did you jump out!?"

The ominous feeling was finally confirmed, Roshan Man stood up in shock and shouted angrily.

"For such a small donation, I have to go on stage to show my face. Do I need to spend a lot of money to donate?"

Ye Yang crossed his legs and said calmly.


Everyone present was almost paralyzed on the ground by these words.

Five hundred million, small donation! ?

Not worthy of showing your face on stage?

Oh My God! This is the God of Versailles!

Roshan Man was also almost dodged. He thought of Ye Yang's hundred ways to reply, but he just didn't expect that he would actually answer like this...

"What a loud tone!"

Roshan Man gritted his teeth.

Seeing him gnashing his teeth, countless 'Hahaha...' flashed across the barrage.

"Look at how angry Roshan is! He's about to explode!"

"Ye Shenhao, awesome!"

"It has to be me, Ye Shenhao! I will never disappoint my fans. Once I make a move, it will be 500 million!"

"My father Ye is too strong!!!!"


The audience was excited.

The auction officer was also confused.

Five hundred million donations! ?

Ye Yang Foundation? Why hasn't he heard of this name? After hurriedly asking someone to verify it, his jaw was so shocked that it was dislocated!

A national charity organization with tens of billions of donations in hand! ?

"It turns out there is such a trump card!"

Roshan Man repeatedly contacted the big guys behind the scenes and asked what to do.

"Five billion!?"

The big guys behind the scenes obviously didn’t know how to react for a moment.

They never expected that an orphanage could actually receive a donation of 500 million...

It’s just off the mark!

"Why didn't you tell me yesterday when such an awesome person was here?"

Roshan Man was covered in cold sweat: "He didn't play at all yesterday. I didn't even know he existed at all. I was caught off guard today!"

"Haha... You still want to be the king in our territory? No need to argue over the price, let him know whose territory he is now! What Ye Shenhao! Why don't you stay in the magic city and come to me? , The dragon must be coiled, the tiger must lie down!”

The boss sneered: "Do it cleanly and hold everything accountable until you are the one. Don't let him find us. If there is any problem then, I will help you eliminate it."


Roshan Man nodded.

He has done this kind of thing many times, he is just a businessman after all.

Even if the richest man in China comes and has the support of the big boss behind him, he will still do it!

The boss behind him turned off his phone and sneered.

They must defend their authority.

If they all retreat on their own territory, who will be afraid of them in the future? !

"It's bad luck for you if you mess with me!"

(Second update)

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