Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 868 The shadow of childhood turns into the shadow of age

"Humph, Landong County is as far away as the sky and the emperor. Why are you trying to show off here? No matter how rich you are, don't even think about changing the world!"

Roshan Man sneered, without any scruples, got up and left directly...


In the shadows.

All the big guys gathered together again.

"This man is indeed very rich and well-known online. He is also a world star. If we want to touch him, it will be risky for us."

Someone said.

"Haha, no matter who it is, he is so arrogant in our territory and doesn't give us face, causing us to suffer such a big loss. If he doesn't learn a lesson and walks out of here safely, no one will come over and try to step on us in the future. ?”

Another sneered.

"We won't really do anything to him, we will just warn him and let him know whose territory he is on."

"that is!"

Several other big guys also agreed.

If they were asked to kill Ye Yang, or really cause any huge damage to him, they would not have that much energy and courage.

After all, in their investigation, Ye Yang was rich and famous.

The assets that others can check are not in Guangxi and are not within their control, so there is nothing they can do about it.

They can only intimidate Ye Yang a little, so that he will suffer a hidden loss, at least they will not let people from other provinces laugh at them.

"Anyway, I think this person is not simple. He is more like Lin Yoshi who has fully emerged. Originally, if he offended Lin Yoshi this time, he will be a hidden danger for us in the future. If we offend Ye Yang again, our losses will be far more than just this piece of land. "


The cautious faction did not agree to take action against Ye Yang.

"You're too late! I've already asked someone to take action. If nothing happens, Ye Yang is already in trouble."

The hard-line boss sneered.

"Why don't you make a decision without consulting us!!!"

Several cautious people said angrily: "We have done many shady things, and provoking the other party is not a good choice!"

"There's no point regretting it. Since we are doing something shady, our methods must be ruthless and dark enough to make people fear us!"

The hard-liners sneered: "We can just wait for the results..."


same moment.

On the streets of Landong County, all the shops and shops were closed, and there was no one idle.

Hundreds of people rushed forward and surrounded Chen Zhishan and his party, who were celebrating getting the real estate.

The first one is Roshan Man.

Ye Yang frowned.

How arrogant!

How dare you stage such a big battle in broad daylight!

For such remote areas, the important task of cracking down on crime and eradicating evil still has a long way to go!

Dahai and others all looked anxious.

We are in big trouble today.

No one expected that the other party would grow up to be this arrogant!

Roshan Man sneered: "Do you think it's over after we get the land? Do you know whose territory this is? Here, there is nothing we can't get! What if we get the land? From now on, we will work every day Go to the orphanage to cause trouble!"

"Let's see what you can do then!"

Everyone's eyes were panicked.

Indeed, scoundrels are too difficult to deal with, otherwise there wouldn’t be so many social problems. The biggest problem with today’s law is that the punishment for scoundrels is too low!

Being a rogue has low costs and high returns. If the rogue has some connection with the police station, he can basically run amok and become a bully.

"Then I have to break your legs now to save you from being arrogant again in the future."

Ye Yang said lightly.

"Ha, I know you are a martial arts star, and that girl next to you is also very powerful. One of you can fight ten, but you ignore the ordinary people behind you!? They don't have martial arts, right?"

Roshan Man smiled slyly.

"If you are sensible, just apologize to us! Then get out of here! You are not strong enough to run wild on our territory!"

"Is it?"

Ye Yang sneered.

He nodded towards Xiao Xiaozhu and Xiao Qingxuan.

Without a gun, he wouldn't be able to take action.


Xiao Qingxuan could no longer hold it in any longer. She turned into a black shadow and rushed towards Roshan Man.

The speed is astonishing!

"Quickly stop her! Come on! Grab a few hostages and see how arrogant they are!"

Roshan Man shouted angrily.

More than a hundred people rushed up with a roar.

But those at the front all fell down.

Take a closer look.

Xiao Xiaozhu had two hidden weapons on his sleeves and an arrow in his mouth.

Anyone who is hit by a sleeve arrow or a mouth arrow will immediately foam at the mouth, fall to the ground, turn over, have twitching limbs, and have nosebleeds...

"Holy shit..."

Dahai and others had never seen such a world before, and they were immediately trembling with fear, remembering the fear of being dominated by two witches when they were children.

Good guy.

Although she has become more beautiful as she grows up, she seems to be even more ruthless!

What have these two girls experienced over the years...

Chen Zhishan wiped away cold sweat.

Now recalling the 'rich woman' who adopted the two little guys, he deeply doubted the identity of that woman...

It was too late, but it was fast. A dozen gangsters had just fallen down here, and Xiao Qingxuan rushed in front of Roshan Man over there.

Seeing the tragic appearance of the person who fell to the ground, many people were so frightened that they peed themselves on the spot. If they dared to do anything again and ran away before they were on the spot, they were worthy of the money offered by Roshan Man...

They are just street thugs in the county. They are good at scaring honest people like Chen Zhishan, but their real fighting power is far inferior to the well-trained gangsters under the two-headed snake in Su City.


One of them stood up and kicked, and the heel of the boot directly kicked the meat mountain man's nose. In an instant, the nose bone was broken and broken beyond repair!

The sharp-nosed and monkey-faced contractor next to him wanted to help the meat mountain man hold Xiao Qingxuan, but he was kicked in the air and his chest collapsed. I don't know how many bones were broken!

Blood spurted out of his mouth, and the whole person fell heavily on the curb five or six meters away. His head was broken and blood was flowing...


Dahai and others were stunned.

When Xiao Qingxuan was six and a half years old, he could kick the ribs of a teenage bully. Now that he has grown up, his fighting power has increased dramatically! ! !

It's over.

The shadow of childhood has become the shadow of adulthood...

They all covered their faces.

Their legs were shaking.

Too violent...

If a normal person doesn't collapse in fear when seeing such a violent scene in life, he would be considered to have a strong psychological endurance.

The meat mountain man was obviously also scared and knelt directly.

But this only made it easier for Xiao Qingxuan to beat him...

With one kick, he almost stepped on his head through his neck and into his chest...

If she didn't come back, these bullies might tear her house apart, and then drive Chen Zhishan, the loving grandfather, out of the house and let him live on the streets!

If it wasn't for not wanting to cause trouble for Ye Yang, according to her temper on the mercenary battlefield, this meat mountain man would have died today...

(First update)

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