Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 869 Let me show you my methods at the government office


In the distance, a law enforcement vehicle whimpered.

The head police inspector, Liu Mucha, was smoking a cigarette and was not anxious at all: "Slow down and let them get beaten more."

Roshan Man has a deep connection with local powerful people, and Liu Mucha is no exception.

He was asked by Roshan Man to arrive at the scene slower after receiving the alarm.

Liu Mucha is now thinking about how badly Ye Yang and others were beaten...

So there is no rush at all.

"Uh, boss, something seems to be wrong..."

The adjutant driving next to him said with some confusion.

On the ground, Roshan Man, whose bones were shattered to pieces, looked into the distance in despair: "Why haven't you come yet!!! You damn old man! I usually bribe you with so much money! Now it's time for you to call the police, speed up And efficiency, why is it so slow!”

"Come on! I'm going to me!!!"

He groaned inwardly, his teeth were already broken and he couldn't call for help.

According to the newly revised law.

The other party has threatened the personal safety of Ye Yang and others and can fight back infinitely. The fat man has a murder weapon in his hand. Even if he is kicked to death, he can be said to be exempt from guilt.


Finally, the siren sounded.

Liu Mucha got out of the car and was completely stunned.

About a hundred gangsters twitched and fell to the ground, looking like crazy, with nosebleeds. The scene was extremely terrifying.

Even these policemen were so frightened that their legs trembled a little.

Not to mention the fleshy man and the sharp-mouthed monkey-faced man who were taken care of by Xiao Qingxuan.

It was so tragic that I couldn’t bear to look at it carefully.

"How dare you commit murder in broad daylight!?"

Liu Mucha accused Ye Yang angrily.

"Are you blind or deaf? You don't know how to watch the surveillance by yourself? Take a good look at who tried to commit violence first, but then couldn't beat him and was knocked down by the counterattack!?"

Xiao Qingxuan sneered and retorted directly.

"You are so brave! I am a law enforcement officer of the Yamen! If you dare to be so disrespectful again, I will arrest you directly! You will be charged with disrupting law enforcement!"

Liu Mucha sneered.

"Do you really think you can do whatever you want as a law enforcement officer?"

Xiao Qingxuan sneered: "If you dare to threaten me again, I will beat you up too!"


Liu Mucha was frightened by Xiao Qingxuan's terrifying momentum and took a few steps back. This woman was too cruel and might really beat him up soon.

He didn't think he could stand a flying kick from her.

The meat mountain man who didn't notice being beaten has now turned into a meat stall man...

"Haha, he threatened the law enforcement officers of the Yamen, caused trouble, carried out violent attacks, and seriously injured the citizens of Sanhao in our county! Arrest him!"

Liu Mucha shouted directly.

"You want to fabricate facts, use your power for personal gain, and use your power to harm others?"

Dahai and the others said angrily: "Do you really think you can cover up the sky with one hand? How dare a small police captain dare to torture Ye Yang, a great philanthropist? I'm sorry for you!"

"Catch them together!"

Liu Mucha was so angry that he gritted his teeth: "I don't believe you dare to fight against Gongqi!"

"Boss, do you want to do something?!"

Xiao Xiaozhu was on the side ready for the next wave of poisonous needles.

Ye Yang waved his hand: "No, just go with him. I want to see what kind of corruption is behind this small county town!"

"You know what's going on!"

Liu Mucha sneered.

They cover the sky with one hand in the county!

It won't work no matter who comes.

Surveillance video? broken! It's maintenance!

No physical evidence! You can only rely on witnesses!

Isn't it hard to find a witness? Isn’t it easy to find just a few people who tell lies?

As soon as the yamen court opened, black and white joined forces, and it was not easy to make false accusations.

As long as Ye Yang doesn't resist and follows them into the yamen, he will be the meat and fish on the chopping board for them to slaughter!

A smile broke out on his face.

"We just said we would go with you, but we didn't give you the right to tie us up!"

Xiao Qingxuan's eyes darkened: "If you dare to come forward again, I will give you a full discount on my legs!"


Liu Mucha gritted his teeth, but the situation was significantly different from what he expected.

The original plan was for Roshan Nan to find someone to beat up Ye Yang and his party first, and then he would arrive with false witnesses, confuse right and wrong, and in turn handcuff Ye Yang and others.

But Ye Yang's side seemed to have little force value, but the two of them killed more than a hundred gangsters.

If we really want to fight, the dozen or so policemen around us won't be enough...

"Haha, you will suffer the consequences if you enter the police station!"

He opened the door angrily, preparing to coax Ye Yang and others into the police station first and then said: "Then you gentlemen, please get on your way!"

"Mr. Ye..."

Chen Zhishan's face flashed with endless apologies. He did not expect that behind the small orphanage real estate competition, there was such a big power collusion hidden, and now Ye Yang has been completely implicated!

The people do not fight with the officials.

No matter how powerful a businessman is, he is still a citizen in the final analysis, and there is no way he can compete with the yamen...

Ye Yang was about to suffer for saving his orphanage, but he was helpless and his face turned red with anxiety.

"Haha, Dean, don't worry, our boss is here to help you solve the root cause of your future problems!"

"Yes, don't worry, our boss, no one in the world can control him!"

Xiao Xiaozhu and Xiao Qingxuan both expressed relief.

"You guys go back first."

Ye Yang also smiled faintly: "After I solve the flies and tigers involved in this matter, I will go to the orphanage to find the director and thank you for taking care of my two bodyguards."


Chen Zhishan nodded in confusion.

Dahai and others also gathered together, watching Ye Yang and others get on their cars and go away...

"Why do I feel that Mr. Ye's tone is a bit strange..."

"I think so too. Others go to the yamen to be judged by the county magistrate. He looks like he is going to judge the county magistrate..."

"I have this feeling too..."

Dahai and others looked at each other, laughing and crying.

"This Mr. Ye is too mysterious. I just hope he can get through this crisis safely..."

Chen Zhishan sighed.

Although everyone felt that Ye Yang didn't take the county magistrate seriously at all.

But no one dared to believe it.

In such a place, unless Ye Yang is the city governor, it is impossible to suppress the county magistrate...

"Perhaps, Mr. Ye really has an official background."

Some people's eyes lit up and thought of this possibility.

"Let's hope!!!"

Everyone prayed for Ye Yang.

The Kebher battle shield majestically crossed the road, and the police cars in front and behind seemed to be clearing the way for it.

Those who knew that Ye Yang was coerced by the bailiff to go to the government office to handle the case.

Those who didn't know thought that the big boss came to inspect the small county town, and the government office sent police cars to escort him along the way...

Liu Mucha saw the eyes of the people on the street looking at this side, and he was furious: "Damn it! This Ye is too arrogant! When he enters the government office later, I must let him see my methods!!!"

(Second update)

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