Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 870: Identity Revealed

Very soon.

The police car convoy returned to the door of the police station.

Kai Bohe's battle shield also stopped steadily.

Liu Mucha got out of the car, adjusted his uniform, and walked to Ye Yang's car with a proud look on his face.

He tilted his head and said angrily: "Let's go?! Boss Ye!? We've arrived!"


Xiao Qingxuan opened the door directly.

Knocked Liu Mucha away.



"If a dog blocks the road, don't blame others!"

Xiao Qingxuan sneered.


Liu Mucha gritted his teeth, but he didn't dare to compete with Xiao Qingxuan himself. If this woman didn't put on handcuffs for a second, he would be scared.

"Okay, let's go in and do business."

Ye Yang was too lazy to talk nonsense with a little guy like Liu Mucha, and walked directly into the game.

The situation here was worse than he thought. He wanted to find out which level of people could be found at the top.

Although his intelligence system is powerful and it is not difficult to find out who it is, when it comes to this kind of thing, it is impossible to convict with intelligence alone.

He had to find a breaking point, an excuse.

The Chinese Lieutenant General was colluded with the local gangsters and deliberately framed. In his opinion, it was a good excuse to start...


After seeing Ye Yang and others entering the gate, Liu Mucha sneered.

He called the interrogator next to him and whispered a few words in his ear.

"Understood, Brother Liu! This is not the first time this has happened! It will definitely give him a big blow!"

Xiao Wang saluted and walked towards the interrogation room...

trial room.

The police officers who were about to use force were pushed against the wall by Xiao Qingxuan and Xiao Xiaozhu.

Ye Yang sat directly on the main seat and crossed his legs.

He looked calmly at Xiao Wang, the head of the interrogation department, who came in from behind.

"Ye! You are too arrogant!!!"

Xiao Wang was furious when he saw that Ye Yang did not sit in the prisoner's seat, but instead took the interrogator's seat.

"You think the yamen is your home!!! There is no law and discipline! Sit over here!"

"What are you yelling about! You are not qualified to yell at our boss!"

Xiao Qingxuan snorted coldly.

"What? You are still not honest when you arrive at the Yamen!? I think you are going to rebel!"

Xiao Wang said coldly: "If you are still dishonest, I will ask the people from the security department to get guns and eliminate you people!"

"Stop making such a big deal out of here, who are you threatening!"

Xiao Qingxuan's eyes were cold: "I think you are going to rebel! As a police officer in the yamen, you did not respond to the order from above to crack down on crime and eliminate evil. Instead, you colluded with the evil forces and covered the sky with one hand! You are lawless and undisciplined! Arrogant Incomparable, flying and domineering!”

Xiao Wang was told that his legs and feet were weak.

Xiao Qingxuan had killed countless people on the mercenary battlefield, let alone standing in a righteous position at this time, with an amazing aura.

Xiao Wang was suffocated and speechless...

"I think you are really going to rebel!!!"

Xiao Wang directly broke through the defense, became angry and shouted: "You really think you are great!? After all, they are just a bunch of common people! How dare you be so arrogant in the yamen! I think you want to die!"

"Kneel down!"

Xiao Qingxuan kicked Xiao Wang directly on the knee, knocking him to his knees.


Xiao Wang was completely confused. He had never thought in his life that someone would dare to arrest the police in the Yamen...

"You are the ones who should sit in this position of being judged today and accept the trial!"

Ye Yang spoke calmly.

Looking at Xiao Wang: "It's a pity that your level is too low and you are not qualified to be judged by me."

"Security Section!!!"

Just as Xiao Wang was about to scream, Xiao Qingxuan grabbed his brain and put his mouth directly on the corner of the table, unable to speak at all.

Ye Yang took out a certificate and said, "Let your bureau chief come to see me."

Xiao Wang bit his mouth on the corner of the table and couldn't speak at all. At this moment, his eyes saw the writing on the certificate, and his eyes instantly shrank and grew...

After a while, Xiao Qingxuan let go of his head.

Xiao Wang stood up, bowed and apologized to Ye Yang, and then ran out of the room: "Bureau Supervisor!!! Go and ask for the Bureau Supervisor!!!"


The entire police station suddenly became a mess.

Soon, Bureau Superintendent Dai Jiankong, who was chatting with his secretary in the office, was disturbed and walked towards the interrogation room...

Seeing the bureau governor, everyone calmed down a bit...

Dai Jiankong looked at the certificate in Ye Yang's hand and said with a smile: "It turns out he is the honorary chairman of the Zhengxie Association of Ji Province. It's really disrespectful."

Before, he was bullying Ye Yang, although he was rich, but after all, he was not a member of the system.

Not an official, no rights.

But now that Ye Yang has revealed his name as the honorary chairman of the Provincial Zhengtong Association, his attitude towards Ye Yang is naturally different.

"But Ji Province is thousands of kilometers away from here! You are stretching your hand too far! If you commit any crime on my territory today, you must follow our rules!"

Dai Jiankong said coldly.

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

Although he only revealed a small identity, which is probably equivalent to department-level energy, judging from the attitude of the bureau governor towards him.

He is definitely an insider, and there is someone higher behind him to support him, otherwise he would be far away.

A county bureau governor would not dare to speak like this to the department level.

"It seems that you are not the biggest tiger."

Ye Yang didn't read the intelligence. He wanted to investigate anyway. He was now gathering momentum for exposing his true identity.

Only when this momentum is accumulated, the excuse of swatting flies and hitting tigers later can be justified enough! Enough and fierce!

"Let your county governor come over."

Ye Yang took out another certificate indifferently.


Dai Jiankong trembled when he saw the certificate: "This... this this this!?"

"Why don't you go quickly!"

Xiao Qingxuan sneered.

"Yes, yes..."

Dai Jiankong was sweating all over, and he went to contact the county governor in a hurry.

Soon, the county governor Cheng Qianbai also arrived.

He looked at the certificate in Ye Yang's hand and trembled.

Ye Yang was holding the special commissioner certificate of the Awakening Lion Operation. With this certificate, he could manage the police and military forces of the Magic City and act at his convenience. For this highest task, he could dispatch all resources within the Magic City.

The power is higher than that of the Demon City Governor!

In ancient times, that is a governor, with more power than the provincial governor.

In theory, Ye Yang wanted to find an identity that was only one level higher than the city governor to suppress the county governor, but unfortunately, after searching all over his body, he could not find a lower level of appointment letter except for this honorary chairman identity comparable to the city governor...

"Mr. Ye, your privilege is only useful in the Magic City, and it is not a reason for you to do whatever you want in our province..."

The county governor said it very hard, but still expressed his attitude under great pressure.

"Okay, kneel down beside, and find your city governor."

After confirming the nature of the other party, Ye Yang was too lazy to care about it.

"You are a special commissioner of the Magic City, but you are not qualified to meet our city governor, just meet!"

The county governor was sweating profusely, but still expressed his last stubbornness...


Ye Yang raised the corner of his mouth: "Then this identity is enough?!"

As he said, he reached into his pocket again.

"You don't have a certificate, do you!?"

The county governor was dumbfounded, and the whole person fell into shock...

(First update)

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