Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 872 Good people are rewarded


Soon, several of the top bosses in Xiguang, including No. 1 and No. 2, all made stern statements. A thorough investigation into the matter would definitely lead to the arrest of all those involved, and they would never tolerate it!

Ye Yangcai nodded slightly.

They are all insiders of the local system. If we really go all out to investigate, we will get results quickly.

The evidence, the evil will soon be revealed in full.

You won’t know if you don’t check, but once you check, you will be shocked!

In just three to five days, hundreds of flies and tigers were pulled out!

Two of the three richest men were arrested!

Xiguang, the sky is changing!

The evil forces have been uprooted. The evil people who originally thought that they would make a living by doing evil, killing people and setting fires all their lives were eating hot pot and singing songs yesterday. Today, they were arrested directly and are waiting for the final sentence!

Ye Yang knew that these were by no means members of all the evil forces in Xiguang.

But it is definitely the most powerful force...

With this beginning, the atmosphere will be much better in the future.

Nowadays, cameras and the Internet are developed in big cities, and many evil forces have been eliminated with the crackdown on crime. However, there are still many remote areas and underdeveloped places across the country, and this situation still exists.

All I can say is that there is a long way to go.

All relevant personnel have been dealt with.

Especially Landong County is the key target!

The police cars have been buzzing in the past few days. Almost all the evil forces who have been working in the local area have been arrested!

The prisons can no longer be held, and many people have been transferred to nearby prisons...


Chen Zhishan was dumbfounded as he listened to the changes in the past few days.

Dahai and others also guessed that all this must be related to Ye Yang! ! !

However, how much energy does Ye Yang have that can actually change the entire atmosphere of Landong! ?

They even learned from their friends from other places that it seemed that the whole of Xiguang was doing this!

Two wealthy people were found out one after another and both were put in jail!

Hu Sanwan, who was so arrogant and terrifying in their eyes just a few days ago, has now become a prisoner...

They were all a little confused.

It is completely unimaginable that they would actually meet such a powerful boss, and they still feel it is very unrealistic...

Although I know it must be related to Ye Yang, I still can't believe it from the bottom of my heart...

A few days later.

Ye Yang took Xiao Qingxuan and Xiao Xiaozhu back to the Love Orphanage.

Behind, a bunch of people followed, cheering.

They are all provincial bosses, and the new county governor, the new city governor, etc. are all inconspicuous little people in the background.


Chen Zhishan had never seen so many big guys, including Dahai, who was trembling when he saw the city governor, let alone so many provincial big guys here now.

Even more at a loss.

All the super bosses greeted Chen Zhishan with a smile, saying that they would commend him for his persistence in charity in difficult circumstances and selflessly raising hundreds of orphans for so many years. They would inform the whole province, recommend him to the program, and promote him as a model. .

We also need to fund and contact the best construction companies to rebuild the orphanage.

Make this place a famous brand in the province!

Chen Zhishan's head was dizzy from being hit by these big cakes.

He has been doing charity for so many years in obscurity, and no one cares about it. What is happening today! ?

Although he never pursues rewards, who doesn't want to live a better life?

The most practical thing is that in the future, the orphanage will become very good if there is no shortage of conditions and funds, making it more convenient for him to do charity.


It’s hard to believe that all this was brought about by the boss of the two girls he once adopted.

"Good people are rewarded!"

"That's right! Mr. Chen, your righteous deed really touched us!"


All the leaders praised Chen Zhishan one after another, but in fact they were praising Ye Yang.

After a long time.

The condolences were over and the leaders all left.

Xiao Qingxuan and Xiao Xiaozhu raised their chins: "How about it? Our boss is great, isn't he!?"


Dahai and others were speechless. This was not only awesome, it was simply too awesome and beyond their scope of cognition...

There are simply no words to describe the shock in my heart! ! !

"Haha! Grandpa Dean, you will live a good life from now on. You will no longer have to work so hard. You will live in a big house and have hundreds of millions of operating funds. When you spend them all, tell us that we have also saved over the years. If the orphanage needs a little money, we will fully support it!”

Xiao Qingxuan and Xiao Xiaozhu both patted their chests and promised.


Chen Zhishan knew very well that five hundred million, five hundred million...

It's impossible to spend it all.

But if they reject the Xiao Xiaozhu sisters' kindness, they will be sad, but now they accept it with a smile.

The hearts of Dahai and others that had been hanging for the past few days finally settled down.

Now it can be said that the dark clouds are parted and the moon is shining brightly.

A few days ago, I still felt that the world was turbid, unable to fight, and swallowed by helplessness...

After just a few days, everything changed!

They were all extremely grateful to Ye Yang.

Although he knew that he couldn't bring out anything that would make Ye Yang look down on him, he tried his best to show his good intentions.

In order not to make them feel that they owed him, Ye Yang accepted them all with a smile.


Now Dahai and others respect Ye Yang very much.

Although they still don't know Ye Yang's true identity, they can single-handedly change the entire Xiguang Province.

That energy is beyond their imagination...

They all expressed their blessing and envy for Xiao Qingxuan and Xiao Xiaozhu to be bodyguards for such a being.

I didn't know what level the bodyguards of those big shots were before, but now I have seen it.

It's like a hundred people are against each other!

Of course, they just saw the two sisters fighting each other normally.

If they saw the large-scale AOE poison fog skills released by the Xiao sisters when they fought against the enemy in Su City, they would know that if they were given enough time to prepare, it would not be impossible to fight one against a thousand.

It's beyond the scope of normal humans...

This kind of killer may not be as good as the world's number one boxing champion like Taikang Nathan in a head-on fight, but it's not too easy to do anything bad to him.

Let Xiao Qingxuan and Nathan fight head-on on the ring, the chance of winning is not great, but if they really meet on the street, Xiao Qingxuan has a hundred ways to kill each other.

Of course, it's useless against a real superhuman like Ye Yang.

Small-caliber bullets can't penetrate his skin, and unless a large-caliber shell explodes on him, it is difficult to cause fatal damage to him.

But considering his reaction speed and physical fitness, it is still a question whether the shell can hit him...

I stayed in Landong for a few days again, and reminisced with Xiao Xiaozhu and her sister.

Many of the guys who were bullied by them when they were young looked unhappy these days. I heard that the little bully who had his ribs broken by Xiao Qingxuan was so scared that he didn't dare to leave the house these days...

(First update)

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