Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 873 Come on! Mr. Billy, you can do it


After shopping enough, Ye Yang looked at the date and found that it was almost Qin Kelan's birthday.

"Let's go back to the Magic City."

Ye Yang waved his hand.


Sister Xiao Xiaozhu was satisfied these two days and got into the car.

Kaibohe Battleshield ran all the way to the airport.

"This car is good. Get me another one to drive in Shanghai."

Ye Yang said casually.

"Okay boss."

The bosses of the subsidiaries who came to see him off were all talking.

The G950 took off and landed in Shanghai soon.

As soon as he walked out of the airport, the new Kaibohe Battle Shield stopped in front of Ye Yang.

"The efficiency is quite fast."

Ye Yang smiled slightly.

Driving fast.

"Hello? Coach, you are finally willing to come back~"

Qin Kelan smiled teasingly.

"Ha ha."

Ye Yang smiled and nodded.

Today is Qin Kelan's birthday. Before going to Xiguang, he promised the other party to come back and give her a profound birthday when she celebrates her birthday.

The Qin Group has many villas in the Magic City.

This building is unique to Qin Kelan.

Today, Qin Kelan's room is very exquisitely decorated.

Many of her friends have already arrived.

There are brothers and sisters from the Qin family, as well as some classmates and best friends.

Xu Xiaoxin looked at Ye Yang's arrival and said teasingly: "Why, come to celebrate my little lover's birthday?"

Ye Yang coughed lightly: "Xiaoxin, you are here too."

"Of course, Sister Kelan is my best friend!"

Xu Xiaoxin curled her lips.

Ye Yang smiled.

Xu Xiaoxin is Xu Yuanhong's daughter. Now Haiqi Group has assets worth trillions and is the largest group in Shanghai. Without her sudden rise, Xu Xiaoxin would be the well-deserved number one among the younger generation in Shanghai.

Not to mention Qin Kelan, the Qin Group behind it is engaged in international trade, and the family assets far exceed 200 billion US dollars.

Two super little rich women.

However, Qin Kelan's character is more bold. Although he met Ye Yang later, his relationship was established long ago.

Xu Xiaoxin has always been aggrieved by this matter, but she is also a shy little girl. She really doesn't know when she will have the courage to speak up and board Ye Yang's pirate ship.


She sighed, shook her head, and told herself in her heart: "Today is Sister Kelan's birthday! Don't think about these useless things!"


Ye Yang shook his head dumbfounded. Even if he didn't have a system, just by knowing these two super rich young women, he could become a famous soft rice king in the devil city.

Of course, with his character, he would never accept this kind of lifestyle of eating soft food.

"Brother Ye!"

"Future brother-in-law!"

Several brothers and sisters of the Qin family are extremely friendly towards Ye Yang.

Qin Kelan came back from studying abroad a few days ago, and Ye Yang directly bought a peacock brooch worth one billion as a gift!

One phone call caused the son of an international giant to dissolve his marriage with Qin Keyan, the leader of another faction of the Qin family!

Ye Yang's name is well known in the international Qin family.

Qin Kelan has been highly valued by the family recently and was directly promoted to the core level, which is also a kind of respect for Ye Yang.

Qin Kelan's aunt Qin Wenxian also came over, grabbed Ye Yang's arm, rubbed her breasts, and welcomed Ye Yang inside warmly...

"I go……"

Ye Yang couldn't laugh or cry, "Auntie, please don't mess with me!"

When she first met Qin Wenxian, this beautiful aunt wanted to let her in. It wasn't until they met Mark Jin at a party in the sky restaurant and called her boss that she was calmed down. He also took advantage of her first kiss.

Now that we meet again, it's so hot...

"Women are so strange..."

He couldn't laugh or cry.

Qin Wenxian, Qin Kelan and Xu Xiaoxin looked at each other and all walked towards Ye Yang.

The other uninformed classmates and friends of Qin Kelan present were not happy.

The three most beautiful beauties on the field, one is sweet and lovely, one has a hot figure, and the other is mature and intellectual.

They all gathered around Ye Yang! ! !

Where is the law of heaven? !

"Who is this person!?"

"I don't know, maybe it's some top rich second generation in China!"

The Qin family is mainly engaged in international trade. Many of Qin Kelan's classmates and friends are foreigners, and they all come from well-off families.

It's all sour at this point.

Although there are many beauties in the field, after all, the chances of children from wealthy families being good-looking are much higher than those from ordinary families.

I have had the best stylist since I was a child, and the cosmetics and clothing are also from the highest-end brands.

As long as he is not ugly and has the temperament that he has accumulated with money, he is much better than ordinary people.

Enough to be called beautiful or handsome.

After all, even after Ali Jack became the richest man, many people praised him for being so handsome...

But the most outstanding ones are Xu Xiaoxin, Qin Kelan, and Qin Wenxian!

She was originally a great beauty, but with her temperament, makeup, and clothing, her temperament was so extraordinary that she could be called a fairy on earth.

Three top beauties.

Basically attracting the attention of 99% of the males present.

The few remaining male dogs munched on top-quality dog ​​food and barked with satisfaction.

"Humph, he's just a second-generation rich man from China. I think his net worth is worth billions of Chinese coins. Why do you get such preferential treatment? Look at me going up and slapping him in the face!"

Billy from America adjusted the cuffs of his suit and felt angry.

He has been in love with Qin Kelan for a long time and calls himself a romantic gentleman, but he has never succeeded. Today, seeing Qin Kelan's intimacy with Ye Yang, he is very unhappy.

"I know him, he seems to be an international movie star, right? The kung fu movies he made before are popular all over the world. The international film industry calls him Little Jackie Chan. Maybe he will become a generation of kung fu superstar in the future!"

Jackie Chan is very influential abroad.

The Saudi prince admires him very much.

So, when Jackie Chan is mentioned, Billy, who was eager to try, paused.

Maybe compared with their family, Jackie Chan is not that rich, but his influence and status are not comparable to him, a little rich second generation.

After all, no matter how strong the family is, it is the family that is strong.

He is just a junior in the family, far from representing the whole family.

"Hehe, isn't he not a superstar yet! He just made a movie, his foundation is not stable, and few people remember him and know him!"

Billy searched and confirmed that he was absolutely fine.

This guy, pretending!

I am the eldest son of an international financial family!

Our family is full of heroes! Have you heard of the stock god Hood Buffett? !

The most powerful boss of this generation of our family!

And I, as the new generation eldest son of the Buffett family, Billy Buffett, will show off today!

The other eldest sons obviously don’t have such a big background as Billy Buffett.

But they are also very unhappy about the three beauties surrounding Ye Yang. If this eldest son Billy is willing to test the water for them, they will also be more than happy.

They keep giving Billy a thumbs up.


You can do it, eldest son Billy! ! !

(Second update)

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