Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 875: I underestimated his power after all

"That Billy, how dare you talk to you like this, Mr. Ye!"

Hod Buffett broke into a cold sweat.

For him, Ye Yang is now an existence that must not be offended!

Otherwise, 50 billion will be gone!

Billy Buffett is just an ordinary junior in the Buffett family. In his eyes, he is not worth 50 billion Chinese coins...

He kept saying: "Mr. Ye, don't be angry. You like to keep a low profile. Although you are comparable to the emperor of the consortium, you are not too noisy in the international business world. This Billy has short-sightedness. I will educate him for you!"


Ye Yang nodded lightly and handed the phone directly to Billy Buffett.

"Heh, he's pretending to be..."

Billy Buffett is also a little unsure.

After answering the phone and hearing the first voice, he was stunned...

"Hello? Little Billy!"

"Uncle Hod..."

Billy Buffett looked respectful.

Although Hodder is not the helmsman of this generation of Buffett family, his status is the highest among the family.

Anyone from the Buffett family who looks at him will feel a sense of awe.


Everyone else present was also stunned.

A call actually came to the stock god’s mobile phone? !

Except for Qin Wenxian, everyone present was a junior.

Although most of them come from famous families, they are nothing in front of the stock god Buffett.

Ye Yang's tone on the phone call just now couldn't be called awe at all, nor was it even a comparison between his peers, but... it seemed like he was blaming the other person? !

This is incredible!


Such a young Chinese person actually criticized the words of the world-famous stock god! ?

Where does his confidence come from! ?

Moreover, the stock god didn't seem to care about the tone and way of speaking at all, and instead directly gave the phone to Billy...

The relationship seems not difficult to guess.

"This Mr. Ye seems to be quite extraordinary!"

The classmates all murmured.

This was not the first time that Xu Xiaoxin and Qin Wenxian had seen Ye Yang's energy. At this time, they just looked at Billy sympathetically.

Qin Kelan also shrugged helplessly.

If you listen to people's advice and eat enough, the devil who wants to die can't stop you.

She had tried her best to persuade her just now, but in the end, Billy would not look back until he hit the wall...

There was nothing she could do.

Talking on the phone...

Billy's face became paler and paler, and his whole body started to tremble.

Who knew what harsh words the old Buffett said on the phone could scare this young man to the point of shaking like chaff! ?

"Ye Yang's energy is really amazing! In just one sentence, his uncle, who is also a world-renowned financial tycoon, trained him to be like this! This face is really ridiculous!"

Although I knew Ye Yang was powerful before.

But in a head-on confrontation with an international financial giant like the Buffett family, they feel that they can only stand up to each other.

Everything that is shown now...

It seemed to prove that even if they exhausted their imaginations to imagine how terrifying Ye Yang was, they still underestimated him!

In the end, Billy respectfully returned the phone to Ye Yang, then threw himself on the ground and kowtowed.


Everyone thought that stock god Buffett scolded Billy just to make him apologize to Ye Yang, but he just put down the phone and started kowtowing! ?

This is too fierce! ?

This scene exceeded everyone's expectations, and the operation was beyond imagination!

They all looked at it in confusion, unable to react for a moment because of their own safety...

"Mr. Ye, please forgive me! My uncle said that if you don't forgive me, let me kowtow to you all the time, otherwise, I will be removed from the Buffett family!!!"

Billy kowtows crazily.

Ye Yang smiled faintly, this God Buffett was really good at scaring children.

Just a few words scared Billy into this.

"Okay, get up."

Ye Yang said lightly.

After all, he is Qin Kelan's classmate. What he wants to do is to intimidate the other person. Scaring the other person to death by accident is not what he wants.


Billy let out a long sigh of relief.

Looking at Ye Yang with complicated eyes, his expression was full of awe.

He never expected that this young man could actually make his uncle have such a terrible reaction!

Just now on the phone, contrary to my uncle's kind character, I wanted to cook him and eat him!

He even said that Mr. Ye is someone that even the Buffett family cannot afford to offend!

Just one person, and one at such a young age... to actually let his uncle say those words. How terrifying is his hidden true identity! ?

I actually provoked the other party just now. I really thought that my life was too long...

Fortunately, Mr. Ye didn't seem to blame himself too much, so he escaped.


With Ye Yang's current status, he would definitely not really care about these juniors, otherwise they would be too cheap, unless they were forced to commit suicide and had to kill the chickens to scare the monkeys.

He won't show mercy either.


He looked over and saw that Qin Kelan's classmates all lowered their heads and smiled in apology, lowering their eyebrows and calling "Hello, Mr. Ye" repeatedly.

They could see what happened to Billy.

They didn't want to say the wrong thing all of a sudden, and Ye Yang would make another phone call and have the family remove them...

After demonstrating your strength, respect comes naturally.

The atmosphere of the following birthday party was extremely peaceful.

Many people congratulated Qin Kelan for finding such a great boyfriend.

"Now I know why the three top beauties present are all around him..."

"There's nothing we can do! His strength is there, it's not reasonable at all!"


The boys all accepted their fate.

The girls' eyes lit up.

This is a fighter among men!

It's a super deluxe version!

Girls have no resistance to strong, handsome and rich boys.

At this time, they all came over.

However, the best position was occupied by Xu Xiaoxin, Qin Kelan and Qin Wenxian.

They were lingering around, difficult to approach, and felt very unhappy.

Next, it was the gift session.

Classmates and friends gave gifts one after another to express birthday wishes.

But Ye Yang didn't say anything.

Qin Kelan just smiled slightly. When she came back, Ye Yang gave her a peacock brooch worth 10 billion. She still felt sweet and happy when she thought about it. There was no need to express anything with gifts...

Ye Yang looked at Qin Kelan's sensible and cute appearance, couldn't help laughing, and pinched her little face: "Don't worry, how could I forget to prepare a birthday gift for my little baby?"

Everyone looked over.

After all, he is a super rich man, what gift would he give? !

Ye Yang looked around: "Since everyone is so curious, then come with me."

As he said, he led everyone to the outside of the villa...

(Second update)

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