
Everyone walked out of the house and looked at the sky full of rosy clouds.

Now, it was already night, and after the last ray of afterglow, it was the night sky.

The sky quickly darkened.

Everyone was looking around, waiting for the gift that Ye Yang mentioned.

“Look what that is!”

Someone exclaimed.

Everyone’s eyes were attracted to it.

Those were some beams of light rushing into the sky.

After rushing into the air, they exploded violently…

The fireworks were flourishing, filling the entire sky.

The night sky was decorated with incomparable beauty.

This is a suburban villa. You can see pieces of starry sky in the distance, dotted on the curtain of fireworks, beautiful beyond words.

“So beautiful…”

The girls were all moved and looked up at the sky.

However, this was just the beginning.

More and more fireworks rose, and the entire sky was gradually filled with all kinds of gorgeous fireworks.

“It’s really beautiful.”

The girls present were all moved by the splendor in the sky.

Fireworks may be common, but this kind of grand display of filling the sky is something they have never seen before!

This new type of pollution-free fireworks is very expensive even for a single bunch.

Filling the sky directly?

Every second is burning money!

Especially those young masters, when their girlfriends asked them to have this kind of fireworks rain in the future, their mouths twitched.

Only this new type of pollution-free fireworks can produce such a clean and shocking gorgeous effect.

If you want to do Ye Yang's explosion all over the mountains and fields, regardless of cost, every second is a huge fortune!

They did a little calculation.

I'm afraid it will cost millions per second...

It has already cost over 100 million at this moment!

This is no longer just ordinary extravagance...

It's simply extravagant beyond imagination!

This is the first large-scale debut of pollution-free fireworks after they were recently developed. In the previous era of fireworks, the most expensive fireworks show, which cost hundreds of thousands per second, has shocked everyone who knew the news.

If anyone knew that Ye Yang was setting off fireworks that cost millions of dollars per second, their jaws would probably drop in shock...

"It's just... incredible."

Many of the second-generation rich people who usually claim to be top rich people and spend money like water were all staring, standing there stupidly, completely shocked by Ye Yang's generosity.

Their rubbish tricks of squandering a few million or ten million dollars a night and thinking they were awesome were simply not good enough in front of Ye Yang!


While they were staring at this million-dollar fireworks feast, they sighed at how low they were.

In a blink of an eye, three minutes had passed.

It was almost 200 million Chinese yuan!!!

That's money!!!

They all felt sorry for Ye Yang...

Although they claimed to be rich, they also had limited cash. These were custom fireworks, and the manpower required to transport these things here in advance and arrange them was also amazing.

After all, these people were not ordinary people, otherwise the arrangement would be wrong.


The further it went, the more exciting the fireworks performance became.

The whole sky seemed to be covered by fireworks.

"A thousand flowers bloomed!"

"A ladder to heaven!"

The fireworks seemed to be performing a certain plot in the sky, with endless fireworks covering the sky, performing a specific fairy-like plot.

This scene is simply romantic to the core! ! !

Of course, it is also expensive to the core.

The details of the fireworks were magnified, and the fairy's face became clearer and clearer, gradually turning into Qin Kelan's cheek.

The smile was like a flower, beautiful and moving.

"Such a high precision... Such a similarity!"

"Rare in my life, shocking my parents for a hundred years!!!"

A group of rich second-generations exclaimed.

This kind of technology is not something that money can do.

Although there are similar fireworks shows now, they have never heard of such a level of precision...

However, this is just the beginning! ! !

In the sky, the fireworks Qin Kelan fell down.

The next wave of fireworks rose into the sky, and during the process of rising into the sky, it bloomed into a gorgeous sea of ​​flowers, which evolved into Ye Yang's face.

It just happened to touch the cheek of the falling Qin Kelan.

Together, they evolved into a huge heart shape in the sky...

In the heart shape, there were three words of "I love you" written in a splash of ink.

It impacted everyone's heart...

The fireworks show finally ended.

It lasted for a full ten minutes...

In addition to being moved, the rich second generation did some mental calculations.

Counting the expenses before and after, I'm afraid the cost of this fireworks show would be around 600 to 700 million! ! !

Qin Kelan had already been moved to tears and nestled in Ye Yang's arms.

Xu Xiaoxin, who was standing aside, pursed her lips and wanted to get closer, but she hadn't confirmed her relationship with Ye Yang yet, so it was a bit inappropriate to get closer at this time.

And the other girls present were all imagining that they had such a generous and romantic boyfriend.

They were not the only ones shocked.

This fireworks show was so grand that almost everyone in the suburbs and the edge of the city saw it.

The video was filmed and posted online.

Immediately, many professionals analyzed the cost of the fireworks.

"It is definitely a new type of pollution-free fireworks, very expensive, and ordinary people can't afford it."

"It seems to be a big shot! Where did you take the video?"

"In the villa complex in the suburbs of Shanghai! Does anyone know how much it costs to set off fireworks like this for ten minutes? I also want to make one for my wife's wedding anniversary."

"Yes, I also want to make one for my girlfriend! It's so romantic!"

"My girlfriend said that if I can't give her such a rain of fireworks, she will break up with me... Is there any big guy who can teach me how to make such a rain of fireworks!?"

Many people on the Internet posted for help or left messages under the video.

Soon, it became a hot topic.

"Ahem, let me calculate it for you, sir."

"I have been working in the fireworks industry for 20 years, I will calculate it for you..."

Many experts and big guys in the fireworks industry also spoke up, ready to get involved. After all, for them, this scene tonight is shocking enough.

"Haha, please trouble the experts!"

On the Internet, many boys who think they have some assets and want to show off, or boys who are forced by their girlfriends or wives to do similar fireworks shows, are waiting for a response below.

Many people who eat melons and watch the fun also gathered together.

After all, this is too beautiful and gorgeous!

If life can really create such a scene, there will be no regrets!

"I don't think it will be cheap!"

"Didn't you say? The new environmentally friendly fireworks are very expensive!"

"How much do you think it will cost?"

"I think it will cost at least a million to hold such a show?"

"Then I'm done. I only have a few hundred thousand in savings. I can't afford it even if I spend all of it. It seems that I can't keep this girlfriend."

"Well, it's true..."

There was a lot of discussion in the comment area, and everyone was looking forward to the calculation results of these experts...

(First update)

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