Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 877: Isn't it just a little bit more money? Is it that important?

"I figured it out."

Several experts started broadcasting. This is a hot topic. Now is the Internet age. Everyone hopes to attract fans with their professional knowledge. These experts are no exception.

Many people flocked into their live broadcast rooms.

True Heart: "Master, please tell me how much this thing costs!"

Dudu: "Yes, yes, you've been waiting for a long time?"

Jiangbei Force Wang Xiaodian: "Haha, actually I was too lazy to come in. After all, with my wealth and strength, I can't even afford a fireworks show?"

Guapi Shrimp No. 1: "Brother upstairs, you are awesome?"

Jiangbei Force Wang Xiaodian: "Huh, no bragging, I am also a successful person. In Jiangbei, I am a big boss!"

"Oh? I don't know how much assets you have!?"

Many people asked in confusion.

Jiangbei Wang Xiaodiandian said proudly: "Haha, I'll tell you my money, and you'll be shocked! I have tens of millions in cash alone! I have hundreds of millions in assets!"

"Damn! He is indeed a big shot! You must have done it casually. A fireworks show would probably cost a few million."

"That's right..."

The live broadcast room was thinking, what is this big shot doing here! ? Is he going to show off in Versailles?

That's right, just look at his name, and you know he is a guy who likes to show off and is full of arrogance!

I guess he has had enough of showing off in reality, and is ready to show off his superiority online.

But he does have some strength, after all, he has hundreds of millions in assets!

In a small villa in a certain state in Su Province, Jiangbei Wang Xiaodiandian himself hugged a busty mature woman, looked at the voice of admiration on the screen, and laughed.

"It's just a fireworks show, I'll let these fireworks experts prepare a similar one for me later, just wait and see!"

"Brother Lightning, you are really great!!!"

The mature woman smiled tenderly, and the green tea flavor was off the charts.

Little Lightning waved his hand: "It's all a small matter!"

He was extremely confident and didn't care how much the fireworks cost. He just wanted to show off in the live broadcast room.

"If you are so poor, you may not be able to afford this fireworks show."

The fireworks expert also noticed that Little Lightning came to his live broadcast room to show off, and directly poured cold water on him.


Little Lightning sat up directly, feeling offended, and angrily said: "It's just a fireworks show, how expensive can it be! Are you despising me!?"

The expert sneered and put a list on the screen: "This is a list of types and quantities of fireworks that I have calculated based on those videos. It doesn't even include the most expensive customized fireworks in the last section. You can calculate how much these are!?"

Before the expert finished speaking, Little Lightning was dumbfounded.

He looked at the prices of fireworks on the list on the screen...

He didn't even finish reading one tenth of it, and he ran out of cash...

"Oh my god..."

He couldn't help but stand up, and pushed the mature woman away. He paced around the room, muttering as he walked: "Awesome... This is too awesome!"

He had been in the Jiangbei world for decades, but this was the first time he encountered such a terrible thing.

He spent all his wealth and sold all his assets, but he probably couldn't afford a fireworks show that someone casually set up...

A huge sense of frustration hit him.

The barrage at this time also flashed a lot of 666, a lot of wow, and an unimaginable exclamation.

"Doesn't this mean that this fireworks show is worth hundreds of millions!?"

The expert nodded: "If you count the last part of the fireworks design that surpasses current technology, I'm afraid the cost of this fireworks show... 800 million at the bottom!!!"

"This is too fucking awesome..."

Some people's minds were blank.

It was totally unimaginable what that meant...

This astronomical figure in their imagination was just the cost of setting off fireworks...

"The rich people in this world are really rich!"

"Too awesome!"


Everyone was in awe.

After a long time of admiration, everyone realized that the little Lightning King who had just come to show off had actually left the live broadcast room in disgrace...

"Haha... He found that all his assets were not enough to pay for a fireworks show..."

"It hurts his self-esteem!"

"Forgive me for laughing out loud..."

Not only this expert, but everyone on the Internet who wanted to calculate the cost of this fireworks show basically came to the same conclusion.

The cost of this fireworks show was at least 800 million!!!

Everyone was shocked.

All those successful men and small bosses who were originally full of passion and ready to do a big job, to replicate this fireworks rain for their wives and girlfriends, to show off...all disappeared.

Some people quietly sent the bills to the little fairy girlfriends who asked them to hold a fireworks show...

Arrogant little fairy: "Haha, I don't care about money! I must have what others have! Why can't you do it? I don't care! You do it for me!"

Dog-licking man: "I can't afford this money even if I sell myself!"

Arrogant little fairy: "Then I'll kick you out! I'm so beautiful! So fairy! What's unworthy of being with a poor trash like you!"

Dog-licking man: "No, my goddess!!!"

This arrogant little fairy used to suck his blood and asked for a bag worth 20,000 yuan and an apple worth 10,000 yuan. He could still afford it after selling his kidney, but this 800 million, even if he broke his cheap bones and sold them by pound, couldn't make up one millionth of it!

He only hated that he had no money and couldn't support the little fairy!

The little fairy laughed: "Let's break up! I won't be satisfied until I find a man who can give me such fireworks!"


The dog-licking man screamed.

The next day, the dog-licking man was so sad that he fell seriously ill and died.

What he didn't know was that in the future, the little fairy would really stick to her dream.

As a result... I haven't found another boyfriend in ten years. When I was in my thirties, I accepted my fate and found a domestic violence man with no money and quality. He beat her to death within a few days.

Naturally, Ye Yang would not know about this little episode.

He was scrolling through the hot-searched fireworks videos and the topic of analyzing how much a fireworks show costs, and couldn't help but laugh or cry.

It's just a fireworks show that cost a little more money.

As for what? !

Ye Yang smiled and shook his head.

"It turns out that coach brother spent so much money tonight!"

Qin Kelan was extremely surprised. Although she knew that Ye Yang was used to spending a lot of money, she probably guessed that tonight would cost at least 100 million.

But I really didn’t expect that it would be at least 800 million! ! !

Ye Yang coughed and waved his hand: "Actually, it's not as much as they said! What they said is too exaggerated..."

"How much is that?"

Qin Kelan asked doubtfully.

"It's only just over 700 million. Where did the 800 million come from?"

Ye Yang said casually.

"???Is there a difference!?"

Qin Kelan pouted, Brother Ye, you are so 'humble'!

Seeing Qin Kelan's cute look, Ye Yang burst out laughing...

(Second update)

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