Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 879: A villa as a gift

Tonight, Xinghuang Mansion was much more lively than usual.

I heard that Tsinghua University and Peking University were competing for their daughter, and the two elders were laughing from ear to ear.

People's pursuits are different.

At that time, they worshiped intellectuals and did not take money seriously.

For them, being able to attend such a top university is a joy from the bottom of their hearts.

At first, Ye Yang only got a 211. Although the two elders were happy, they still felt that they had not realized their dream of going to a top school...

"Now our family is complete."

Today’s dinner at Xinghuang Mansion was also very sumptuous.

It was quite a happy life.

The next day, Ye Yang went to see Zheng Xian.

Now that Zheng Xian is considered a person, he is not short of money, so he is prepared to handle it according to the highest standards.

Ye Yang gave Zheng Xian all the rights to use the Yingbin Restaurant that day.

Do whatever you want, do it as much as you want.

Zheng Xian's family, Zheng Xian's parents and Ye Yang have been asking for confirmation for a long time.

"My little Xian didn't do anything bad, right? You two are brothers who want to be the boss, you can't let him go astray!"


After Ye Yang explained, the two elders' doubts were dispelled.

For them, Zheng Xian's rise was too fast.

The last time I called, I was an ordinary Internet employee with a monthly salary of 20,000 yuan.

The next time I call, I will be promoted to supervisor, and the salary will be 60,000 to 70,000 yuan a month.

I made another call and suddenly became a director of some company, with hundreds of millions of shares.

This time it became even more ruthless. He suddenly transformed into the chairman of several companies, with a net worth of tens of billions?

It almost scared Zheng Xian's parents.

They are all honest people and have never heard of such a large number in their lives.

But they all trust Ye Yang very much.

Zheng Xian has been following Ye Yang since he was a child. They all think that Ye Yang will do great things in the future and think highly of Ye Yang. Therefore, after Ye Yang's assurance, the two elders gradually accepted this setting.


"Xiaoyang, come here..."

The two old men called Ye Yang aside.

"What's wrong, uncle and aunt?"

Ye Yang asked with a smile.

" the family behind Xiaoxian's fiancée really as...powerful as they say?"

When the two old men listened to Zheng Xian's words, it was like listening to a book from heaven.

What aristocratic family, what billions?

It's like a dream.

No storyteller dares to say that...

They are ordinary people who have saved their lives and saved hundreds of thousands. They also plan to buy a house for Zheng Xian to go on a blind date when he returns to his hometown after he is tired from working in Shanghai.

As a result, I just brought back such a beautiful daughter-in-law, and the daughter of a big family, and it was like writing a novel...

Ye Yang solemnly nodded: "You two have to gradually accept this. Now Zheng Xian's identity is different from the past. If a wedding is held there in a few days, you two must be strong-willed and don't have any mentality. pressure."

Zheng Xian's original family conditions alone were not enough to join the Ling family.

There will definitely be people gossiping at the Ling family in the next few days.

Some people say that this is a mindless routine only found in novels, and those who think so are on the first floor underground.

Within a real big family, there are many factions and endless struggles for various rights.

Even when everything is fine, they always want to cause trouble and suppress other factions.

Not to mention that the daughter of a certain faction married a poor boy with no foundation in an ordinary family. If you don't use this as an excuse to find trouble, you will be sorry for the huge mistake of the other faction.

It seems like a mindless ridicule, but in fact there is a power struggle hidden underneath.

"We got it!"

Zheng Xian's parents also understand that they cannot let their son be looked down upon by his father-in-law's family. Although they are honest and responsible, they also want face and dignity.

It's okay for them to be angry in this life, and they must never let their son be unable to hold his head up for the rest of his life!

"Haha, you don't have to be too stressed."

Ye Yang smiled and said: "When the time comes, I will support Zheng Xian. As long as I am here, no one can make a difference."

"Okay! Excuse me, Xiaoyang..."

Zheng Xian’s parents kept talking.

As Ye Yang's die-hard younger brother, Zheng Xian has been boasting about Ye Yang's awesomeness in front of his parents all the time for more than a year. They have long accepted Ye Yang's now extremely amazing setting.

This also made Ye Yang dumbfounded. These two elders seemed to believe in themselves more than they believed in their own son...

"By the way, I bought a villa next to Xinghuang Mansion. I will treat it as a wedding red envelope for Zheng Xian. Let's do the housewarming and the wedding ceremony together today!"

Ye Yang said directly.

Zheng Xian's parents also knew each other, and they were neighbors, which usually provided some relief.


The two elders blinked. Although they knew that Zheng Xian and Ye Yang were like brothers, this wedding red envelope was too valuable in their hearts!

Of course, if they knew that this villa was worth one billion, they might not even be able to sleep.

"What happened to the wedding car preparations?"

Ye Yang didn't say anything more and asked Zheng Xian directly.

"It's ready. Thirty-six Rolls-Royces have been rented."

Zheng Xiandao.


Ye Yang nodded.

If you were in the magic city, this kind of pomp might be quite common, but in Ji Province, this kind of pomp is the best.

There is nothing more to worry about.

"Holy shit! Boss! You bought me a villa next to the Star Emperor's Palace!?"

Zheng Xian's eyes widened. He didn't know about this before.

"Wouldn't it be less of a surprise if I told you about the wedding gift in advance?"

Ye Yang laughed, avoiding Ling Xiaowen and said with a sly smile: "After the wedding ceremony here, we will enter the bridal chamber in the new home, right?"


Zheng Xian's face turned red.

He is different from Ye Yang. Ling Xiaowen is his first love. He has never held a girl's hand before. She is so pure.

Tonight is the first time in his life. No matter what, he is nervous.

"Don't be nervous. I have summarized some experience for you! Memorize it well and follow those steps tonight. I guarantee you will have the most unforgettable night of your life."

Ye Yang smiled.

He was not much better than Zheng Xian before. After all, he also had his own pursuit of love. He was not ready to fall in love before he was successful in his career. When he graduated from college, he was as pure as Zheng Xian. Otherwise, he would not have waited until he became rich to confirm his relationship with Lin Xueer.

But in the past year or so, he has suddenly changed from an illiterate in this area to a literary master.

He has so much experience in this area that he can publish a book after summarizing it.

It's a pity that there are too many restrictions on novels now, otherwise he would have written all these in detail in his serialized novel.

"Okay, boss!"

Zheng Xian nodded vigorously.

Boys must have a night when they become men.

After tonight, he can be considered a complete man.

The relatives of the Zheng family looked at the big show on Zheng Xian's side and praised him with great envy.

However, her parents who came with Ling Xiaowen were full of worries...

(Second update)

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