Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 880 None of them like it? Then let’s make one ourselves


"Dad, why do you look a little unhappy?"

Ling Xiaowen came over and asked doubtfully.

Father Ling Xiuyan shook his head, unable to explain clearly.

Mother Tong Xiuruo sighed: "Son, although your husband's development is not bad, the family environment..."

Ling Xiaowen scratched her head: "Oh, mother~ didn't I tell you before that Zheng Xian's family is not so wealthy..."


It's okay not to mention this, but when it comes to mentioning this, Ling Xiuyan can see veins on his face.

However, due to self-cultivation and face, it is not easy to explode on the spot.

"Although I know that the conditions at his home may be poor...but..."

Tong Xiuruo smiled bitterly and whispered: "But this is too..."

Zheng Xian's family is not too poor compared to ordinary families.

At any rate, I can always use a small deposit of several hundred thousand for emergencies.

However, comparing Ling Xiuyan and his wife’s expectations for their son-in-law’s family situation...

It's not a tens of billions family. No matter how poor it is... the family should always be a famous family, with a few billion, right?

"We don't care."

Ling Xiuyan said: "But if we hold this event at Jinling's home in a few days, our family will lose all face."

"How could it be possible? Zheng Xian is very powerful now. He has tens of billions of assets at a young age. He will definitely be a famous figure in China in the future!"

Ling Xiaowen was not convinced and wanted to save face for her husband.


Ling Xiuyan shook his head: "He is easy to talk to, but you have to know that their family will send at least a few relatives and two in-laws there. Their mental outlook and quality will be exposed as soon as they are spoken to. , someone will inevitably stir up trouble."

Ling Xiaowen stuck out her tongue.

This is something that cannot be avoided.

She pouted: "Why are you looking at other people's faces! It's not like they are getting married when I get married!"


Ling Xiuyan glanced at her daughter helplessly, closed her eyes and stopped talking.

Seeing this, Tong Xiuruo laughed and said, "Yes, yes, as long as our daughter is happy, it's just a shame! We don't care."

"Hey, good mommy!"


After everything is ready here.

Just start walking according to the normal process, and the relatives of the Zheng family are a little embarrassed.

Ye Yang gave the entire Yingbin Restaurant to Zheng Xian for his wedding today.

The food and wine served are all of the highest quality.

A table is worth less than 100,000 yuan.

Although these relatives didn't know the specific price, but one look at the food and wine, it seemed that they were ridiculously expensive.

They only brought a few hundred yuan, or at most a few thousand yuan in gift money.

I feel too embarrassed to use chopsticks.

There were also many big guys from Ji Province who had found Zheng Xian in order to establish a relationship with Ye Yang, and they also came to celebrate at this time.

Sitting with these big guys, these ordinary relatives are a little reserved when talking.

The more he looked at this scene, the deeper the worry in Ling Xiuyan's eyes became.

Even ordinary officials such as the city governor and department director were too frightened to speak. When it came to my family's wedding banquet, the scene was unbearable to contemplate.

Until this banquet is over.

After everyone dispersed.

Parents on both sides are preparing to go home to communicate and bond...

They have been here before, and they definitely wanted to come here before getting engaged for the sake of their daughter's happiness.

That small home seems to only have an area of ​​80 square meters including the public stall.

It's extremely crowded with so many people, and it's really unsightly.

Their reason persuades them not to look down on the poor, but if they really want them to crowd into a few small spaces to chat, thinking of that scene, they feel a little uncomfortable after all.

However, the car did not go in that direction as they expected.

Instead, they drove to a villa area that they had never been to.


They looked at each other.

For the first time, the worry in his eyes was eliminated, and surprise appeared in his eyes.

"This villa area..."

As an aristocratic family, the Ling family has its own family villa area in Jinling.

"At first glance, this villa area is not the kind of third-rate villa area that only sells for a few million or tens of millions."

Tong Xiuruo said in surprise.

"Yes, even if the land here is cheap, these villas can still be regarded as the first-tier in the country, and the innermost ones can also be regarded as top-notch villas. They can't afford even one billion."

Ling Xiuyan nodded in affirmation.

"Son-in-law, aren't we going to your house? This is?!"

Ling Xiuyan asked.

"Brother Ye gave us a villa here as a gift, and we will all live here from now on."

Zheng Xian smiled.

Because his net worth has skyrocketed recently, he has too many things to deal with. He has not even figured out how much cash he has. The relationship between various companies is not yet stable. In addition, he is busy planning a wedding and has not had time to think about the villa.

Ye Yang's gift today just solved his urgent need.

This made his father-in-law look satisfied for the first time.

"Brother Ye is still awesome!"

Zheng Xian sighed inwardly.

"Ye Yang?"

Ling Xiuyan naturally heard Zheng Xian talk about this man who was better than his own brother.

"Will he also come to the wedding in Jinling?"


Zheng Xian nodded: "Of course."


Ling Xiuyan breathed a sigh of relief.

If Ye Yang is really as powerful as Zheng Xian said, he alone would be enough to control the situation.

He smiled.

It seems that at the wedding banquet in a few days, it may not be completely embarrassing...

After arriving at the place, Ye Yang patted Zheng Xian on the shoulder: "We will be neighbors in the future, visit each other often, I will go home first."

After that, he let Zheng Xian go into the house to live a sweet life.

Ye Yang returned to Xinghuang Mansion.

"Have you decided where to apply?"

Ye Yang asked Ye Xiaozi.


Ye Xiaozi sighed: "Actually, I want to apply to a school in the Magic City, which is closer to you, brother."


Ye Yang shook his head with a smile: "Whether it is Beijing or the Magic City, for me, it is a place where I can see each other in one or two hours, so there is no need to consider this."


Ye Xiaozi scratched his head.

Ye Yang saw Ye Xiaozi's dilemma: "If you think these schools are not suitable for you, I will start a school myself and do everything according to your wishes. It will completely meet the appearance of your dream university."


Ye Xiaozi widened his eyes: "Is it still possible?!"

"Why is it impossible? Isn't university for learning knowledge?"

Ye Yang raised the corner of his mouth: "It can teach the most advanced knowledge, have the most advanced teachers and scientific research resources, and it is a top-notch school. Others may not be able to do it because of various difficulties, but as long as you want, it is not difficult for your brother to run such a top-notch school."

Now he has several of China's top scientific resources.

Whether it is energy or signal, or game equipment, new network, etc.

With the backing of Black Technology Company and Shentu Company, once he wants to start a university, the country will fully support it!

(First update)

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