Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 881 The Difficulty of Hosting a Top University

"Brother has already had this idea, right?"

Ye Xiaozi said with a smile.


Ye Yang shrugged nonchalantly. Nowadays, education is no longer pure. He has long been determined to run a university according to his own will after achieving success.

Now that Ye Xiaozi had just finished the college entrance examination and faced the problem of choosing a school, he thought this might be a good opportunity.

Nowadays, when you go to college, you will first have connections. People you make friends with from top universities will become the mainstays in society in the future, and at least they will be social elites. Many of them will even become big bosses.

The second is educational resources.

However, first, Ye Xiaozi does not need the blessing of any connections at all.

It was too late for others to get to know her.

Second, he can provide the best educational resources.

Even if you go to Qingbei, it is impossible to give all the resources to one person.

Might as well start one yourself.

Since his sister is really determined to achieve academic success, he naturally wants to help her with all his strength.

"If my brother really starts it, of course my sister will fully support you!"

Ye Xiaozi said.


Ye Yang nodded: "That's it."

After speaking, he sent the message to several important confidants.

As the big boss, it is enough for him to make up his mind and explain his purpose and demands.

Someone will handle the following trivial matters and implementation process for him.

"Master, someone from Qingbei wants to see you~"

The beautiful housekeeper came in and said softly.

"Well, let them in."

Ye Yang said lightly.

The two admissions officers came in very respectfully.

It seemed that they had calmed down in the past two days and had a good search for Ye Yang's information.

For such a super-rich family, if they spend only one or two million in cash to add a house, others will not take it seriously at all, and it does not constitute an attraction condition at all.

They have all thought of countermeasures today and are ready to try to attract people again.

In order to grab the top pick, Qingbei has spread many bad rumors over the years.

In order to grab people, they will even put pressure on the school where the top pick is located, indirectly putting pressure on the top pick.

However, Baoli High School itself has a high status.

In addition, there is a big shot like Ye Yang, so they don't dare to do such a thing at all.

I can only come to the door honestly and prepare to fight for it with all my strength.

"What, have you thought of new conditions?"

Ye Yang asked with a smile.

"We can provide good connections! In the department she chooses in the entire school, all resources can be tilted towards her..."

"So are we."

Both sides began to elaborate on the great resources of their schools.

Everyone said that after having fun.

Both of them looked at Ye Xiaozi: "Classmate Xiaozi, which side do you choose?"


Ye Xiaozi thought for a while and smiled: "It's not Tsinghua University."

When the people from the Peking University Admissions Office heard this, they puffed up their chests.

The provincial champion will go to Peking University instead of Tsinghua University? What third choice is there?

"It's not Peking University either."

Ye Xiaozi smiled.


Both sides were confused: "Doesn't our school not have the major you want to study?"

Ye Xiaozi shook her head: "Because my brother wants to run a school of his own. In order to support him, I want to go to the school he runs."


The scene fell into embarrassment.

After a long silence, the person from the Qingbei Admissions Office forced back his surging smile.

Run your own university! ?

How funny! ?

They dare not speak for fear that they will laugh uncontrollably once they open their mouths.

In their opinion, Ye Yang was definitely making a joke! ! !

The information they found on the Internet showed that Ye Yang's net worth may be hundreds of billions.

Even trillions.

Very rich indeed.

However, when compared with the two highest universities in China, they may not be comparable.

In terms of research funding alone, Qingbei now has 50 billion in cash every year.

Not to mention the various extremely expensive top-notch research equipment supported by the state for free, the value of resources behind the school, and the intangible heritage.

A trillionaire may be able to dominate the business world.

But in front of a giant like Qingbei, he is still a younger brother.

Qingbei alone has cultivated several billionaires!

They have gone beyond the scope of 'school' and can be regarded as a unique super power in China.

Give up Qingbei and start a school by yourself?

Do you think running a university is too simple?

"It's really like sitting in a well and looking at the sky. Every thought comes out! Do you think too highly of yourself!?"

They are all complaining crazily in their hearts, but they dare not speak out.

Qingbei is indeed awesome, but the awesomeness of this behemoth does not mean that the two of them are awesome.

They still dare not offend a real boss worth hundreds of billions.

"Ahem... Mr. Ye, what we want to say is that starting a university does not require just having money. There are too many aspects involved... Of course, even if you have money, I'm afraid you won't be able to afford it."

The person from the Tsinghua Admissions Office thought about the words. After a long time, he suppressed a smile and said.

"Yeah yeah!"

The people from Peking University also nodded.

"Oh? Is there still a lot of money in this world that I can't afford? That's great. I think you can calculate this amount for me."

Ye Yang became interested and his eyes lit up... Some people actually thought he was poor.jpg

"Ahem... Even Mr. Cao, the top entrepreneur in China, took out almost all the funds he could mobilize, 15 billion, to build a school. Without considering everything behind it, just counting the money, he only established a not-so-famous school that is not well-known outside the province."

Qingbei is very arrogant in this regard.

Just calculate it directly.

"If you want to run a provincial school, all facilities are complete, human resources and construction funds are all in place within a year, and all kinds of expenses, initial investment, you have to be no less than 20 billion in cash! This is not the case of full-category hosting and later maintenance."

"If you want to run a super school that is famous in China, you have to invest at least 40 billion in the initial stage!"

"If you want to run a famous Chinese super school that can be rated as the top university in the end, although it has nothing to do with money, but the supporting facilities and various expenses alone are conservatively 50 billion!"

"Of course, those are ordinary Brand name. "

The admissions office of Tsinghua and Peking University waved his hand, arrogantly: "If you want to run a school like our Tsinghua and Peking University, the highest institution in China, with a reputation beyond all other universities, and become a national foundation-level institution, even if you spend hundreds of billions, it is just a drop in the bucket, and it is not enough."

"Yes, all the equipment in Tsinghua alone is worth more than hundreds of billions! Especially the equipment and machinery used in advanced physics and advanced biology..."

The two of them shook their heads and sighed: "Mr. Ye has the courage to swallow mountains and rivers, but he must also consider the reality..."

Ye Yang nodded.

It is much more difficult to run a truly top university than he thought!

Especially the foundation, this is indeed something that cannot be made up with some money...

(Second update)

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