Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 882 Since some is not enough, let's take a few more hundred million


Listen to what Ye Yang said.

The people at the Qingbei Admissions Office raised their heads and said repeatedly: "So, Mr. Ye, your sister, you should consider the most prestigious universities like ours with extraordinary foundations. It is not so easy to teach a university that is provincially number one." Even if the richest man in China spends all the cash at his disposal, he probably won't be able to do it!"

For example, two horses and one king.

Although he is well-known in China, his personal assets are only a few hundred billion, and the cash that can be used for purely personal purposes is probably only a few hundred billion.

Want to run a top university?

Not enough at all!

Although this Ye Yang is a rising supernova in the Chinese business world, he is probably similar to the richest man in history, right?

How is it possible to build one in a short period of time...

Not to mention that it can compete with Qingbei, but can it be called a top university with a famous brand?

Ye Yang nodded: "Indeed, when you tell me, I think what I thought before was a bit simple. This is indeed not something that can be done with a little money."

"Hey! That's right!"

Both of them were extremely proud.

As a staff member of Qingbei, you are so awesome!

Even the richest men had to admit their mistakes!

"But since it can't be done with a little money, then I'll use a lot of money."

Ye Yang's next words made them almost flinch.


"Mr. Ye, how much do you plan to invest!?"

"Money can't solve this!"

"That's right, that's right..."

The people in the admissions office were all confused.

We have given you the data, but even 100 billion in cash is not enough!

Do you want to do it again? !

You are awesome!

Are you more awesome than two horses and one king tied together? ?

Ye Yang smiled lightly: "But I don't think I can invest too much. After all, I still have a capital chain to supply."


Several people breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then just invest one trillion Chinese coins first."

Ye Yang said lightly.

"Harmful, let me tell you, it's only ten thousand..."

"Huh? Ten thousand... billion!?"

Everyone reacted for a long time before confirming to each other that what Ye Yang just said was indeed a trillion! ! !



Everyone was completely confused.

"Boss Ye, did you say the wrong number just now..."

Even if I kill them, I won’t believe it!

Someone in China can come up with one trillion... in cash! ?


Totally impossible!

Absolutely absolutely impossible! ! !

Counting up from today onwards, all the richest people in China cannot afford so much cash if they want to build a school! ! !

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "What? Not enough?"


Everyone looked at each other: "There must be a huge surplus... In fact, a few hundred billion in cash is almost enough. But... it's really hard for me to imagine, after all, one trillion Huaxia coins..."

Ye Yang laughed: "Why, don't you believe I have all this money!?"


Everyone smiled bitterly, no matter what Ye Yang said, they definitely didn't believe it.

But they didn't dare to say it.

"Within three months, one of the world's top universities will be built in Jilin Province, China."

Ye Yang said calmly: "You can all go back. You can wait and see during this period."


Everyone resigned.

Suppressing the tight feeling in my chest.

After they were far away from the Star Emperor's Mansion, they couldn't hold it in any longer and finally laughed out loud.

"Damn it, did you just hear that!? He wants to get one trillion! One trillion in cash!!!"

"Return to the world's top university!? Three months!? Are you just dreaming?"

"Absolutely no one in this world can do such a thing!!!"

"Aren't you too arrogant!?"

"At such a young age, he has become one of the richest men in China. He is truly a proud man. He is one of the few capable people in history. There is nothing wrong with being a little crazy, but... I still can't help but laugh, haha..."

"I think he is just too smooth. This time, let him taste the pain of failure!!!"

"Yes, I want to see how he can come up with one trillion in cash! How can he build a super top university in three months!!!"

"He really dares to say it...I would never dare to do this in my dreams..."

The recruiters from both schools were laughing so hard that they made up their minds and were ready to see Ye Yang's joke...


"Do you think we should post this news online so that everyone can see the joke?"

"I agree, I would like to see how he ends up!"

These people who are responsible for recruiting students all carry the assessment standards, that is, KPI. Now that a provincial champion has not selected them, it can be said that they have lost a lot of bonuses.

In addition, Ye Yang said such big words, which of course made them unhappy.

"We don't have any evidence to prove what he said. It's better not to seek death. No matter what, he is still a super boss. He can't take out one trillion, but he can take hundreds of billions casually. He has connections with the world. If you post today, he will be taken away tomorrow. Gotta resign."

Someone advised.


Being so frightened, everyone broke out in cold sweat.

I dare not bring up the topic of spreading this matter online again.

However, not before they dispersed.

A piece of news rushed onto all major news screens! ! !

"Hey! Look!"

Someone said.

"What's wrong?"

Others came over and stared at the screen.

[Mr. Ye Yang, the major shareholder of Shentu Company, just announced that he would take out 1 trillion to build a top international university in Ji Province, China! ]


"He said it himself!?"

"Oh my god... this..."

They were all stunned.

Originally, they thought that Ye Yang was just bragging in the Xinghuang Mansion, so that they would not think he was poor.

Is he serious? ?

He really wants to take out 1 trillion! ! !

They looked at each other and felt a deep shock.


One trillion! ! !

Really, can you say take it out, just take it out...

They confirmed for a long time before they found that this topic was said by Ye Yang himself at the beginning of the broadcast, and it would definitely not be false, and it was not spread by others.

"Mr. Ye's courage is really admirable."

If they thought Ye Yang was just bragging just now, now some of them began to worship and admire Ye Yang: "At least he does what he says."

"I still think this is just hype... one trillion in cash... I really don't think anyone in China can come up with it."

"Isn't it said that he is a major shareholder of Shentu Company? I think it's really possible."

Someone said: "Shentu is a super giant that has emerged in the international business world. It has now ranked among the top in the world, with a market value of 10 trillion Chinese yuan, and its cash flow is immeasurable. In addition to the identities exposed by Mr. Ye before, if he puts all his efforts, he may not be able to... come up with this trillion!!!"

(First update)

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