Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 883: Become the world's number one within three years


After coming to this conclusion.

They were all stunned.

Ye Yang, it is actually possible that he can come up with this trillion! ! !


Now it has become famous all over the world. It is one of the world's top companies. With its special technological innovation and terrifying cash flow, even if it lacks the foundation of time, it is now as famous as the world's largest company, Apple.

Anyone who knows the inside story knows it.

Now it is only a matter of time for Shentu to become the world's number one company. After all, they have mastered technology that is beyond the times. Science and technology are the first productive force!

In another three to five years, I am afraid that it will surpass Apple.

With a market value of tens of trillions, it is the first in the world. It is really lonely to be invincible!

"As a major shareholder of Shentu, even if you can't come up with one trillion, it is far more than these ordinary richest people in China. I am afraid that you can do it if you do your best to come up with hundreds of billions of cash."

"It's terrible..."

They were all shocked.

Hundreds of billions, purely from the perspective of money, is completely enough, even more than enough...

"Building a truly top-notch university is not that simple. The absorption of top talents, the review of national projects, the accumulation of public trust and fame are not something that he can do with money. Without thirty years, even with huge wealth, it is absolutely impossible to build a top-notch university."

Several people comforted themselves again and again.

"And he was a little too confident in the location he chose. Now that talents are all in the south, he established this university in the now economically depressed Jilin Province in the northeast, and it is not well-known. I think it is almost impossible to develop it."

"Yes... Looking at the top universities in China, which one is not in a first-tier city? Network resources, economic environment, too many influencing factors. Mr. Ye..., you are taking it for granted."

Although most of them admire Ye Yang's courage and responsibility.

But they also know that this is basically a fantasy...

Until now, they still feel like they are dreaming.


In the live broadcast room.

Fans are bursting!

"One trillion!"

"Build the world's top prestigious university!?"


"I just saw this on the trending search!"

"Ye Shenhao is awesome!!!"

"It's hype, right? Who can come up with one trillion? Do you think it's just a piece of paper?"

"Haha, I think it's just bragging!"


In the live broadcast room, the heat was overwhelming.

Whenever Ye Yang started broadcasting.

That's when other Douyin live broadcasters feel uncomfortable.

The traffic dropped like crazy, all rushing to Ye Yang's side...

Girls all wanted to see Ye Shenhao's divine face, and boys all admired him.

Of course, regardless of gender, age or age, they were all looking forward to Ye Yang's red envelope.

That's really awesome!

One send is worth billions!

If you get it, it's the beginning of a life turnaround and a change of fate!!!

In their eyes, Ye Yang is the hermit who sends opportunities everywhere in the novel. In the Investiture of the Gods, he is a person who is worthy of being named the God of Wealth!

Because of Ye Yang alone.

Douyin has upgraded its servers several times.

Because there are too many people in Ye Yang's live broadcast room, the server will be overwhelmed repeatedly.


Soon, millions of people poured into the live broadcast room! ! !

Millions of real people online at the same time! ! !

This is a spectacle!

Before this, almost no one's live broadcast room could break the real number of millions of people online at the same time.

It was Ye Yang who kept breaking his own records and created one record after another! ! !

Any previous data was adulterated. Having hundreds of thousands of people online at the same time was the most powerful existence in China.

Those live broadcast rooms that claimed to have more than one million real people online at the same time were basically false propaganda.

At the moment of broadcasting, countless gifts were brushed out.

"Mr. Ye, you finally started broadcasting! I got the red envelope you sent before. I was living in poverty, but with this money, I started a small business and made money. Now I come to repay you! Giving a million is not enough respect!"

"Me too, me too!"


In the live broadcast room, batches of real local tycoons began to give gifts.

Many people just lack opportunities and start-up funds.

Most people dare not take risks for the stability of their lives. After saving for so many years, they basically spent it on buying a house, a car, and marrying a wife. Finally, they saved enough money to start a business, and their children were born.

Most people have this intention, but they will eventually lose to life.

And Ye Yang's red envelope is like a cheat for the life routine they have to follow, and many people succeed because of it!

These bosses who succeeded because of Ye Yang are all very grateful to Ye Yang, and they are not soft-hearted when giving gifts.

Ye Yang smiled. It seems that Lin Yaoxi is not an exception!

He had accidentally contributed to so many good things...

At first, he sent out big red envelopes mainly for the system to return money. Later, as he had more fans, he thought about giving back to his fans. Unexpectedly, this unexpected effect would come out later...

Soon, the topic in the live broadcast room returned to the main topic.

Ye Yang nodded: "Yes, I will take out 1 trillion cash to build a world-class university. This school will be rated as world-class within three months, ranked in the top ten in the world within a year, and become the world's number one within three years."

"Wow! What a great ambition!"

Everyone was excited by the prospect described by Ye Yang!

You should know that no university in China has ever been among the top ten in the world comprehensive evaluation!

Although China is catching up in the economic field, it still has many shortcomings in the academic and scientific research fields, and many people are ashamed of this.

The gap in the backbone field is not too big. China's 985/211 famous schools are enough to match the high-quality schools in foreign countries.

But, there is a lack of real top universities! ! !

Even Tsinghua and Peking University, which are well-known in China, cannot enter the top ten when compared... The top 20 are not stable!

This top academic field is obviously different from the international level.

If the title of the world's first university can really be placed in China, this inner dissatisfaction will be completely wiped out! ! !

"Haha, you're bragging so loudly!"

"You brag about being the best in the world!? Do you know which university is the best in the world? Why are you bragging about it here!? It's Harvard University!!!"

"It was founded in 1636! It has a history of four or five hundred years! You can catch up with it in three years!? You should be careful when you brag!"

"Do you really think you can do whatever you want just because you have money?!"

Many sheepdogs in the comment area started barking.

They admire Europe and America, but Ye Yang actually said that he wanted to build a school that is better than all the top universities in Europe and America? !

How can this be possible! ?

(Second update)

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