Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 884 Please sit down for a while while I kill everyone in the world

"Repay one trillion! Where is your one trillion?! Ah!?"

"That's right! Do you really think one trillion was just blown out of proportion!?"

"I don't believe that anyone can mobilize one trillion in cash! That's simply impossible!"

Ye Yang looked at the black fans below.

He has slapped anti-fans in the face more than once, but these people obviously don't have a long memory!

But yes.

There is a huge crowd on the Internet, with hundreds of millions of netizens.

The previous batch of anti-fans and this batch of anti-fans may not be the same people.

Although Ye Yang doesn't like black fans, he will not use his power to punish them. Otherwise, he will become a special agent with special privileges.

Everyone has the right to dislike another person.

These black fans also understand that Ye Yang will not really mess with them as long as they don't go too far, but once they cross the line, they will be prosecuted mercilessly!

I don’t know how many black fans have been jailed for this.

They even uncovered many spies and foreign elements.

As a result, these people now no longer dare to come to Ye Yang's live broadcast room to complain.

Only a group of pure black fans and some new black fans who joined the black fan group and did not know Ye Yang's energy were left.

"Since you want to see it so much."

Ye Yang said calmly: "How about we make a bet."

"What are you betting on!?"

As soon as this matter was mentioned, some old black fans instantly became alert.

Bet against Ye Yang, but nothing good happens every time.

Many of them went bankrupt because of gambling with Ye Yang!

Just the last time he bet on whether Tang Han Zhihui could become the champion of Paris Fashion Week, at least thousands of black fans were completely ruined, and they couldn't afford to pay back the money they borrowed...

Many people have lingering fears about this.

However, it is clear that more people have more confidence in foreign universities.

Ten months ago, first in three years.

No matter how you hear it, it is a fantasy, something that is simply impossible!

"It's still the old rules, agree on a bet, I accept any bet from any person or force in the world."

Ye Yang said calmly: "Top in three months, first in three years. Each condition is counted once. If any of them are not met, I will pay ten times the compensation. If any of them are met, you will pay double the deposit. How about it?"

Building academic self-confidence is something that China cares deeply about.

Using reasonable gambling to increase publicity and awareness can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

"Ten times compensation?!"

Everyone is calculating Ye Yang's chances of success.

But no matter how they calculated, they all felt that Ye Yang would never succeed!

Even if Ye Yang really becomes the number one super school in the world in terms of hard power, it is impossible for foreign review agencies to really give him the number one title!

It’s simply a must-win game!

After all, previous rankings of top universities are conducted by foreign authoritative institutions, and they definitely prefer universities in their own countries.

Even if Ye Yang really builds the world's number one school, it would be good if he could be given the title of number two.

It’s impossible to really become number one!

After thinking about it.

All these anti-fans were excited.

This time they want to win back everything they lost to Ye Yang! ! !

And make a lot of money along the way!

The news spread instantly and many unscrupulous companies and speculators sneered.

Ye Yang has reached this point and naturally has many enemies.

The stock market investment experts who had been disgraced by him before stood up one after another and prepared to deal with Ye Yang hard...

There are also many companies that have analyzed that the probability of this happening is very small.

There were also meetings all night long.

"Chairman, are we going to do it or not!? That Ye Yang is so arrogant that he is the enemy of the world!"

"That is, he made it clear that everyone, whether an individual, company, group, or organization, can participate in this bet!!!"

"That's right!"


The directors have endless greed in their eyes.

Although there is no shortage of responsible entrepreneurs in China's business community.

But most of them are profit-seeking, have no sense of responsibility, have no human feelings at all, and only care about profit.

They calculated that this matter had a high chance of winning and a high return, so of course they were ready to cut leeks.

Cutting leeks is their instinct.

"It's not because we are too ruthless, it's because Ye Yang is so crazy! He dares to declare war on the world! Begging us to cut him off! If we don't take action, wouldn't we be so sorry to him!"

"That's right!"

All the directors are connected.

Extremely tempting.

Tenfold return!

Even if you have been in business for decades, you can’t achieve this kind of rate of return!

Invest one billion and earn ten billion! ! !


That night, countless chairmen sat in their chairs, thinking deeply.

Ye Yang's name already has a certain deterrent effect in China.

Anyone who knows Ye Yang is afraid of him.

Many of them chose not to get involved and watch the fire from the other side.

Some people choose to take the plunge and directly invest a huge amount of money.

After all, as long as you invest money, you will show that you and Ye Yang are enemies, and there will be no mercy! Throw yourself into death!

Three months later, he suddenly became rich! ! !

Others contacted foreign investors and lent their hands to participate in the gambling without showing up.


the next day.

Deposit closing.

Ye Yang looked at the amount of the bet and the corners of his mouth curled up.

"It's really positive."

You don’t know until you try. After saying this, in just one day, countless people, groups, and companies in China and around the world bet against him.

Money and silk are so tempting that these people are like crazy.

“No need to close the market. Let’s keep it open for another week. I want to see how crazy they can be.”

Ye Yang smiled faintly.


Yu Momo, who was responsible for monitoring the betting market, said with some worry.

Although she had infinite confidence in Ye Yang, there were too many uncertainties this time. As long as there was a slight possibility of losing, she had to do risk calculation for Ye Yang.

Now there are two or three hundred billion betting funds on the market.

If Ye Yang loses, he will have to pay two or three trillion in cash!

How much cash is in circulation in the entire Chinese market! ?

Once he loses, no matter how rich Ye Yang is, he can’t afford it.

“No problem, do as I say.”

Ye Yang smiled slightly. Since he wants to play, he will play a big one!

There are very few things that can make him feel excited. Since he wants excitement, why not carry it through to the end?

"Don't worry, leave it alone. I'll conquer the whole world."

Ye Yang patted Yu Momo's shoulder, and there was infinite confidence in his words...

In the next few days, this matter will spread more and more, and more and more people will be involved.

Especially those top foreign schools.

Board of Directors.

"To become the world's number one school in three years!? A Chinese, what gave him such a tone and words!!!"

"He really doesn't take us seriously, right?!"

"Haha, doesn't he want to play? Our board of directors, spend 300 million US dollars for me! I want to see how he ends!!!"

(First update)

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